Friday, March 9, 2018

One Day

Some of us have a little jar that we start at the beginning of the year, and we place in it extraordinarily good things that happen to us during the year. Those little slips of paper that we place in the jar represent "moments in time." While receiving extraordinarily good things is nice, let us turn that thing around and let's see how many moments in time we can enrich someone's life to the extent that if they kept a jar of their own, your good deed would be placed in it.

We talked about a moment in time in the paragraph above, but you know, there will come a moment when moments in time will be recorded no more and we will meet our Savior over on the other shore. And the books will be opened and the records that have been recorded about the lives that we lived will be read. At the great opening of the book of life what we have done here will determine what we hear said. So, let's live each day as the precious moment that it is, while good deeds are still being recorded.

One Day

One day the final chapter will be written

One day the books will be opened and read

And you will be called upon to give an account

Of the things that you have done and said

So, try to live life so that the things that

Are written will not, at the judgment

Cause you to be filled with dread.

In light of the verse above

It is not asking too much

To ask you to show love.


Peas in a Pod

...For all men are like peas in a pod

And will have the pod cover of clay

Peeled back one day

To reveal every footstep that was made

To show every soul for whom or against

Whom they did trod.

           (excerpt from Chopping My Row, p. 135)

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