Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A Prudent Wife

[caption id="attachment_736" align="alignnone" width="300"] One Such Effort at Being a Prudent Wife - Christmas Covering for Bed[/caption]

It Is Written

Proverbs says, "A prudent wife is from the Lord." As a woman and wife and mother, that is something that I have always aspired to be. But my desire to be prudent did not start when I became an adult and wife and mother. Way back when I was a little girl, I heard a Bible verse read in Sunday school and it has stayed with me since. The verse was James 1:5 which says:
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

A Gift

Began from that moment to beseech the Lord for wisdom and He answered me. Though I did not know it at the time, I was to use that wisdom in all lives that I touched. I, at times, astounded my teachers, my mother, other adult family members and even myself. Most of the folk back then thought that I was "smart." That was the term for a child that studied hard in school and made good grades. Made fairly good grades, but I did not study. Did not have to. If I heard or read something once, it just stayed with me.

But, sometimes I would come up with some profound thing that made my mother do a double-take. Ha, ha, when I became an adult, my mother and I laughed about some of the things that I came up with as a child. She told me that when I looked at her and bucked my eyes, she did not know what was going to come out of my mouth. Some of the old folks said that I was an "old soul." What they meant, I don't know and I was too afraid of getting into trouble to ask when I was a child. And those folks are gone now. But, I think that it meant that I had some wisdom.

Why Talk About It Now?

Now, why am I mentioning all of that to you this morning? I am mentioning it so that you will know that God answers prayer. And to show you that you can ask for wisdom, too. When you get your wisdom, be sure to use it for His glory. Husbands, dads, granddads, uncles, etc. you can likewise use your gifts to show love to a child or another in need. Guidance is always needed by children and everyone benefits from kindness.

Not Just In My Writing

People have asked me from time to time, how I come up with the things that I write. I tell them, "It is not me, but the glory of my Father shining through me." To sum up what I am saying this morning:

Maybe you have been given the gift of being good at something. Then, use it for the glory of God and for the instruction of others, especially children. Use the gift that you have been given in whatever way that you can. If you can do a thing well, then donate some of the profits or time to a charity, children, etc. You could find a child that you want to help and become an anonymous donor to his or her schooling. Notebook paper, pencils, coats, socks, shoes, birthday presents, etc. are all things that children need. or you could help someone anonymously on their utility bill during the winter months. I know that I certainly would have appreciated it if that had been done for us when I was a child. But, then I would not have the charcoal bucket memories. (See "W.O.W. created w.o.w.," pp.  34-39)

Now you know why I do what I can while I can and am trying to leave no stone unturned in the process. I am trying to help my fellowman in love because the Lord loved me first. He loved me enough that He is preparing a place for me and is coming back for me.

One Day

One day, one day, I will get

To walk those streets of glory

But until then I will walk this

Land and tell my story.

Monday, October 30, 2017

For Me?

I Can't Believe It!

Life has afforded me some great joys at times. There have been moments when I have exclaimed, "For me?" Such an exclamation usually means that the recipient of a certain action or gift cannot believe that the gift is actually theirs. A reaction such as the one mentioned above means that the recipient was not accustomed to having things of that magnitude happen to them or for them. At least, that is what it meant in my case.

If Only I Had Known

Nevertheless, I wanted to take a different slant on "For Me " this morning.  Have you ever looked back in your life and thought, "If only..."? I'm am sure that most of us have, but, I finally came to the realization that if it were meant to be, it would be. When you come to that realization, you don't have to go through life kicking yourself by saying, "If only I had just done this or if only I had not done that."

Easy Enough

Most games are easy to play if you know the rules of the game.  If you have watched children play at any time, you probably have heard them say things like, "No fair. you didn't say that when you told us the rules." And you might have heard another one exclaim, "It's my ball and I can make any rule I want to." Such is the life of children.

But what about when you take a scenario out of adult life. Let's say that there are several people vying to get a certain job and the competition is fierce. They are all lined up for the final, determining interview and all are nervous. All of them are dressed in their best clothes except one (the one with the loud green hat or baseball cap). Each one has a new haircut or a new hairdo, except that same one from the sentence above.

Now you know how people will tend to do when they are vying for a certain position. I imagine the people in the interview process would all be doing pretty much the same thing. They would be looking the competition over in their minds and doing a mental elimination of the ones that they thought they could beat. And, nine times out of ten, most of them would have counted out the one with the loud green hat or baseball cap who looked a bit too casual and unkempt.

Wasn't Meant to Be

There is nothing that you can do to your life that can thwart the plans that God has for you. I said this about a year ago in a previous blog and felt the need to say it again. You have to learn what I had to learn in life, "To make the most out of your situation" and to keep stepping. Sometimes it might seem that you are stepping to no avail, but you keep stepping anyway.

Whatever, and I do mean whatever, happens in your life, it cannot supersede the plans of Jesus. When you walk in that kind of faith you will be saying, "What Jesus has decreed for me is for me and no amount of machinations can make it be any other way."

Joseph's brothers thought that they could cut him out of something that was meant for him. Didn't happen. Herod sought to kill Jesus, didn't happen. What am I saying? Just this, stop worrying about what you might have missed because of this situation or that situation and keep walking by faith. When and if it is your time, it will happen for you.

