Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Longest Night

What is the longest night that you have ever experienced?

When I read Luke 22:64-66, I see where "they blindfolded HIM and asked him to 'prophesy who is the one who hit you?'"

That was a part of JESUS's long night. And then I think, "But HE didn’t do anything! (except be full of love for you and me) How many times have you said in your life, "But I didn’t do anything; why am I the one getting into trouble?" And since HE'd done nothing except love you and me, I say and will continue to say, "I might not ever get to Big Sur or Mount Everest, but from the tallest mountain in my world, metaphorically, I will shout HIS love for us and mine for HIM.

I tell anybody who will listen, that GOD loved/loves us, and HE didn’t just talk love. HE put some action behind it! HE showed us HIS love by giving HIS SON to die on the cross for our sins! That’s the kind of action love that HE had/has for us, and it would behoove us to show our love in reciprocal to HIM. (loving HIM back) Now, I realize that HIS GIFT is one that we can never repay, but we can always try. Take a look at the poem below:


Reciprocal Love to My FATHER

Give reciprocal love to My FATHER,

That’s my aim, anyway

Yep, that’s my goal

As I live out the rest of my life

Here on this earth and that’s why

I write to you and I put things in it

That speak from my soul

To let you know how I feel

Because GOD giving HIS SON's

Life for me, is a very big deal

In fact, it is a life-altering thing

That will cause me, my whole life long

My best to My CREATOR, to try to bring.©

(Thought garnered from Luke 22:64-66, NASB)



And you know that was GOD's SON that they were doing like that, the CREATOR's SON but then I read in the Bible in Romans 14:11 and Isaiah 45:23 where it says "Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess" And the book of Luke says that the world will see the SON of MAN coming with power and glory with angels of God. HE had been treated like a little nobody, like a peon, but when HE comes back, everybody’s going to want to know HIM. (be claimed by HIM)  he is coming back and so we want to live our lives here so that we can be ready for a glorious day that’s going to be when HE does come back for you and me.


Ever been slapped? How long did the sting from that slap last? What about being slapped on one side and before you get the chance to get over that first blow, you get slapped on the other side? Uhm, hmm, I can hear some of you thinking, "Awe, it’s on now! Slap me in my face; you must be crazy or have a hankering to get a beatdown!" And then you would be ready to take the earrings out,  to roll up your sleeves... But JESUS did not DO anything like that; HE took all of that for you and for me.

I want you to think about this; we talked about how long the pain from a slap lasts. Yes, the slap is painful, but it does not stop just because you are not being slapped anymore. Oh no, that sting from that slap lasts hours and sometimes days physically, and years emotionally.

Can you imagine it happening repeatedly, over and over again?  How long does it take to slap somebody anyway, about a second or so?

Well, can you imagine getting sixty slaps in one minute? I’m not saying that’s what happened to the Lord but I do know that they put a blindfold over HIS eyes and then asked HIM to prophesy about who hit HIM. (Luke 22:64, NRSB)  Can you imagine what Jesus felt? That is really something to really think about, isn't it?  And this is GOD's SON that this is being done to! GOD's SON!

  • 60 seconds = one minute

  • 60 minutes = one hour

  • So now if there are 60 minutes in one hour and 60 seconds in one minute...  But we don’t know how many times they slapped CHRIST. However, we do know "they were beating HIM and blaspheming(Luke 22:64-65, NASB)  "And then it was day," (Luke 22:66, NASB) implies that JESUS had a long night, hence, my title of the blog for today. What a long night for our SAVIOR and HE did it all for you and for me!

You and I both know what we would do if anybody dared to put a hand on our brand new little baby that we just brought home from the hospital. We won't even go into what would happen next, the end result of which would be that somebody would be buying funeral flowers, probably if we didn't snap back to ourselves, because we would in all probability, lose it.

And yet, though GOD could have sent legions of angels to HIS SON's aid, GOD did nothing, nothing... Why, because of HIS love for you and me. UMPH, umph, umph, that's why I serve HIM and talk about HIS love for us over and over again. It is a story that never gets old, never, for it is yet rolling forward, toward the end of time. And when we get there, to the end of time, I mean, CHRIST's suffering will meet us and save us if we have given our lives to HIM... What a love!

The least we can do is let this world see that we appreciate the love HE has for us by showing our commitment to HIM as we walk in this world daily.

I am committed. Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Friday, October 30, 2020

The Brightest Day

[caption id="attachment_4467" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The Brightest Day Will Be...[/caption]

This simple thought with a poem was placed upon my mind as I strolled through the garden of Luke looking for delectable things to serve up to you today. I hope you enjoy the word repast.

Have you ever thought about the various days that you have had here on this earth? Sure you have. But I wanted us to really think about the good, sweet, great days that we have had. That brings a smile to your face, I'm sure, for those memories of the brightest days do that, don't they? Uhm, hmm, well, have you ever really thought about what it is going to be like to greet beloved family members that went on before you and meet generations of family that you have never seen before? Now, I don't actually know what it is going to be like to wrap my arms around my Momma again, rekindle my relationship with my Grandaddy, meet my great grandmother, etc. But I can have a mighty fine time imagining what it will be like and I imagine you can, too.

One of these mornings when I awake

Will be the last morning that I will look upon the sky

For the day for my gathering will have come

And I’ll meet with my LORD

To be taken to my home above

For a chorus of hellos and never again a goodbye.

