Monday, November 14, 2022

Stress Reliever


The weather turned cold in our area a couple of days ago, so I pulled out a throw that I made a couple of years ago. The added weight felt good on the bed and I got extra joy out of knowing I had made it with my hands. I remember my joy when I made my first flower. Such a simple joy.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Do you know why? When you do something you like to do, it makes you feel good. I like to crochet and seeing the throw that I had made raised that joy in me again. 

I always tell you to find something that you enjoy doing and work your stress out that way. It might be reading, going for a walk, embroidering, cooking, etc. When you do that, you build endorphins. You can read further about it in one of my books,  Bear the Good News.
And, just so that you know, paying someone a compliment does the same thing, for you and for the person receiving the compliment.

In these times of political turmoil, it pays to be prayerful and to practice doing things that alleviate stress. Be blessed!