In Conclusion

One thing about it, as surely as we live and breathe, if we remain faithful we will hear these words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord." Then, friend, you can say, "Aah-h-h, for me...for me."

Note: The one in the green hat from the interview process above? Oh, it was already fixed. All He had to do was show up.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

High on Faith


You know those times that you have joy in your heart and a spring in your step when it seems that you don't have anything to be joyous about? Referring to the times that you almost want to skip, but it seems that you don't have anything to skip about... It might seem that way to the world, but you know that you have a story to tell. And because of that story, you can smile in the face of adversity and cause your friends and enemies alike to scratch their heads in bafflement.

Written for Our Learning

As mentioned above, all of us have enemies, don't we? But we surround ourselves with family and friends, make the best out of situations, and prayerfully continue to work for the Lord. I have learned not to be overly concerned with my enemies because I am reminded of verse 17 in 2 Kings, chapter 6.

It seems that Elisha had angered the king of Aram because he had warned the king of Israel more than once or twice about an impending attack on the king. The king of Aram had become so enraged that he demanded to know who the spy was in his own camp. But his people told him, "Not so, my king. It is that prophet of Israel who is telling the king of Israel all that you plan against his person." Then the king of Aram sent many chariots, horses and a great army to take Elisha.

Oh, Lord, Oh, Lord!

It seems that Elisha's servant became upset and fearful when he awoke the next morning and saw the army of Aram that had amassed in the night. He knew that the army was there to take Elisha. But Elisha was not bothered in the least for he stayed in prayerful contact with God. When Elisha saw that his servant was fearful, he told him not to worry about it, so to speak. He told him that there were more on their side than there was of the enemy.

Elisha servant must have still looked doubtful or fearful because Elisha took pity on him and said these words in prayer:
O, Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.' And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

What to Do

Elisha knew that the king had sent an army through the night before the servant did, apparently. But, Elisha did not panic, instead,  he prayed. He did what we all should do in tough times. If we get into the practice of praying to God through all types of situations, then by faith, we know to turn to Him when the enemy amasses an army against us.

We can be so confident of God's help that we can display a carefree attitude in the face of adversity. Yes, as I said in the first paragraph, we can be joyous to the extent that our friends and family wonder about us, probably like Elisha's servant did about him.

Knowing Who his Battleaxe was, Elisha walked with assurance because He was high on faith. He knew that no matter how hard he was hit, he had a secret Weapon. The presence of the Lord's army gives us the strength to carry on His work as we walk by faith. As long as you are God's faithful child, know that you never walk nor fight alone. Hold on to His unchanging hand.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

The Right Persuasion

[caption id="attachment_725" align="alignnone" width="149"] Persuasion[/caption]

Oo-wee, I Want

Have you ever wanted something so badly and wanted it and wanted it until you told a few of your associates about this thing that you wanted? (screened-in porch, sunroom, house with a basement game room, a particular shade and style of sofa that you saw down at the local furniture mart, etc.) And you discover that the very thing that you said you wanted, one or several of your associates had gone out and gotten that very thing. It might have been a situation where some of the ones who had gone out and gotten the very thing they had ridiculed you about when you told them that you wanted it.  Of course, when they did, some of those associates explained half-heartedly or sheepishly that they thought about what you had said and realized that it was a good idea.

Realizing What You Have

Uhm humm, well you know what? If I can talk about a material thing to the extent that it causes someone to want it and to leave no stone unturned to get it, then I must have powers of persuasion. Therefore, I am going to use those powers of persuasion where they can do the most good.

That means that since it is obvious that I have been given the ability to persuade people, that could be an effective ministry. Uhm hmm, you see, if I talk about Jesus enough by talking about how He has brought me through so many situations, it is bound to have an impact on who I am talking to.  Instead of talking about how nice it would be to sit out on the porch in the cool of a summer's evening in a screened in porch with the gentle summer breeze caressing my face as it blows through or how the shade of the sofa was not aqua and was not teal, but was an intricate, almost indescribable hue (the-you'd-have-to-see-it-to-believe-it hue), I could talk about the unparalleled lovingkindness of my Savior.

How So?

The conversation could go something like this.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you would allow someone to pierce you with a poisoned arrow or spear to save them? Would you really do that to save someone? Is there anyone that you love that much? Uhm hmmm, well, how about a perfect stranger? We know that all people are are fellowmen so would you do that to save your fellowman?

Whoever you were talking to would probably be just like most of us and say something like, "No," or "I don't know about that." And that is a natural response.
But that is not what Jesus did. He knew the agony that was going to be His and yet He died for you and me anyway. Knew that sometimes I would be stubborn and would at times commit sin, but He died for me anyway. That had to be some kind of love!

But, He didn't stop there.

He went on back to glory and He and the Father are preparing a place for me in the eternal city where I can be with Him forever. And get this, God says that, "It has not entered into the hearts of man, the joys that the Lord has prepared for those that love Him."Sinner that I am, He loved me that much.

You know, it kind of grabs you right here (hand over heart) and it makes you think, "If He were willing to do all of that for me, I want to go there and see this place and live with Him forever. I mean what's not to want? Want to walk through the city where the streets are like polished gold, foundations are of the finest gems, water flows from a crystall stream and the tree of life is right there in the midst  yielding its fruit forever. I want to go. Oo-wee, I want that!"

What do you think would be the response to a conversation like that?