One of these mornings, for sure

 And it won’t be as long as it has been

I will leave this world of sin

When I rise to die no more

To be like an angel on that other shore,

And live in that Land

With my GOD, forevermore.©

(Based on Luke 20:36)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Well, Well, Well

Another thing that's gone wrong

Drat, it seems to happen with

Such repetition that it could

Make a body sing a sad song.


But you have to remember that

When things go wrong in life

As they oftentimes do

Not to fret yourself over much

And tell yourself with faith that

God has a plan

That supersedes the thoughts of man

And then keep working for The MASTER

As best as you can

As you go on about this business of living

Just as in the days of Noah and

In the days of Lot

People were going on about

Their lives without giving much thought

To the business of leaving

Instead, in the longevity of life believing.


But one thing for sure

All of us will leave here one day

Either before HIM or with HIM

We don’t know which way.

So it behooves us to stay in a prepared state

Because when HE does come back

Or when it’s our time to go

We don’t want it to be said that as far

As preparation, we waited too late.

So, a word to wise folk

Such as you and me

Let's endeavor to stay in a state

Of readiness against the time

That the living of life ends

And we are called forward to

Hear words read from the

Book of Remembrance that

Seals our fate.©

(Based on Luke 17:27-28)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A Little A Lot

I serve my FATHER in the sunshine
I serve my GOD in the rain
I serve my FATHER during cheerful times
I serve HIM in times of pain
I serve my LORD when I am climbing
Mountains that block my way
I serve my FATHER through
Whatever makes up my day.©
(Based upon Luke 16:10)


Note: Yes, I am quite recovered from the spider incident from the other day, and am no worse for the wear. Thank you for asking.
Be safe.

Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Spider Came Calling

Spiders are stupid or very bold

I don’t know which one

The truth be told.

At any rate, yesterday evening as

I was doing my dishes

A spider dropped in to say, "Hi;"

He didn’t send a postcard

Or a text to let me know he was on his way

He just dropped into my kitchen

In front of my face

To ruin my day.

And he didn’t have time to

Convey his well wishes

Because, with a loud gasp, I started screaming

And I tried to be brave and catch that rascal

in a cup

But he was having none of that

So I dropped that cup and

Kept screaming for my husband

While flapping my gloved hands,

And folks, let me tell you that I

Was screaming to beat the band, and

Some kind of way my gloves went sailing

Over behind the deep freezer

And I cleared that kitchen

As fast as a person who

Suffers from arachnophobia can!

I don’t remember crossing the living room

Nor going down the hall

For that part of my journey

I just don't recall.

When I came to myself, I

Was stripping clothes off left and right

Because that spider had gotten out of my sight

And I knew one thing, he was gonna

Be dead meat if I found him on me!

I remember flapping my hands and shrieking

As only a person who is afraid of spiders can

(And Y'all know I have a special daughter

Well, thank GOD, she slept through

The whole melee!)

But I wasn't studying her and nobody else

I was gonna get that spider off of me!

(sigh) After I showered, I was done with

My screaming and the spider induced tears

Too bad that water could not wash away

Arachnophobic fears.

I can laugh about it now

But let me tell you one thing,

I don’t like spiders

And spiders don’t like me

And that thing was not welcome

To drop down in front of my eye

As I washed my dishes,

As if he came to say, "Hi."

He really was quite bold

Or gone nuts with web riding glee

The nerve, dropping down to eye level

I wonder what he thought

That my reaction would be?

Didn’t he know that I would scream

And want to beat him

Until a grease spot was the only

Remains of him I could see

Because I don’t like spiders

And I don’t think spiders like me

And I wish they all would get this bulletin

To leave this woman be!

Later, My husband asked me if I

Wanted him to finish the dishes

Do you know what I wanted to cry?

I wanted to yell that I didn’t

Care what he did with those dishes

He could pitch them all out the door

As far as I was concerned!

(sigh) Yes, the dishes got washed

And I am now as calm as a

Shocked and hysterical woman can be

So, I thought I would tell you

About my harrowing tale

And give you a moment or two of hilarity

And help my self, as well

Because writing lessens my cares

Without fail.

If my tale made you laugh, then

That is a good thing to hear and see

Because I have helped you to build

Some always welcome and needed endorphins
(Tee hee)

I don’t like spiders, and spiders don’t like me

And I wish this would go out on spider radar

So that all spiders would let me be!



Laugh if you want to. I did this morning. But it was more of a nervous laugh of relief.

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Note: (This spider thing with me goes back to the age of ten. I don't think that I ever saw a spider except for a grandaddy long-legged before then. Then we moved into a house that had a peachtree growing very close to the house with branches that grew over a portion of the roof and a window that stayed up all of the time in the summer and a good portion of the fall. Anyway, that is a portion of a tale for perhaps another day.)




Monday, October 26, 2020

Many Birds

You know that GOD loves you, don't you? Of course, you do if you are a Christian. But, do you sometimes forget in the daily grind to get ahead, that HE still does? Take a look at what came to mind on my morning meditational stroll through the garden path of Luke with the HOLY SPIRIT as my GUIDE.

You Are Dearly Valued

Luke 12:7

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. (NASB)


29 When birds are sold, two small birds cost only a penny. But not even one of those little birds can die without your Father knowing it.