That's How Badly

That's how badly we ought to use our powers of persuasion because we ought to want an eternal home with Jesus so badly that we talk about it to the extent that somebody wants to go with us. That is the right persuasion.

Friday, October 27, 2017

In My Heart

People often ask me why I sing because they equate singing with being happy. I sing because there is a song in my heart. I'm like the robin, the nightingale and some other songbirds, the song is there, so I sing.

"Sing what and what song?" is what somebody might ask. Good question. The type of song that I sing and the choice of song varies from time to time. Sometimes I sing

  • Praise to God for His Being

  • Thanksgiving for blessings

  • Requests made to Him for self

  • Requests made to Him for others

  • Thanksgiving for Jesus

  • Sing in awe of His handiwork and power

  • In short, just sing.

Yeah, but...

Again, singing does not always mean that I am happy. Sometimes it serves me by reminding me Whose child I am. I remember some of those old songs that were sung in the little church where I grew up.

  1. If the Lord don't help me...I cain't stand the storm, hm-mm. I can still hear some of those old sisters belt out some of those old songs.

  2. Guide me, Oh, Thou Great Jehovah.. pilgrim through this barren land, wuh, uuuh, uh Guide me... The songs are in my heart. They are a repertoire that I can pull from depending on my circumstances.

  3. Precious Lord, take my hand...lead me on-n-n, let me, let me sta-and. I, I get so tired and I-I get weak. And sometimes I just break out with, "And I get worn. Oh! Oh! Wuh- u-u-h, through the storms... Woo, hoo through the night! Hold my hand, please suh Jesus..."

The songs above carry me back to my God's throne and there I get sweet consolation. When I finish the song, I may be in tears sometimes, but my soul has often been healed or is being healed with each of the drops that fell/fall.

You understand what I mean, even if you do not know the songs that I just mentioned. But one thing I will remind you of, the songs are in my heart and I use them to carry me where I need to go as I traverse this land on my way back home.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Mountaintop Blessings

Told the Lord one morning in prayer that I loved Him so much that I would shout it from the tallest mountain.   Thinking that getting high enough to be seen by the masses, in our quest to share news is valid. Therefore, raised podiums for speakers and microphones to have the sound carry more, are used.

I was speaking figuratively in the first line of the paragraph above. But, it is something that I would actually do if I could. Imagine standing with a megahorn proclaiming to all people how faithful, righteous, just and lovingly kind God is. That would be something to see, wouldn't it?

How Tall Is Your Mountain?

Learn to use whatever you have on hand to get the message of love out about the Lord.  If you say it loudly, joyously, and long enough, people will listen.

Right now, the tallest mountain in my world is my blog and my books. That means you, dear reader, are a part of the mountain from which I shout. Now I stand and proclaim to all peoples, across races, creeds, countries, and language barriers the immense love of God. And I stand boldly and proudly.

Tallest Mt.

Standing atop the tallest

Mountain in my world and

Yelling for all to hear

"Jesus is Lord!" and Friend to man.

You Can't Beat Him Giving

I write what I write because it has been placed on my heart to care and encourage.  I told you before that Jeremiah 9:24 says that GOD likes to be bragged on. If I do what HE says and if HE likes what I do, then I will, not only make heaven my eternal home but will have HIS blessings for my good will down here. I just never imagined the height of my mountain nor the magnitude of His blessings.  My heart overflows with gratitude as I sit at the Lord’s table and drink from the cup of the bounty of His blessings.

In conclusion, I want you to imagine standing on a mountaintop and yelling a message out. Have you ever had the occasion to do that? Whatever you yell echoes and reverberates, doesn't it? Uhm hmm, well what about this? Think about how wonderful it would feel if those echoes that reverberated were blessings coming back to you.

  • encouraging believers -  lifting up the weary

  • non-believers to believe

  • angels rejoicing

  • building up the future church


Blessings from the mountaintop, it doesn't get any sweeter than that. My Lord and my God, to You, be the glory.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Count on God

Another Day I arose to see
Thank You, Lord, for blessing me...

Cold came creeping in last night

While I was snug in my bed

And I awoke to a fall chill

But I got up because it was Your will.

I plopped my happy feet on the floor

And I said, "Thank You, Lord, for one day more."

So, as long as You give me breath

I will lift my voice in song and praise

As thanks to You, Lord, I raise.

You told me in Your word that I could always count on You. And You have shown by interceding in my life that I can. That is why I want to tell the world that I know that I can count on You. Tell the world that I am a living witness that when times got dark and chilly for me, You kept me.

So I want to say to you brother and sister

That when things are dark don't despair

Just go down on Your knees in prayer.

Remember that Jesus gave His life for You

And He would not have done that to leave

You all alone with the various problems

That He already knew that you would go through.

Even Though

That means that He knew the sins way beforehand that we would commit. But, in spite of the times that we have let Him down, He has always been, always been faithful. He is still letting us know that we have a God, Who we can count on.

If you have disappointed yourself because you feel that you have let Him down, don't despair. Ask for forgiveness and keep walking for Him. Keep telling the world that you have a God you can count on and let His glory shine through you.

Dark Times

When you have dark times in your life, don't forget that we have a faithful and loving God that we can count on. Therefore, don't you let Him down now by giving up. He sees, He knows, and He cares.  You just keep that hope that is within you and thank Him beforehand for the victory that He will bring you to. And then you tell Him, that even if He doesn't deliver you, you know that He is able. Those words were uttered by the Hebrew boys when confronted by the king and his fiery furnace. And you see the result that they got. Though they got thrown into the fiery furnace, they came out not even smelling like smoke. We have a God that we can count on. So, praise Him, even in dark times because morning's coming, the sun will shine, and the chill will be gone.

I'm Glad I'm His Child

Sometimes I get so filled up with praise that it flies from my heart to my fingertips. The poetry was bursting to come out so much that I had to just intersperse this blog with bits of it. Woo! When you are His child, He will give you gifts to use in glorifying Him in your walk as His witness. So glad, so glad that I am His child for I can count on God. Aren't you glad to be His?

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

You Deserve It

For All

First, because You died for all mankind, even me, I speak from my blog, the pages of my books, and in person about Your faithfulness. You deserve my praise and You deserve my honor, therefore to you and for You, I will raise my voice. Consequently, there is a song that has been ignited within my soul that lionizes Your lovingkindness and faithfulness. Lastly, I am sharing that song with my fellowmen today.

 My Tribute Song

   Oh, Great FATHER of Mine


Oh great FATHER of mine

THOU has been wowing mankind

Since the beginning of time.

I’m praising in appreciation with humble submission

Thanking YOU, LORD, that some Of the awe is mine.

(Refrain):  Uhm-m-m FATHER W-O-O-O-W!

I thank YOU I bless YOU LO-O-R-RD, I’m thankful

For the privilege of prayer

Uhm-m-m, I’m thankful W-O-O-O-W

To be a child of THINE!

Being blessed with the privilege of prayer

Along with the rest of mankind

Am so thankful to be acknowledged

As a child of THINE

And I praise YOU

I bless YOU for

Accepting praise from me

Though YOU are divine.

The psalmist wrote in Psalms 65

Of his being inspired and wowed

Way back in Biblical times

But I am humbled and grateful that YOU

Let your glory come shining through

By allowing this “earthen vessel” to be a conduit too!


(Refrain): Uhm-m-m FATHER W-O-O-O-W!

I thank YOU I bless YOU LO-O-R-RD, I’m thankful

For the privilege of prayer

Uhm-m-m, I’m thankful W-O-O-O-W

 To be a child of THINE!



Bless YOU for what has been written

Before my time and placed in the Bible for my learning

It makes me want to keep running on

And for YOU and heaven to keep yearning.

(Refrain):  Uhm-m-m FATHER W-O-O-O-W!

I thank YOU

I bless YOU

LO-O-R-RD, I’m thankful

For the privilege of prayer

Uhm-m-m, I’m thankful, W-O-O-O-W

To be a child of THINE!© excerpt from W.O.W. created w.o.w.


Rom. 15:4



Monday, October 23, 2017

Just as Long


People sometimes wonder why I do what I do and have even asked me if I ever get tired. I flip the question and ask, "Do you ever get too tired to receive the blessings that His love required? Therefore, I never get too tired to give back to my fellowman what the knowledge of that love inspired." So, in answer to, perhaps, other unspoken questions, I pen poems such as the one below.

Just as Long

You see me how

I do not know

And it doesn't matter as

On through life, I go.

Just as long

As flowers grow and birds sing

...stepping and stepping

For my King.

Just as long

As the sky is blue and grass is green

Gonna be stepping and stepping

For Jesus, my King.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Till I Lay My Head to Rest

[caption id="attachment_454" align="alignnone" width="300"] Ever onward I Go.[/caption]

Though I walk mile after weary mile
Still, there is within me no guile
For to Him I belong, yes
I am His child
Till I lay my head to rest.


There is a melody sweet and low

That by this poet must be rung

Out to the world to say

"To Jesus Christ, I belong"

And because of that I sing my song

Till I lay my head to rest.

Driven by a Fire

There is a fire that burns within me that cannot be quenched. It flows from my fingertips to land in prose and verse across my page. And it drips with honeyed, but compelling words from my lips in speeches and songs. What is this fire that burns me so? It is the fiery desire to tell the world of the love of Jesus, as on my story-telling mission I go.

It is Sunday morning and I am excited about the opportunity to attend worship again. There is a need in me to acknowledge the power of God and restoke my internal fire in doing so. And the telling and restoking will continue till I lay my head to rest.

When God gave us Jesus

He gave us His best

And so, the telling and restoking

Will continue till I lay my head to rest

Till I lay my head to rest...

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

If the Lord...

When Life Gets Hard

Sometimes we have to go through some rough things in life.  They are, either things we bring on ourselves, or things that people cause to happen to us. We can be so beaten down that it is hard to keep the upbeat feeling that we started off with.  Yep, Been there, done that.

But, how do you make it through rough patches in life like the ones mentioned above?

Free Ebook

The quote above is from a free ebook of devotionals that I will be offering to you. One of the offerings in the book is the entire chapter that deals with storms (times when life gets hard) from my fast-selling book," Chopping My Row." It is difficult for me to keep copies of it in my possession, which is a nice problem to have.

I have included devotional excerpts from several of my books in this ebook. To get your free copy just subscribe to my email newsletter which will be published monthly. The ebook will be available before the end of the month as it is being polished by the publisher now.