30 God even knows how many hairs are on your head.

31 So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than a whole flock of birds.ERV)

Luke 12:24-34

24 Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in houses or barns, but God feeds them. And you are worth much more than crows. 25 None of you can add any time to your life by worrying about it. 26 And if you can’t do the little things, why worry about the big things?

27 “Think about how the wildflowers grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that even Solomon, the great and rich king, was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. 28 If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think he will do for you? That’s just grass—one day it’s alive, and the next day someone throws it into a fire. But God cares enough to make it beautiful. Surely he will do much more for you. Your faith is so small!

29 “So don’t always think about what you will eat or what you will drink. Don’t worry about it. 30 That’s what all those people who don’t know God are always thinking about. But your Father knows that you need these things. 31 What you should be thinking about is God’s kingdom. Then he will give you all these other things you need.

32 “Don’t fear, little flock. Your Father wants to share his kingdom with you. 33 Sell the things you have and give that money to those who need it. This is the only way you can keep your riches from being lost. (To me, this means having yard sales where you practically give things away and donating to places such as the Goodwill.) You will be storing treasure in heaven that lasts forever. Thieves can’t steal that treasure, and moths can’t destroy it. 34 Your heart will be where your treasure is. (ERV)

This passage says not to be so busy with the mind on the accumulation of earthly treasures because these treasures are like purses with holes in them (that wear out). for you ask for what you value Verse 31 reference back to Luke 11:8-13 - Desiring the HOLY SPIRIT.
Luke 11:8-13

I tell you, maybe friendship is not enough to make him get up to give you the bread. But he will surely get up to give you what you need if you continue to ask. So I tell you, continue to ask, and God will give to you. Continue to search, and you will find. Continue to knock, and the door will open for you. 10 Yes, whoever continues to ask will receive. Whoever continues to look will find. And whoever continues to knock will have the door opened for them. 11 Do any of you have a son? What would you do if your son asked you for a fish? Would any father give him a snake? 12 Or, if he asked for an egg, would you give him a scorpion? Of course not! 13 Even you who are bad know how to give good things to your children. So surely your heavenly Father knows how to give the Holy Spirit to the people who ask him.” (ERV)

The passage above tells us to be persistent in our asking and to ask for things that glorify GOD - asking for the HOLY SPIRIT is a good thing to do because to do so, pleases GOD. (When you do this, you put the kingdom first.)

I put the gist of the blog into a poem:




A GOOD THING to Ask, seek, and knock for

Because sometimes in our struggle to

Get ahead of the grind

We forget what is important

Serving GOD via the act of being kind.

Sometimes we allow self-gratification

And the need to get ahead

To make us forget about our fellowman

Who may need help being fed.

The last time I checked GOD's Law said

To "love others as ourselves"

Tsk, tsk, tsk, how remiss we tend to be

When we neglect the basic needs of others

In order that we might engage in frivolity

Or simply live in the lap of luxury

For, instead of taking that extra

Vacation or a trip to the sea

What about helping a child through school

By paying a semester of his fees

Or providing a stipend toward the purchase

Of those out of sight textbooks?

There are many ways to help out

Folk who are caught in the grips of poverty

All you have to remember is that

Loving GOD is what our walk here

Is supposed to be about.

So, ask GOD for the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT

To guide you on your way

Mindful of the fact that you are ever striding

Onward with the passing of each day

For one day your soul will be required

And with your journey here, you  will be through

And if you have the HOLY SPIRIT's guidance, you

Will rest easy when your soul is required of you.


Bottom line, you are valued more than many birds

So, spread that love to others of the land's herd

For if each one treasures each one then

A loving chorus around this world will be heard.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones






Sunday, October 25, 2020

I Go My Own Way

I go my own way
For I speak for my FATHER
By night and by day
By the things that you see me do
And by the things that you hear me say
I speak for my FATHER
As I go my own way.

When you see me go to worship
Of a Sunday morn
My going tells my neighbor
JESUS CHRIST was born.

When you see me prepare a meal
And take it to those who are sick
You see me doing my SAVIOR’s bidding
For I know that HIS coming
Might be pretty quick.

Yes, I walk to the beat of salvation’s drum
As I sing that old refrain
"Even so, come Lord JESUS," come.©

(Based on Revelations 22:20)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot

Have you ever thought about how it’s going to be when

Trials are over and you have pleased the LORD

And HE orchestrates manifold blessings

That makes you smile and grin

Thought about how sweet it will be to be

Blessed with blessings galore at trials end

When GOD turns your captivity?

When HE turns things around and

Blesses you right in front of men

Have you ever wondered how

It will feel when you’ve gone through monumental tests

That lasted several years of your life

When GOD says, "That’s enough," and HE

Gathers you in the sheepfold blessed

Along that river that is talked about in Psalm 23

Ever wondered how you will feel

When the LORD GOD looks at you with

Benevolent eyes and sits you down to a table

That HE, HIMSELF has spread

And your enemies watch as you are sumptuously fed?

I started this train of thought

On the blog from yesterday

And decided to finish it up with

A few more things that I had to say

I guess this is my way

Of saying to you, "Hold your head up, fellowman

For GOD, Almighty will see you through!

And when HE does it will be better than

Anything you have ever experienced before

As it will be nonending

Because GOD will have decreed that

You have been a faithful soldier indeed

And that, in you, HE is well-pleased!"