A Prayer to Sustain You

A prayer for the journey so far:

Thank You, Father, and forgive me when I complain about the storms (rough patches) in my life. I will keep reminding myself of all of the preparations that you have made for me, and I will keep saying, “I don’t believe You brought me this far to leave me.”

If the Lord had not been my help..."

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones


Friday, October 20, 2017

A Smile on My Face

Yes, a Smile

Good morning neighbor. Yes, you see a smile on my face and yes this smile is for you. Don't you know that by sharing this smile, I am helping myself, too? I smile when I think about the love that the Savior has for me. And I smile when I remember the many troubles that He has brought me through. There is a rejoicing that threatens to burst from within because He continues to cover me, though I sin.

Too much or not Enough?

You see, when I think about the love that He has shown me in the shedding of His blood, I know that He is with me in all that life throws my way.

That means:

  • There is joy in chance meetings that happen within my day because I wonder what is next in His plan.

  • I get joy out of using various opportunities to share His love with my fellowman.

  • It may sound a bit strange to you, but I find myself trying to figure out how I can use opportunities to give Him glory by telling my story. Afterall, that is what my life is about.

Caused Him to Smile

Somebody said, "That is all she wants to talk about is God." Uhm hum-m, and when I get to the judgment, do you think I am going to be worried about talking about Him too much and trying to live for Him too much? Nope, I'm not. And anyway, better to talk about Him and His unfailing love for us than to gossip about my fellowman.

So, I Smile

So, if a smile is all that I have to give, it is a gift of love that I give freely. If you receive it, then good for you, and if you don't that's alright, too. I will have made an attempt to play a part in brightening your day and the way that you walk away feeling is not up to me to say.

In conclusion, accept my smile and my

goodwill in the spirit in which it is given

For it is better to give away smiles

Than to be hatred driven.

A "Pollyanna," yes, that would be me

Spreading joy and an infectious smile

For all the world to see

And yes, a "Pollyanna" I would rather be

Than to be known as one who uses words

To inflict needless cruelty.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

All Is Never Lost

If the Lord...

Seen some of the best of my times, seen some of the worst of my times, but remembered my God through all of my times. There have been times that I have had to repeat my mantra of living, "If the Lord..." When I do that, I remember that someway, somehow, God will make everything alright. I never let myself give up on Him completely.

When my back is against the wall

And it seems that all I held dear is gone

I remind myself that I am not alone

That the Lord has the power to pick

Me up from my fall

As with faith and hope, Romans 8:28 I  recall.

Through It All

When I thought that I had lost my all, He showed me

My everything in the plans He had made for me

He reminded me that it is with limited vision that I see

And proceeded to show me just that in

The subsequent things that He let be.

"Cain't" Tell It All

The Lord is my Constant.  I cannot tell you all that I would about my Lord, but suffice it to say that I have never lost "all," as long as He has been the head of my life. Cannot tell you all that He has done for me. But I can tell you that He is my Rock of Ages, my Rose of Sharon, My Balm in Gilead.  He is my trailblazer when there seems to be no way out.

In short

He is my all in all

He has heard and will continue

To hear my trembling and feeble calls

And I can stand here and say that

Because He is my Constant

I have never lost my all.

I had not planned to do a poem for you this morning, just a bit of prose, but the Lord deemed otherwise.

Don't Quit 
By Edgar A. Guest (1881-1959)?

When Things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill...
Don't quit.



Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Change Is Coming

Alluded to yesterday is the fact that nothing is constant except the faithfulness of the Lord. As a result, change is hard to deal with, especially multiple changes in rapid succession. Some things last so long in our lives that we start to take them as forever.  But not so because all things are moving toward an end, as we are, ourselves.
This lesson aims to help us not become unduly bothered about things that change, because we know that, though we make plans, everything depends on the will of the Lord. That has not always been the case with me. I had to learn to expect change because that is the way the Lord set things up. God does things per a plan, and according to Jeremiah 29:11 KJV, He has always had a plan for us. He put that plan for our lives in place a long time ago.

Let’s take a look at the story of Joseph in the Bible (Genesis 37:1–36 and chapters 39–41 NKJ). You see from this biblical account that Joseph experienced some unexpected, unpleasant changes in his life. He was thrown into a pit, sold to the Egyptians, and thrown into prison.

We realize that these unwelcome changes were not things Joseph planned or enjoyed, but he managed to keep his faith in God. We can see the hand of the Lord working through whatever situations, traps, and pitfalls Joseph faced. When he faced the pit, the Lord got him out of the pit, because if you will remember, it was his brothers’ original intent to kill him and tell their father that a wild animal had slain him. That’s what they thought they were going to do, but not so. The Lord already had a plan. He had the plan before Joseph was even born. Woo!

Folks, when you think about it, you know that whatever moment we happen to be experiencing in our lives, whatever moment defines this moment or this day, God is already there working things out according to HIS plan! If you adopt this attitude in your life, you will have people marveling at your faith in God.

Forward I Go

Jeremiah 29:11 KJV has let me know

That You have already made plans

For me, and armed with that

Knowledge, it is forward that I go.

I see in nature when I look around

That you never leave situations to chance

For Your meticulous preparation

Can be seen throughout all creation.

You plan things down to minute details,

And because of that fact, I get assurance,

And armed with the knowledge of Your love,

It is on down the row that I go.