So, whatever type of trouble

You might find yourself in

Just remember the sweet spot

That will be yours the moment that

ALMIGHTY GOD, says when!

Why did I revisit the thought

Of a sweet spot on my blog here today

I did it so that you, fellow man,

Can be further encouraged, though you travel

Up “Trials Way."©



The sweet spot that I have referred to is of a similar caliber to the one that graced Job after GOD turned his captivity. How sweet it was for Job and how sweet the turning of your captivity will be, too.

Just another spill from my pen to help you weather your storms by building endorphins when you dwell a bit upon...

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Friday, October 23, 2020

Can Hardly Believe It

Have you ever had something to happen

That caused you to think to yourself,

"This just cannot be,"

For how in the world can this

Wonderful thing be happening to me?

Well, here is something I want you to think about

Remember those times in your life

When trouble turned your world inside out

And You couldn’t believe that this thing

Had happened to you?

Well, “ turnabout’s fair play”

Is what I used to hear the old folks say

So just as that bad thing happened to you

So also can the good

You just enjoy this glad thing

That has come your way

Because Providence has determined

That now is the time it should!©



Many things happen in this life, some bitter, some sweet. So, it behooves us to enjoy the good moments, knuckle down through the bitter ones, and always remember that nothing lasts forever. And with a mindset like this, you can make it through your rough times. Too, you can enjoy your good times to the max, however long either of them lasts.

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Thursday, October 22, 2020

More Than Enough for Two

I have more than enough for two

So I decided to share my blessing with you

For, having read what John bid

That is what I just did.

And I would ask that when your fortunes change

That you do the same

Share what you have with someone else

And do it in Jesus‘s name.

It can be a sandwich, a bowl of soup

Or a warm blanket to ward off a chill

For, any act of kindness is the

Doing of GOD’s will.©

(Based on Luke 3:10-11)


Luke 3:10-11

10 And the crowds were questioning him, saying, “Then what shall we do?”

11 And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.” (NRSB)

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Never Having Done Enough

The feeling of never having done

Enough keeps me going

Because when I become introspective

I find myself wondering

If I have fulfilled the duty

That I was sent to do.

Yet, when I look back over my life

I don’t see that my greatest work is done;

I just see a willing soul

Who continues to work for the LORD

With reaching Heaven as her goal.

Then duty replaces introspection

As I continue to do whatever

It is that my mind perceives

That my hands need to do

For, I remind myself, as I have often been told

“Alma, loving acts and loving words

Encapsulate you

So, keep caring and keep sharing

And you will be in the ballpark

Of what you were meant to do and be

As you touch other men’s souls

With your healing words and

Other acts of loving creativity."

One last bit of "sidebarish" introspection

Both for you and me

The things that have been had to be

So that the things that are coming

Will be.©


The last verse of the poem above seems not to fit into the theme of the poem, but it does. Give it some thought, and you will see how. The level of thought that you have to give it depends upon how often you are given to deep critical thinking. Put your brain on it; it's good for you. Why? Easy, it builds endorphins!

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


JESUS prayed for me

And that's all I need to know

For I know to have hope, no matter

What life, at me, does throw.©



While walking along the mountainous portion of my life path, the words that JESUS spoke to Peter arrested my attention.

Let me tell you how it all came about. As you know, I have been taking my blogging thoughts from the Book of Mark. In Chapter 14:30 of that book, we see where Jesus tells Peter that Peter will deny HIM three times that very night. And when we get on over to verse 72, we see that Peter did indeed deny Christ three times, and that Peter recalled what Jesus had said. He remembered it and wept bitterly. Bless his heart...

But I see JESUS doing what HE is so good at doing, concerning HIS children, forgiving and helping us to forgive ourselves. When we look at chapter 16, verse seven, we see where the angel that appeared to the women gave them specific instructions to go and tell the disciples and Peter that JESUS would go before them into Galilee. (See verse below.)
Mark 16:7

But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see Him, just as He told you.’” (NASB)

Jesus had Peter in mind because HE had obviously engaged in conversation with the angel regarding Peter. How else do you explain the fact that the angel called Peter's name specifically? JESUS was aware that Peter would do exactly what he did do, and HE told Peter beforehand.  When I did a little bit of a reference on that seventh verse of chapter 16, that led me over to the Book of Luke, Chapter 22:31-32; in those two verses, we see where Jesus told Peter that the adversary desired to sift him like wheat. But then, Jesus gave him some consolation because he told him these words:
Luke 22:31-32

31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat;

32 but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” (NASB)

JESUS told Peter that HE had already prayed for him that his faith not fail. And HE goes on to tell him that once he has repented, he is to strengthen the other disciples. ("his brothers")

I think that was JESUS' way of letting Peter know from the women via the angel, that yes, you denied ME, but I already knew that was going to happen before it did; now just forgive yourself, and when the disciples come together, you come too. In other words, when you come back to yourself,  get back to where you are supposed to be and use your newfound resolve to strengthen your brothers.

Y'all know that I have often told you that the adversary seems to go after the strongest one in a particular group. When he chose Peter, he chose a leader, and he was trying to him knock him down and out of the faith. But JESUS prayed for him. Now that thought gets me back to my poem above.