When I think about the fact that Your

Omnipotent hands fashioned me in my work

In the way that You wanted me to chop my row,

I get renewed vigor and tenacity

No matter what is thrown at me by my foe.

And it is with relish that I tell the world

My God loves you and me, and this is a

Fact that I know.

For knowing that I am a part of His eternal plan,

I chop the weeds that are on my row

Whether they are tall or high.

It is with determined tenacity

That I, with my eyes on my Father, work my row,

As toward the eternal city I go

To a prepared city in the sky. (excerpt from Chopping My Row)

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Day Makes the Difference

Remember the Sparrow

This too shall pass has been quoted often as a consolation in times of adversity. The common way to say it is, "Troubles don't last always." How true that is. Yet, we so soon forget those very words. What I like to remember is that times, good and bad will not always last but faith in God will hold me fast. That means that if we hold on to our faith in all kinds of weather, we will be blessed with less stress.

Practice Makes Perfect

If we remember the care that the Lord has for the sparrow, then we should take consolation in the fact that He will provide for us, as well. If we practice reading the Bible and having faith in God daily, then by sheer repetition, our faith will grow. That will make our faith a habit, which in turn will make it stronger.

When you condition your physical muscles, over time they get to be stronger, don't they? Well, the same thing goes for "muscles of faith". First, you believe one day, and the next day makes two and then three, while all the time continuing to read and study your Bible. Each day makes a difference.

In the Morning

Each day that you arise to see another morning might be the day that will bring changes to your circumstances.


Heading for there

Just left there.

The three phrases mentioned in the poem above could have reference to adverse times (trouble) or good times (joy). Either way, nothing lasts forever, except the love of God, that is.

Learn to Wait

If you are in adverse times, always think to yourself that today may be the day that the change comes for you that Isaiah and David talked about. (Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, KJV)

If You Are in Good Times

Learn to savor the good times while you can because, as sure as you are breathing, adverse times will come.  In conclusion, remember today may be the day that a difference in your life is made.  And be mindful of the fact that the displaying of your faith today might make the difference in someone else's today or tomorrow. "Chopping My Row," p. 24.)

And always walk assuredly in His love.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Owe It All to Thee

The Extension of Favor

The favor shown in my life
From people who did not know
Why they favored me
The blessings You've let me see
I owe it all to thee.

Thinking Back

When I think about the blessings that have been and still are afforded me in my life, I have to say, "I owe it all to Thee." When I was a child and people singled me out to receive some gift or recognition, whether great or small, I used to wonder, "Why me?" I have even had so-called friends to say within my hearing, "Why her? I mean, nothing against you, Alma, but it does make you wonder why you were singled out from the rest of us. Anyway, that's the way it is, for now, and I am proud for you." You may have had similar comments made to you or made in your presence about someone else. At any rate, you know what I mean.

Paying It Forward

Now, I do not think as much about the why of a thing as much as I think about the good that I can do with it. I figure that since I have been blessed to do a certain thing well, then I am meant to share that thing. Hence you have my blog writing, ladies day speaking and YouTube videos. If a thought blesses my spirit, then I share that thought in the hope of blessing someone else's spirit. It's as simple as that.

In Conclusion

In living out my motto of, "Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care," I am trying to inspire, motivate, and encourage some people in their earthly walk to spread the love that the Lord has shown to them. Still others, I am trying to impart enough of the knowledge of the love of the Lord for them so that they want to get to know Him for themselves. One thing about it, "To know Him is to love Him." In short, I am lifting Him up, folks, as I shout to Him, "I owe it all to Thee!" And how far and how high will I carry this message of love that He has for us and I for Him? Like I told Him a long time ago, "I will shout this love from the tallest mountain in my world..."

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A Great Victory

[caption id="attachment_646" align="alignnone" width="300"] The Greatest Victory[/caption]

Deserving My Full Attention

There is nothing in this world as great as being God's child. As I arise to meet another Sunday, I give thanks and I plan to give thankful praise in the worship service when I get there, too. When the Lord swallowed death up in victory, that was the greatest victory that this world has ever known. Any problems that I might have pale in comparison to that and thus will be relegated to the back of my mind.  He deserves my full concentration. Yes, folks, I am looking forward to proclaiming His goodness through the fervor of my singing and prayer because, as I  worship, I realize that the Lord delights in such and that He will be in the midst.

Think about it folks. The God of All Creation will meet us in the worship service. That means that when we open our mouths to sing praises to Him, He will be right there. Wow! That thought makes me plan to sing louder and give attentive duty during the worship service. It is an honor to serve Him and I could not wait to proclaim it so I started with you.

In Conclusion

It is an honor to be serving because of the greatest victory that this world has ever known. Be blessed everyone as you go on about your day of worship and praise while exclaiming, "To God be the glory."

Poems of Praise

My Praise to You

I awoke this morning and

My feet touched the floor

"Thank You, Lord, for one Day more

In humble thanks, Dear God

I say, "It's You I adore.

You have allowed me to see

A plethora of days

You've charted my course

And guarded my ways.

For all that You have done and do

I humbly bow and say, "Thank You"

As my voice to You, I raise

And sing a mountain of heartfelt praise.©



Special Delivery

Special Delivery, Special Delivery

Knocking on heaven's door

We have a message for the Lord of Hosts

Filled with "Bless You's," "Praise You's,"

And "Thank You's galore.