Despite this virus with the troubles it brings, I am fine because I have hope because I know that Jesus already prayed for me. Remember this scripture:
John 17:20

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; (KJV)

In the scripture above, Jesus is praying for HIS disciples, but HE is also praying for us because we believe in HIM through the disciples' word. So, that’s my hope in whatever adverse situation I find myself in. HIS prayer means that he’s already prayed for me before I was born, before all of the trials that I’ve gone through in my life, including this coronavirus time.

So because of JESUS's prayers for us, we can remain strong.

The last thing that I want to share with you this morning is an excerpt from John Piper's book, Christ and the Coronavirus:
The object of hope is future. The experience of hope is present. And that present experience is powerful. Hope is power. Present power. Hope keeps people from killing themselves—now. It helps people get out of bed and go to work—now. It gives meaning to daily life, even locked-down, quarantined, stay-at-home life—now. It liberates from the selfishness of fear and greed—now. It empowers love and risk taking and sacrifice—now.

JESUS prayed for you... Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Monday, October 19, 2020

Mountain in My Path

On my way home, a mountain grew up in my path,

And it was too long to go around

So I said, "Mountain, move outta my way,"

But the mountain stayed where it was

Because my faith was not up to the task

But ever mindful of my FATHER

I turned to HIM and asked,

“Make my feet like hinds feet

And this mountain, for YOU, I will climb

And shout your deliverance for the world to hear

As I scale this mountain with resolve

Knowing that any potholes or valleys thereon

Or any other problems I encounter, YOU will solve.”

So, I have two songs for singing,

As this unexpected mountain, I climb

'Climbing Higher Mountains on My Way Home,'

For going up and for going down

My victor's song's words are, 'GOD Gave Me A Mountain'

And the mountain is mine and I’m

Making my way down the other side

With a GOD blessed, nimble-footed hind’s stride;

Because I know what YOU have done,

I know what YOU can do

So, I’m counting on YOU, FATHER to

Lead me safely through

And I am stepping, on my way

To that appointed time and place

That will see me ferried home to Heaven

Where I can live in bliss with YOU.'

But in the meantime, when I get to

The bottom of this ole mountain

I'm gonna look back at it, wag my head

Put my hands on my hips and say

'You ole mountain, you weren't so tough

Because my FATHER made me strong enough

To skip down your side, despite the skinned knees

And teary eyes that I got from climbing

Up your other side!'"

And then with a victorious smile, I'll step on

Thinking that I have the last laugh because

I get to sing, "The Victor's Song!"©

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Dark Days Right Now

Days are dark right now in that

We cannot gather with family as we would for the

Thanksgiving meal as in years past

And we can only say, “I remember when...”

But take heart, things will get better

These dark days will not last.

Never forget that Mark 10:27 tells us that

“All things are possible with God,”

So, have faith that HE will bring

This pandemic to an end

And we can fellowship again

With extended family and friends.

And oh, how we will cavort and skip with glee once again

Under the saving power of our FATHER, our FRIEND.©


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Peace in the Valley

I love it when peace steals into my valley

And washes my faith anew

For, I can walk another day

And look at this world with eyes of wonder

As I walk under GOD’s canopy of blue.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Friday, October 16, 2020

Dubbed Weak

There have been times in life

When I have been dubbed "Weak,"

Because I did not retaliate for

Cruel words hurled at me

Make no mistake about it,

They reached their target

And made their mark

But I have to live with me

For, most important of all,

I am striving to please my FATHER,

The GOD of eternity.

There have been times in life

When I have been dubbed "Weak,"

Because I did not retaliate for other

Acts of cruelty done to me

But when I look in the mirror

I like the Christian that I see

And most important of all, I know

That I am loved by The TRINITY

And that one day, comeuppance

The antagonist will see

Because, “Vengeance is mine,” are

The words that my FATHER said to me

And so, with the SPIRIT as company

I step on down the road

Toward eternal sublimity.©

Be safe.

Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, October 15, 2020

"Hush Be Still"

Yes, we are in the middle

Of a pandemic storm

But that’s OK

Because GOD is going to fix it

All, one day.

Trust in GOD, my brother

And you too, sister dear

Hold on to GOD’s hand

And for HIM, continue to stand

Each one of us has made HIM

The CAPTAIN of our life

And speaking for self,

I can attest to the fact that

HE has delivered me many

Times from strife.

For they were many times when

I was going up “trouble hill”

That my FATHER stepped in

And said to my storm,

“Hush, be still.”

This poem today is short

But its message is true

"Our GOD's eyes are roving

To and fro over the earth

And HE is aware of everything

That is bothering or threatening you,"

So do as I plan to do

Hold on until

I hear my GOD say,

"Hush, be still!"©

(Thought taken from Mark 4:39  &



Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones




Mark 439

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Just as the Children Knew

Just as the Children Knew

Just as the children knew

You do, too...

They knew that I loved them

And that I cared

Because in taking care of them

Nothing at my disposal was spared.

I went beyond the limits

That a teacher normally has

To touch their souls and teach

Their hearts that they could reach

Goals that seemed too high

For, I taught them to reach past the limits

That they thought life had set for them

And told them, instead, to

Develop new goals and

Give them a try...

I still remember the glow of accomplishment

That sparkled from their eye

When they succeeded at what they

Thought were lofty, impossible goals...

I remember that we started small

With something they had never done and just knew

That they could not do

I remember that sometimes the tears

Of frustration would arise

In their little eyes

But I kept telling them

"You can do it because I believe in you."

I learned that if you show a child love and care

And tell him/her that they can do something

That he just knows that he cannot

He will give it all he’s got

Because you said, "I believe in you,"

And with your prodding and smiling

That child will surprise others and himself, too

By doing the very thing that

He thought he could not do!

That principle works not only with children

But with adults as well

For as a preacher’s wife, when

It came to church work, ladies

Learned that putting the Lord first and

With gentle prodding behind

They could do things that they never had

And get enjoyment out of it, too!

And now, reader, my teaching task involves you

I am a Christian and you are as well

And by GOD’s grace, we can do anything

That we have to do.

So, dealing with this pandemic is tough, for sure,

But by each of us throwing whatever

Skills we have into the mix,

We can hang together

Until the scientists find a fix

On the road to a permanent cure.

My job right now is to keep

Your spirits up by using persuasion, hilarity,

And whatever I can, to remind you

That the Lord God will always see us through.

Bottom line, just as my children and

Some ladies knew that I cared,

My loving thoughts with you I have also shared

So that you too will know

And remember that this is a woman who cares

And I want you to pass the blessing forward

In whatever format you have

So that many others can be

Encouraged to continue onward

In faith, as we wait on our LORD.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

To Do or Not to Do

[caption id="attachment_4909" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Gather HIS own from the four winds...[/caption]

That is a big question and one worth pondering.


Yes, to do or not to do that is often the question we find ourselves asking and answering.
I have heard "2020" spoken of as a strange time. And I’m sure that there have been other years that people have deemed strange times.

  • I’m sure that when the Mississippi River rolled backward three days in 1811 and formed Reelfoot Lake because of an earthquake, that was deemed strange times.

  • I’m sure that when the smallpox epidemic was happening, that was deemed strange times. (As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year. After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the global eradication of smallpox in December 1979. [Wikipedia])

  • I’m sure that when the flu pandemic of the early 1900s happened, that was deemed as strange times.

  • When a person sees a tsunami for the first time, I’m sure they deem it as a strange time.

  • When Mount Saint Helens blew up in Washington on the continental United States, I’m sure that was deemed as a strange time. (I still have one of the opal-looking rocks that was unearthed after the eruption.)

  • And before the Lord comes back again, there are so many things that are going to have happened that people will have dubbed, "strange." But we’ve already been warned and been told to be ready. I spoke about that on my blog yesterday. Our question as we live our lives is whether to do or not to do. When we look at Matthew the 25th chapter starting with verse 31 going on down to verse 45, we see situations where some people chose to do, and others chose not to.  We are shown what’s going to happen as a result of whichever actions we choose. When you read the passage cited below, you see what will happen if you do or if you don't.

Matthew 25:31-45

31 “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.

32 All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;

33 and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

35 For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;

36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’

37 Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?

38 And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?

39 When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’

40 The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink;

43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’

44 Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’

45 Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ (NASB) {Bold green writing is not a part of the cited text. I just highlighted it so as to make it stand out to you more.}


During these pandemic times, we can choose to do or not to do; we can choose to help, to clothe, to feed, etc., or we can choose not to. But it bears remembering that from the passage above, the Lord said, "If you did it to the least of them, you did it to me and vice-versa. So, let’s all be very aware that we live in strange times, and let’s treat each other as fellowmen and not enemies because we do not know when...
Just saying…


One Last Thought

How does the "book of remembrance" read when it comes to your name? Not to worry, as long as you are breathing, you can make what the record says be positive by treating each person we meet as we would the LORD.

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Monday, October 12, 2020

A Great Trumpet

Wherever I am when my LORD calls me

By the trumpet, I will hear

“For the trumpet is going to be a great trumpet

That the sounding thereof will gather HIS elect

From the four winds from one end

To the other of earth's canopy.”

I am keeping my business straight

So that I'll be ready when I lie

Down to take my final rest

I will have closed my eyes for the final time

Knowing that for GOD, I have done my best

And too, knowing that one day the afore

Mentioned great trumpet will sound and

My soul, along with souls from everywhere

That worked for GOD, will rise up from where they lie

And meet the LORD JESUS in the sky!

Oh, what a wonderful day that will be

When JESUS with HIS angels comes back for me

And I get up to put on the blessings of immortality!©

(Based on Matthew 24:30-31 & 44.)


Matthew 24:30-31 & 44

30 And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.

31 And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.

44 For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Sunday, October 11, 2020

A Mountain So Tall

The Victor's Song

Have you ever had a mountain of trouble and

You looked at that mountain, and you thought,

“Mountain, get outta my way!"

But the mountain stayed right there

So, you took that mountain to Jesus

On your knees in prayer

And you got up from praying

With a fierce new determination

To do GOD’s work no matter the provocation

That tended to get in your way

And before you knew what you were about

Despite your fears, and with your new determination

You found out that you had scaled that mountain

And were headed down the other side

With tears of joy replacing the bitter

Ones that you had not long ago, cried.

And “Oh, how glorious to be a child of the KING!“
Are the words that you opened your mouth and began to sing!



Not So Tall, After All

A mountain stood in my way quite tall

But my FATHER gave me the strength

To scale that mountain’s wall

So I can tell Y’all

I’m moving down that mountain now

On hinds feet and my FATHER

Will not let me fall

And yep, my companions, Faith and Prayer

Were correct when they told me that

That mountain wasn’t so tall

And I add my little bit and say, "After all."