What the sender said to me was that

She wanted the genuineness of the

Message to make Him smile

When He saw the sincerity  of

His dusty earthbound child.

She said that if the hands of her mind

Could weave patterns of excellence, praise

Thankfulness, and "Bless You's" in the air

She would wrap it all in gossamer lacey thought

And send a lifetime of love up that celestial stair. ©


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Laying on of Hands

In Anger

Hello, all. Today, I wanted to talk about man's propensity for using violence against other men. Bullies, whether schoolyard, neighborhood, or worldwide, use violence or the threat of it to control others. In prison, inmates often use brute force against other inmates, the guards, etc.  But, that is not the way it was intended to be.

 In Care

Think how wonderful our world would be if we, instead, used the laying on of hands in a caring manner as our Saviour did. While we do not have miraculous powers as He does, we can still give a soothing pat, a gentle squeeze, a full hug, etc. all to say, "I love you." Ah-h-h, how sweet twould be...


In Conclusion

But, one day, we will get the laying on of hands and trouble, sorrow, etc., will be no more. He has promised to wipe all of the tears from our eyes. Nothing but joy and happiness will be ours forevermore! That, folks, will make it all worthwhile. Ah-h-h, how sweet twill be...



Revelation 7:17

for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe every tear from their eyes."

Revelation 21:4

and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away."



GOD's Gonna Take Me Home


If you see me cry as I try to do my JESUS’s will

If you see me struggle as I take my walk up trouble hill

If you hear me moan, as I go along my way

Just know my dear brother and my sister

That GOD’s “gonna” take me home one day.


Then all of the struggling for me will be o’er

And I’ll join saints from bygone days

Upon that celestial shore.

Revelations 21 (excerpt from W.O.W. created w.o.w.)

Another thing, have you realized that you can give a pat with a simple smile?...

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Friday, October 13, 2017

My Best Yet?

Breaking It All Down

Beginning My Writing

Good morning.

Just up from sleep and believe it or not, have finished my morning meditation and prayer. It is now time to do my blog for the day. Yes, it is in the wee hours of the morning that I do my best writing. My soul is being blessed, even as I write this.

First of all, when I started writing full-time, I learned to try several different times in the day to write. Had read some book on writing, and among other things, it suggested doing just that. It took me being patient, but I finally realized that my best time was in the wee hours of the morning.

Learning the Process

I learned to always have a pad and a pencil in each room of my house and in my purse because serious writing required such. It seemed that the words to a poem would hit me when I was in the midst of doing something complicated in one room and my notebook was in another. By the time that I got to my notebook, the words of the poem or the thought would have flown. As a result of one or two misses like that, I learned to have a pad in each room in my home. Consequently, I could quickly jot the thought down, no matter what room of my house I was in. Voila! I was now beyond the threshold.

Serious Writing

Once I crossed the threshold of serious writing, I had to learn what genre I wanted to write in. That was a process all its own. It seemed confusing to me when people asked me what genre? Learned that poetry and prose can be broken down into several categories and subcategories. Usually, I just picked up my pen and let it flow. I just wrote. Wrote whatever came up in my newly reawakened writer's mind. After several trials and after my first book of poetry, I realized that over 70% of my poetry was inspirational in nature. Found that my natural tendency to encourage people found its way into my writing through no conscious effort of my own. Well, to make a long story short, I realized that my poetry writing niche was the inspirational poetry one done in a freeform.

In my writing, I have become a sponge, soaking in new information and keeping and using that which felt right for and discarding the rest. I realized from listening to other writers at conferences, meetings, etc. that writing is an ever-learning process.


And my writing continues, and the learning process goes on. For I learned a long time ago that if your "want to" is strong enough and if you practice a thing long enough, you will become better at it.

My Work For the Lord

In a like manner, my walk as the Lord's child is a process, too.   I was set on a committed path a long time ago, and I am still committed to Him. When you walk with the Lord, and you really think about what He has done for you, you will always seek to do more for Him as you ask yourself, Have I given my best yet?"

I have learned that there are several things that I can do in service to the Lord.  And I have learned to do them well, whether it is "giving help, writing for the discouraged, sharing food, giving pats on the back or handshakes," etc. But you know, as I told you about my writing journey, there are several ministries that I can make my own, depending on which path the Lord chooses for me. That means that whatever I determine to do for Him, which thing(s) do I do best. What is it that I do that I really shine at while I am trying to do His will? Those are questions that each of us has to ask ourself, "What is my 'category' of work?"

A Work in Progress

In my walking as a Christian, I have learned to "desire the sincere milk of the word that I might grow thereby." (1 Peter 2:2 KJV) When I picked up that Bible and began to read, I became like a sponge. It seemed the more that I read, the more I wanted to know. I itched to read it, and so I did. I read, and I read.

Started using some of the things I remembered reading when I'd have discussions with other ladies about the Christian life. People would ask for my opinion about certain topics discussed in our ladies' Bible class, even if I was sitting there listening attentively. The first couple of times this happened to me, I was surprised about being singled out to answer questions or give an opinion. Then I noticed that when I answered, it seemed that everyone would lean forward or turn their head to hear what I was saying.