Words to Hold on to

Remember that when testing is done, blessings come.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

The SHEPHERD Carries Me


And She Said, "The SHEPHERD Carries Me."

The words that you see above have

Carried me for many a year

I have used them to wade through danger

And to toss away my fear

I told you yesterday that at first, I was my daddy‘s baby

Then I was my Momma's baby

After she became a single parent

But she told me that no matter

What happened in my life

I was and always would be GOD's baby.


So, I learned The 23rd Psalm

That she taught me to recite

And understood that I would never alone, be,

So, no matter what life put me through,

I pasted a smile in my heart,

Though tears flowed from my eyes,

And thought on the words,

"The SHEPHERD carries me."


Yes, I learned to know that the SHEPHERD

Always had my back and that

I did not have to worry because

HE had ammunition enough to handle any attack

And so, fellow man, that is why

Though you may see me cry

You will always see a sheen of joy

Glistening within my eye

And I want you to get used to thinking

And "The  SHEPHERD carries me."

If you learn to lean on the SHEPHERD

You will find that trusting HIM

Gets easier with the passage of time

And one day, people will look at you and see

The trusting contentment on your face

That says, “The SHEPHERD carries me.”

In short, when you look at me, you might see

A trusting daddy's baby,

Or a petted Momma's baby

But I stand to tell the world

That I am GOD's believing baby

Because I know the end of the troubles

That HE has allowed me to see

As I have made my journey

Over the plains, hills, and mountains of life;

Yes, indeed, The SHEPHERD carries me!©

(Based upon Matthew 19:13-14)


MATTHEW 19:13-14

13 Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them.

14 But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (NASB)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Friday, October 9, 2020

Let It Be

The Amenity of HIS Love

When I was a toddler

And someone bothered me

All I had to do was

Tell my daddy

And he made short work

Of anybody who

Messed with his baby.

I'm not daddy's baby anymore

As those days are long since o'er

But I have been adopted by ANOTHER

And likened to the apple of HIS  eye

And HE does not like it when

The world forces me to cry.

With tender love, HE drives away my cares

For I work and thrive under the

Auspices of  the KING of Heaven above

WHO guides and guards me

While assuring me of HIS love.

HE lets me know that cares that

Threaten my joy will be blown away

And I, as loved as I am, will smile

And be joyous at the end of the day.

Under HIS tutelage, I have learned

To wait with patience because

My SAVIOR handles my cause

As HE spanks my problems and

Tells them that I am HIS and

To get lost!

So, now I can say to you, fellowman

Don't fret and seek revenge because

GOD in Heaven will handle your cause

So, trust HIM, and you soon will see

That all you had to do was, let it be.©

(Based on Matthew 18:6)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Thursday, October 8, 2020

First Things First

As I toil in this world below
I must realize that it is about GOD’s business
That I must first go.

I know that sometimes in working for HIM
I will be inconvenienced and tried
But I have to remember that I work for HIM
And that HE always walks by my side.

HE has told us that if we work for HIM
That we don’t work for naught
"For HE  will come back in the glory of HIS FATHER
Accompanied by HIS angels
And repay each of us
For the work done during our hire
If we remain faithful and never tire."©


Matthew 16:24, 27

24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.

27 For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will thenrepay every man according to his deeds. (NASB)

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Words of Mine

Matthew 12:21 

And in His name the Gentiles will hope.” (NASB)

I am a Gentile, yet I have the promise of salvation because I am a spiritual Jew. I have been allowed access to the love of GOD through HIS SON, JESUS. I am of the group spoken of by Isaiah and referenced in the scripture above.


I am GOD's child

And I am glad about it

My joy is of such magnitude

That I tell the world of my gratitude

With words, both written and spoken

And these words of mine have

Been shared the world around

All from a little spouting vessel

Working for a promised crown.©



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Freely Give

"Freely give because you have freely received" (Thought paraphrased from Matthew 10:8, The Bible)

Matthew 10

20 For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. (NASB)

The two above verses say that the ability to formulate thoughts and string ideas together in such an attention-getting manner that you see me use from time to time was freely given to me by GOD because HIS SPIRIT speaks through me.


As I walk through the garden

Of the Bible, the Spirit speaks to me

Through the words written there

And lets me know that a speaking

And a writing work

Has been sown in me

And it further says to me,

"Don't be amazed at the things

That you have done and will

Do in my name

For you are my vessel

Created to do the same."

And having penned the thought

That you just read above

The only thing that I can do is

To continue to talk about HIM and HIS love

Because it was freely given to be shared

And that is why so many times

My soul, to you, fellowman, I have bared.©


Last Thought for the Day

32 “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.

If I continue to

Work in the venue

Where I'm placed

Victory will be mine

When the LORD GOD

Commends me for staying

In and winning my race,

All done by HIS amazing grace.

I don't deny my LORD, for

HE is the world to me,

I just continue to work until

The day I cross that celestial sea

And receive the crown that

HE has waiting for me

As I hear my lifelong traveling words

"She belongs to me.".©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Monday, October 5, 2020

What Kind of Man Is This

New American Standard Bible

Matthew 8:26-27

26 He *said to them, “Why are you [w]afraid, you men of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and [x]it became perfectly calm. 27 The men were amazed, and said, “What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”

Matthew 9:33, 35

the mute man spoke; and the crowds were amazed, and were saying, “Nothing like this has [aa]ever been seen in Israel.”