Early Days

This was all a part of a process of my refinement by the Lord, though I did not know it at the time. You see, this was early on in my youthful days as a new wife, whose husband had not started preaching yet. When I look back over the years, I can see the grooming to be a preacher's wife that was in the plan for my life. Yes, he did become a preacher and I have labored beside him these 40 years.

As a preacher's wife, there were several things that you are expected to be able to do well.  Though I used to be quiet, I had to put myself natural self on the back burner. Because the need arose for me to become a soldier of a spokesperson to women, I had to morph. That was a "Hard row to hoe," let me tell you. I talk a little bit about this in my new book, Chopping My Row.

But during my walk as His child, I learned to do like Momma always told me to do. And that is to do my best. Have I given my best yet?  Don't know because there are several things that I have yet to do because I have not finished living yet. But I can tell you this, I keep trying to do my best in anything that I do for Him because He gave His best for me. That is why you will often hear me say when I speak at ladies' days, that I am "Doing What I Can While I Can.

The Rewards

That does not mean giving a small pittance of myself to the Lord. It means that I am fully committed to Him, even to the sometimes discomfort of myself. But remember, every discomfort and everything that we have done in service to Him will pay off after a while. And you know what dear ones? It will be sweet, so sweet when we get over there! I want to go, don't you?

To Cap It Off

In conclusion, what is your thing that you do best and do you do it as a ministry for Him?  Are you there yet?


Doing the Best I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Just a Nobody

It's Not About Me

I don't have fortune nor do I have fame

In fact, most people in the world

Do not know my name

But I learned a long time ago that

This life of mine is not all about me

It's about following the Savior as

By example, I say, "Follow me."


Hello, precious one.  I wanted to tell you that, because I love the Lord, I care for you, as His child. The Lord told us to love our fellowmen as ourselves, and I do love myself, consequently, I must love you, too.

Is it always easy to love everyone? No, it is not, but that does not mean that I am free to stop trying. Sometimes people do some things that are harsh, cruel, thoughtless and downright mean, but I have to love them anyway… Though I might not like what they do, I have to look upon them as a soul for the Lord and I have to press on through prayer. Told myself that I must always remember that this life, as stated in the poem above, is not all about me. What good would I be to my fellowman if I acted in kind just the way that the world reacts to affronts, slights, injustice, disrespect, etc.? I would be of no effect, that's what good I would be.

Loving Myself

There are times that I disappoint myself, but I don't stop loving myself. Well, by the same token, I have to extend that same love to you, my fellowman. You know, I am a pretty good student of human nature owing to the fields I have worked in. "What field is that?" you ask. I'm glad that you asked that question. Am a retired educator of 30 years (middle schoolers and special education) and minister's wife of 40 years. That gives me quite a bit of experience in dealing with my fellowmen.

When I first became a preacher's wife, I had to forgive myself for speaking sharply to a person when they crushed someone or bothered my children.  I felt that if they had a problem with my husband or with me, then they needed to come to us. But they needed to leave my poor little innocent children alone!

Nobody's Doormat

Wanted folk to know that I was nobody's doormat and had to work on myself to overcome the tendency to overreact when it came to my husband or my children. Had to overlook the tendency of people to become jealous if I got a new pair of shoes or a new car. Reminded myself that this life of mine was not all about me. I had to say to myself, as I said in my YouTube Video,  Grammy Alma in Young and in Charge in 2017, Part 3" "Alma Jones, turn around and go on back in the corner somewhere and sit down!"

I had to remind myself that since I loved the Lord, His work came first. It helped me in my struggle to put Him first to remember that though sometimes people might view me as a doormat,  God knew the truth.  By reminding myself to pray about all things and especially about slights handed out to my family helped me to grow as His servant. Learned to keep stepping for the Lord, no matter what happened in my life.

God's Child

We must remember that the Lord watches the righteous and that, as His children, we have value in His sight. Yes, that includes you, too and that is why I called you precious at the beginning of this blog. This is just a word for the day.

Be blessed,

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care

Alma L. Stepping On Jones


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A New Day, A New Way

All About Time

All About Time

Have you ever thought about your placement on this earth relative to technology? I have and let me tell you, I am happy that I live in this world at this particular time and not back during the plow and mule days because I get to see the best of several ways of life. You don't know what I mean?

Well, look at it like this... During this lifetime of mine, I have seen color tv take the place of the black and white one.  Then I saw tablets and cell phones, take the place of the color tv.  Polio and TB used to be dreaded diseases, but not anymore. When I look down the road of my mind I think about the joyous day it will be for mankind when there is no more cancer and no more diabetes. One day there will be no more cancer and diabetes just as there is no more polio and tuberculosis. And it will happen, all because of the Lord's allowing mankind to further develop in medical technology.
Making the Most of It

Because I am thankful for the time period that I live in, I try to do the best I can with the time that I have. That means that I give my best to the Lord in my service to mankind just like the inventors of the technology that we enjoy. When I come upon a problem, I try to solve it or lessen it, therefore showing my gratitude.

Life often brings new challenges. I am embarking upon one such challenge today. I am learning to blog on a new system, WordPress. The rewards will be beneficent in that the blog will be more reader-friendly and accessible to more people. I ask your indulgence with my new learning. To all of my old blog readers, thank you for moving with me to this new one. Most of all, please remember that I still labor under my motto of,  "Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care."