35 Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.


I cast my cares on the Lord, WHO the disciples said, and the world is still saying, “What kind of man is this?!”

What Kind of MAN Is This

HE is the GOD WHO came down as man

And brought a brand new Plan

And now resides in Glory with

All power in HIS hands;

HE is the reason that I do what I can

While I can, because one day I am

Going with HIM to reside in HIS Land.©


Record Expunged

Were it not for YOU, I would be sifted like wheat

And thrown like refuse at passersby's feet

Yet I don’t worry because I know you are near

And if I ask for forgiveness, YOU

Will expunge my record and make it clear.©


What Kind of Man Is HE? HE is JESUS OF Nazareth, the GOD-MAN WHO is my FRIEND.

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Yet Praying

[caption id="attachment_2948" align="alignleft" width="300"] It's a Privilege[/caption]






Giving thanks for being allowed to see

Another Sunday morning and to offer up

Another prayer on this time side of life

I thank GOD for guiding my steps

And for loving me despite myself.

I find myself once again practicing what

My mother taught me many moons ago,

The art of prayer and so I do as the Bible said

In Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse six, "Go into

A quiet room and talk with GOD while there."

And I can tell you, fellowman, that

I am a participant of and a recipient of

The blessings of a lifetime of prayer.

My Momma told me, and now I am telling you,

"Get to know our GOD and always

Communicate sincerely and honestly with HIM

And you  will find that you have

HELP of the sort that your mind cannot fathom

Because unseen forces will, time and

Time again, bring you through

You see, my friend, you are the recipient of

The love that the LORD GOD has for you,

So whatever you do and no matter what gets in your way

Always take the time to find a quiet place and pray.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Saturday, October 3, 2020

As I Live and Breathe

As I live and breathe I

Want my living and breathing

To benefit my fellow man around me

For as I have told you often

I want them to see the glory of God

Shining through me.


Do you remember the book of remembrance

That we studied about a few days back,

Well, each blog that I write

And each action that I take

I do so with that book in mind

...for my soul’s sake.©

(Based on Matthew 5:16

& Malachi 3:16-17.)


A Question for You

As you go through your day

Whose way will be made a little brighter

Because you passed their way?

You see,

I just want to be

The best version of self

That I can possibly be.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Friday, October 2, 2020

Covered in Any Contingency


GOD's plan of love covers in any contingency

Because when GOD determines that thing is going to be

Rest assured fellowman, the end result you will see

From the magnanimous birth of HIS only begotten SON

To bring salvation to humanity

To the emergence of a writer from

A lowly vessel like me,

Whatever the Lord God determines will be, will be

And from the said event, you will see

The evidence of GOD’s glory

And that is why I've gone back to

The self of my youth, who put all

Things in GOD's hands and have

Again learned, not to worry.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Against My Brother

I am blogging with Malachi 2:10, 3:16-17, and 4:2 in mind today.  And I thought the easiest way to do this is to cite the verse(s) and then put what I think the scripture means.
New American Standard Bible

Malachi 2:10

10 “Do we not all have one father? Has not one GOD created us? Why do we deal treacherously each against his brother so as to profane the covenant of our fathers?

The verse above is espousing brotherly love, not hatred. And that is why when I look at people, I look at them as my brother or my sister. The verse above means that we are not to judge people by their race but on their own merits. That means that we are to treat each other as most people do children, not see race at all. (Further study - Acts 10:34-35; John 12:34; Romans 10:12; 1 John 3:15-16; 1 John 4:19-21; Proverbs 22:2; James 2:9; 1 Cor. 12:13; Matthew 28:19; & Revelation 7:9-10)

New American Standard Bible

Malachi 3:16-17


16 Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who esteem HIS name.

17 “They will be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”

Those of us that fear the LORD often talk with one another, and we keep each other motivated and encouraged by doing so. I look at verses 16 and 17 above, and I realize that the LORD knows that we fear HIM and that we have reverence for HIS name. Do you see the phrase,  book of remembrance, mentioned above? Well, the thought of that book gives me the strength to keep going because I know that the LORD GOD sees and knows our every effort. I love knowing that my FATHER is mindful of me and mindful of all of us that try to keep people motivated and encouraged by speaking encouraging words about GOD. (all caps and bold-faced type not part of NASB.)
New American Standard Bible

Malachi 4:2

“But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.

And then when I read chapter 4, verse two, an overwhelming feeling of love, gratitude, and anticipation encompasses me. I love that verse so much because we’re going to be so happy and have such joy when we get to Our FATHER's land, such joy! And you know, I can identify with that verse because when I was a child, and even after I was a young married person, I skipped quite a bit. And you know what made me skip so much? If I were out on a sunny day, I delighted in my FATHER's love and just skipped and skipped with joy basking in the warm rays of the sun sent by my GOD. Yep, I was a natural when it came to skipping so I can understand verse 2 above, and then to know that we’re going to be skipping once again... I like knowing that one day when I get home to my FATHER's land, I am going to be able to skip again!  I’ll be skipping with everlasting joy, hope, and peace.


GOD made you, and GOD made me

You are of one race, and I am of another

But as children of our FATHER

We are to be mindful of each other

Because if we continue to esteem GOD's name

One day we will in eternity

Skip and cavort with glee

In each other's company.


According to said words above

I won't do anything to you, my brother

But look upon you with a sibling's love.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones