Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last of Love

I will stand on top of the tallest mountain in my world and proclaim my love for GOD because HE has already claimed me with love before men and will proclaim me as HIS own in the final judgment if I remain faithful. It just does not get any better than that!

The title of this blogging session can suggest several things, right? Yes, it can suggest a sweet parting that has to last for an extended period of time or forever. It can suggest a bitter parting that could be saying, "I gave my best to you, and you threw me under the bus!"

Never again, my friend

My love for you has gone cold

And the fire once ignited within

Me has repeatedly been doused

With the water of distrust and misuse

The light of love has flickered out

Due to your continued abuse

And cannot be rekindled again

This relationship has ended

Of that, there is no doubt

Sayonara, compadre

This conversation is over, and I'm out!

In the poem above, love appears to be very much absent. No matter what brought about the impasse (situation), the speaker in this poem seems to be set on not forgiving.


But if we turn the situation in the poem over in our Christian mind's eye, we see that there is much need and room for forgiveness. When we look at (Matthew 6:15, KJV) we realize that love is not dead yet. It can't be! Why not? It can not be because there is too much bitterness and pain wrapped into the poem, so much so, that there is no forgiveness. If there is no forgiveness of the person who committed the slights in the poem above, then there will be no forgiveness for the holder of the grudge. It's just that simple. GOD said so.


If we take the title and study it some more, it can mean, since you are God's child and I want to make my home with Him one day, I will forgive you. I will forgive you as many times as I need to, even if I have to do it from afar to keep myself from being preyed upon again. I will forgive you until my dying day because of a place that is being prepared for me where I hope to go and stay. The speaker in this poem is saying:

I love me, so I have to love you, too

No matter what you did or what you  do

I love me too much to give up heaven

Because of the likes of you

For when I look at the situation

I see some of me in you when I remember

That You are but clay and I am a clay pot, too.

The quotation that opened this session today spoke of love for GOD and the love of GOD. The speaker said that the presence of the love of GOD in his/her life is the motivating factor upon which all decisions, acts, and words are based. The quotation says that GOD's love is the be all and end all. Some kind of motivation don't you think?

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Keeps on Giving

You can receive a gift that is a, "Once used it is all gone one,"  such as a pecan pie, or you can receive a gift that keeps on giving. We, as mankind,  are the recipients of such a gift. What gift, the love of GOD through HIS Son, Jesus.

And every time I receive a reminder of that love, I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, a feeling of being cared for and extremely loved. That is a wonderful feeling, is it not? Umm, hmm-m! I got such a gift this past Saturday.

Say What?

I did well at the Women's Conference held this past weekend in Jackson. I sold several books and calendars, too. There were several local celebrities there and we were able to make connections with some. And then too, we met several vendor friends that we had met during the previous conference. All in all a good conference.

As I said several lines above, I did receive a gift that promises to be giving to me for quite some time. When I am at liberty to say so, then I will divulge the details to you!

Since I am blessed by GOD's love, I, in turn, try to bless you through my blog and through my books. Y'all take care and be blessed and don't forget to BYDWP (Begin your day with prayer.)

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

I will stand on top of the tallest mountain in my world and proclaim my love for GOD because HE has already claimed me before men and will proclaim me as HIS own in the final judgment if I remain faithful. It just does not get any better than that!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Through Fair and Foul Weather

I walked through my house this morning and as I did so, I took a stroll back down memory lane to my childhood home.

When I Looked Back Down the Road

As I walked, in my mind's eye, through the front door of the room that we called the front room, cum my brothers' sleeping quarters, I saw

  • the little gas stove that emitted warmth on cold winter days (when the gas was not cut off)

  • the dresser with the large round, nearly floor length mirror that sat in the corner

  • the strip of carpet that was nailed to the floor like a runner

  • the lump of a mess that used to be a sofa, although both arms had long since come off

  • the smoke-blackened curtains that used to be a polished olive green color

  • and saw the newspaper that had been put up to the windows as an extra deterrent against prying eyes.

I Heard

As I walked across the front room on my way to the kitchen, I stopped at the dresser where the radio sat, to look at my hair as a song ended and who did I hear? Bro. Theo Bless My Bones Wade! That was the name that he went by. Umph, umph, umph, old Bro. Wade! He was the deejay for the Christian portion of the radio programs that WDIA had back then.  Ah-h, memories some bitter and some sweet began to flood my soul as I stood there in that front room and listened to the radio of my mind.

When I entered the kitchen, I could hear the hum of the new refrigerator that Momma had gotten that took the place of the icebox that we'd had for the first ten years of my life. In the kitchen to my immediate left, I saw the huge black monster of a greasy, secondhand restaurant stove that was used for cooking and for heat in the winter. I saw the black grease-coated sides of it, the gas burners (that smoked up everything) and the enameled white doors that held the pots and pans in the bottom part of the stove.

At this Point

I stopped reminiscing and started praising. I  was sending up praises and thanksgiving to GOD for how far HE has brought me. You see, GOD, in all of HIS lovingkindness, took away the soot-blackened walls and the newspapers up to the window for privacy and replaced them with cream colored walls and mini blinds. He took away that one strip of carpet that was nailed to the floor to keep from hitting our feet on a pesky piece of flooring that was always splintering and replaced it with carpet throughout my home, except kitchen and bath. He replaced the rent man with a bank that I make a mortgage payment to. The knee-high grass has been replaced with a well-manicured lawn that is kept so by a riding mower. My stove in my kitchen... I don't have to go any further, I just want to tell you to look back down the road sometimes and see what the LORD has done for you. You will have praise time for HIM in your home, too.

Everything Perfect?

No, everything is not perfect in my home nor in my life, but I can tell you that GOD's love took care of me in fair weather and in foul weather. HE has supplied my needs materially and spiritually according to HIS riches in glory. And I can tell you to allow that love to carry you through your trials and through your troubles because if you stay faithful to HIM, He will take care of you, too!

Y'all know me and you know that sometimes I get filled up and just have to let the world know that I have a FATHER WHO sits high and looks low! Sometimes I have to say, "There is a GOD in Alma's world, and He does care about the little nobodies." How do I know? I am a little nobody, but I am a little nobody who is cherished from on high.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Yes, we have a GOD, WHO loves every one of us! Take that love with you through the rest of your year as we begin to wind down our talks on love for this quarter.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

I Can

By the Grace of GOD

Sometimes when you are between a rock and a hard place, you feel like you cannot go on. And that might be true if you were running on just "you" juice, but because you are running on the grace of GOD by the will of GOD, you can do more than you have to do. You can do things that astound your neighbors as well as yourself. Then you can say like the apostle Paul, "I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me." ( Philippians 4:13, KJV)

GOD's Glory

When you do these things that astound you and your neighbors, never think within yourself, "Oo-wee! Look what I did!" Instead, always remember the Source of your strength and give God the glory, my friend.

HE's Worthy!

Then you do like the saints of old and give God some praise. You will start saying things like, "I declare He will make it alright!" or "I know the Lord will make a way...yes He will!" Or you might coin your own phrase such as, "Won't He do it?!"

Be blessed and show some love to someone unexpected today.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Friday, January 26, 2018

At It Again!

[caption id="attachment_585" align="alignnone" width="139"]Chopping My Row by Alma Jones People Are Surprised at How Much this Book Blesses Them.[/caption]

Tomorrow Is It.

The day for the Women's Conference: To Be Loved By You has almost arrived.


From 10-2

First Christian Church Gym

Jackson, TN

Looking forward to seeing you. Chopping My Row will be available as well as many, many items from other vendors.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, January 25, 2018

I Smile

[caption id="attachment_679" align="alignnone" width="153"] It Is Catching![/caption]

I Smile

I smile because

My smile makes me smile

Its presence reminds me

That I am GOD's child.

I smile because HE formed

Me in such a way that when I do

I give loving benefits to me and to you.

I smile because my

Smile's presence makes me

Forget whatever has gone before

And I smile because, one day

I know I will grace heaven's shore.



Smile, folks. It will make you smile more after a while and spread joy and cheer, too.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Classmates, Racism, Neighborhood

[caption id="attachment_844" align="alignnone" width="144"] Remember, You Are What You Think.[/caption]

Felt the need to put a finishing touch on the blog from yesterday, so hence today's topic. Classmates, racism, nor neighborhood determine where you end up in life. They may have to do with certain points in your life, but that is all. Birth does not determine where you end up in life. The statement about classmates and the one about birth are powerful statements, but true, nonetheless. These statements are not said or repeated often enough.  Reflect upon this statement, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7, KJV) You are what you think, and your actions will be based on the way you think.



Determine to be happy and to find the good in any situation, whenever possible, even if only the tiniest amount.

Enjoy this poem that I did back in 2016.

Happiness I have, as I work my way toward joy supreme

Though things don't always turn out to be as they seem

I have learned to be content with what  I have

And to know that blessings will come whenever they are due

So do not worry overmuch if, "Blessings

Seem to be coming to everybody but you

What is meant for you will come when it is time

And it will find its way to you regardless of enemies

Roadblocks, traps or any other orchestrated crime

For your GOD will feed and water you so well that your

Enemy will say "Egads, just when we thought we had her/him beaten

We find that she/he was only coming into her/his prime!"

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What GOD Has for Me, It's for Me.

The world said, "Don't you make straight A's."  It said, "Don't you dream too big and don't you do too well. You stay in your place."  I remember thinking, "My place according to whom?" I knew what Jesus had done in my life, and I knew that I never walked alone, no matter what the world thought. But sometimes in the loneliness of being the only girl in the family, the only child in an accelerated class who did not have both parents in the home, the first one in our homeroom to make straight "A's," etc. I was fearful and ached deep inside.

But, I did not let the fear nor loneliness stop me from striving to succeed. The more I was taunted about the things that I did not have or the ways that I did not measure up, the more I leaned on Jesus, thus the more I prayed. I can remember back when I first learned about Joseph and his brothers and later, David and King Saul and still later Elijah and how he had to hide from Jezebel. I found that these men were ostracized, too.


When you have to face various trials because folk are jealous of you for whatever reason, don't despair. Remember that you are not the only one that has had to go through such situations. The previous paragraph names, but a few Biblical characters that had similar problems, and you see how they came out, don't you? Just you remember that you are in good company and that you have a Shepherd, Who dearly loves His sheep. Walk on with confidence in the assurance of His love.


Dear one who contacted me today, be thankful that you have less than a week left. Put on a happy face, stay prayed up, and know that "God is laughing." (Psalm 37:13) Be blessed with a new wave of confidence and trust in God. You will be saying before long, "I know the Lord will make a way, Yes-s-s, He will!"

I purposely used incidents from my childhood to show you how long I have been walking with Jesus and trusting Him. Yes, He has brought me through some work related issues, too. As a matter of fact, this blog is a result of one of those issues.

As far as my issues with whomever or whatever in my life, I did not despair for long. I lifted the problem up to Him in prayer, and I stepped on. Sometimes I had to hobble, but I stepped on. Sometimes I had to crawl, but I went on. I realized several long years ago that, "What God Has for Me is For Me." Look at what Joseph said, "You meant it for my bad, but God meant it for my good." (Genesis 50:20, KJV) Another relevant scripture is Romans 8:28 which says, "All things work together for good, for those that love the Lord."

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Monday, January 22, 2018

Just Goes to Show You

[caption id="attachment_756" align="alignnone" width="188"] HIS Love Holds Me Fast![/caption]


And as things go

Nine days ago, we were the

Recipients of six to seven inches of snow

And today, with snow and ice one day gone

We have fierce winds and thunder, too

...Just goes to show you, GOD can do anything HE desires

Don't you know?!



I have been talking about Roman's 8:28, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord." Whatever the literal weather brings, GOD is in control.  Then, too, whatever the weather of life brings, GOD is in control. That means, that as His children, we should not fret, but have an optimistic attitude about everything, knowing that, when any given storm is over, we, as the objects of His love, will be alright.

Remember a few days ago how I reveled in the snow that was sprinkled upon us from heaven? Yes, well, I reveled in the booming thunder and the howling winds that swept down through our little southern town, today. No, I did not want to run out in the storm like I did the snow, but I was reminded of His love for me and comforted by the thought of it. I knew in my soul that just like the ocean can roar, I have a Father, Who can roar louder than them all and Who controls the roars. I reminded myself of His fierceness and His tender love, all for mankind, yes me, too. Y'all, I wanted to tell the world that though men roar from their palaces and throne rooms, everything will be alright. We just have to believe. I believe in His love for you and for me. Do You?

We can do this 2018 thing. We can do it by taking one step at a time secure in the knowledge of His love for us.


Let's step, y'all, step, by step, by step, on our way home! Wow! Who would have thought that that thought would have been born from the ice, snow, rain, and thunder that we had within the past nine days?!

Don't forget what I have told you in every lesson in "Chopping My Row" and on practically every blog, BYDWP, "Begin Your Day With Prayer!" I want to add to that, a believing prayer. Then you will be writing in to me saying, "Grammy Alma! Won't He do it?!"

I'm done for the day! I'm going on somewhere and put my praising and thanking Him voice on!


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Sunday, January 21, 2018

When You See Me Coming

[caption id="attachment_1109" align="alignnone" width="146"] "Hello, there!"[/caption]

What is love? Is it a warm feeling of well-being, a heart throbbing pulsation at the approach of a certain one, etc.? It can carry different connotations depending on the way it is used. For our purposes today, love is being used to mean an expression of brotherly concern for others.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if when people saw you coming, they said or thought, "Here he/she comes,"? We know what is on their mind, Jesus."


Why Jesus, because Jesus is love and love is what it took to get us back into the correct relationship with GOD.


When you see me coming, I will have, "Being about God's business on my mind."  That is a powerful statement to make, but it is an even more powerful one to live.


When You See Me Coming

That statement means maintaining love for

Mankind whether folks love me back or not

It means loving folks when they smile or when they frown

It means loving folk when they let it be

Known that they don't want me around.

When you see me coming just know that I see

Another one of God's creations, an earthen vessel just like me

To be greeted with a smile and a cheery, "How are you?"

Being mindful of the fact that though on different levels

Of our journey, we both are trying to make it through.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Saturday, January 20, 2018

I Got the Chance


Have to go to the funeral of a writer friend and say a final goodbye, today.
Here is a poem that feels like it needs to be written.

I got the chance to skip
After I had learned to walk
And before then, crawl
I got the chance to work

After I had learned to play

I got the chance to experience
Life to its fullest, y'all

But, you know what I am proud of most of all

I got the chance to serve the Lord, my GOD in the plan

That HE had written before I was born

As a teacher, minister's wife and writer

To help place encouragement in the lives of man.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Friday, January 19, 2018

Singing My Song

Sometimes you hear a person before you see them. This can be a negative thing, but since the positive is being pushed forth this year, the positive will be leaned toward today. Back during the days of this writer's public school teaching days, she worked in a junior high school (middle School) that was built on the doughnut concept. That simply meant that the halls were circular. You could stand in your doorway and monitor the hall only a certain distance because the students would be out of your sight on the other side of the doughnut. This made for some interesting times, but that is a tale for perhaps another day.


In the mornings before the students arrived, you could tell when certain faculty members were approaching by the sound of their laughter, whistling, singing, etc. This type of scenario was mentioned to you yesterday. Wanted to let you know that, if you are a singer (if only to yourself), whistler, etc. that characteristic goes with you wherever you go. You may have noticed that people will come around you in the grocery store as you are choosing your groceries. It might be that the aisle that you are on was deserted until you got there. Then it seemed that the very thing that you were interested in buying so was someone else. They might reach and get the same package of bacon that you were looking at, in other words, they might have been dogging your steps or crowding your space. At least, that is the way that you saw it.


Just when you were thinking about becoming a little aggressive by giving a glare or heaving a sigh loud enough for them to hear, they come out with something like this, "I could not help but hear you sing. I know that it seemed like I was following you but, you sing so beautifully. And you sound so happy. I wanted to hear more. Thank you for sharing your joy with me this morning. Have a good day!" Of course, you manage to say something like, "Why, thank you! I usually hum most of the time because I have found out that singing makes me feel good. Don't have the best voice, but I do like to do it."  To which the lady who was listening to you sing might respond, "Uhn, uhn, you have a beautiful voice!" You might reply with, "Thank you once again and allow me to say that you have made my day!"

If you are like the writer of this blog, you will think back over conversations that you have had in the course of your day. When you come to the conversation about your singing, you might look at it as a "care package" (covered in "Chopping My Row") from the Lord. You say a prayer of thanks for the surprise care package, and you go loving your life.

The Next Time

Now, the next time that this happens to you, you might reply something like, It is such a lovely day, or this is another day that the Lord has allowed me to see, so I sing praise to show Him that I am thankful. You know?" Might get varied responses on various occasions. But, sooner or later, you are going to start to think, "What is wrong with these people? I can't sing, and I know it. Could be curious enough to go home and record yourself singing whatever portion of the song that you received the compliment on. And when you play it back, are pleasantly surprised. You sound, hmm-m, okay.

My Point?

Even in the grocery store, you can show joy and spread it to others without even realizing it. This writer was astounded when this happened to her a couple of times. Now, she purposely softly sings as she is shopping. You just never know who might need a little uplifting. So go on about your life and sing your song in 2018. Do like the writer of this blog tried to do and is determined to keep at it, "Do what she can, while she can." Who would have thought, a simple song softly sang in a grocery store aisle? My, my, my!

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Sing your song child

And sing it with a smile

Even if you keep singing the same phrase

Over and over again

For you never know who else you are singing for

As you do your grocery shopping

Up and down the aisles.

Someone may have been sent there

Just to have their spirits uplifted

And you little unsure singer may have

Been entertaining an angel unawares.

Hebrews 13:2

Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Little Bit, a Big Bit

Joy is something that is hard to hide. If there is joy in a person's heart, you will be able to tell it. It might show in the twinkle in an eye, an ever-ready smile, the patting of a foot, the humming of a tune, the wearing of a huge grin, a bouncy walk, skipping, a jovial greeting, etc. But, that is something that is hard to have when life has a go at you, isn't it? Yes, it is, but the good thing about joy is that it is contagious!


One of the things that I have decided to try to do more of this year is to look for joy and happiness in the smallest things because the big things will take care of themselves. Here's is how  I propose to go about this:

  • Start by being thankful. (Being thankful helps you to see just how blessed you are.)

  • When I tend to want to whine, I am going to remember to just take a good look down the road.

  • Sing a song to myself. (It has been proven that singing naturally elevates your mood by producing positive hormones.)

  • Get a new potted plant.

  • Go for a good nature walk and take time to smell the flowers, literally and figuratively.

  • Look for the positive in situations not so positive.

  • Choose joyful people to align myself with.

  • Look for joy in all things then that joy will help others. (Folk will look for you just so that they can hear a kind word, see a smile, etc.)

By being joyful, I can make my environment a feel-good place for all to be in. It is hard to stay moody and mean around a cheerful and joyful person. As we continue to move through this year, let us spread the love by showing joy. Afterall, every little bit helps.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

For a Little While

"What is man that thou art mindful of him?"(Hebrews 2:6, KJV) "What is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." (James 4:14, KJV)

Sobering words, aren't they? Yes, they are, and they serve to remind us of our mortality. The words tell us all that we must leave this world one day. We are born, and we die. One of my good author friends, Sandra Robbins, met the call on yesterday. She was a lovely lady with a charming warmth that reached out to touch all who came in contact with her, me included.

You know that I have been aspiring to be an author for a few years. Now, don't get me wrong, I have had the itch to write since I was knee-high to a duck. And, as I have told you before, I kept my friends entertained with my written stories. But it was not until I retired from my second job that I really focused on writing a book. I managed to write two volumes of poetry, and they were received pretty well.


Well, as you would have it, I was walking through the reading section at Walmart one day and saw one of Sandra Robbins' books. I scanned it and decided to buy it.

When I had finished the book, I thought to myself. "I want to do that-t-t." And immediately following that thought were these words, "But, how?"  Then I thought, "I know what I am going to do! I am going to call Sandra Robbins. She knows who I am because we worked at the same school for a while." So before I could lose my nerve, I looked her number up in the phonebook and called her. She answered me on the first ring and told me that she was on her way out of the door right then, but that she would call me back the next day.

Uh, Oh!

She did and the rest, as they say, is history. She asked me to come to her house in Martin, the next day and to bring a little something that I had written. She said 500 words or so would be good. When I hung up, I remember thinking, "Idiot! What were you thinking?! Now, you have to show up at that woman's house with something!"

I don't mind telling you that I was a nervous wreck. But, I calmed myself down and sat down at that computer after saying a prayer and let my little fingers fly. When I had finished, I had over 1000 words. That was twice as much as Sandra had suggested. I had told her when I spoke to her on the phone that I wanted her to tell me honestly whether she thought that I had any talent or should I just give it up.

The Next Day

So, the next day, there I went using my GPS and her directions to drive to her house. Being the type of person she was, Sandra met me at the door with a big smile. She offered me something to drink, and I politely declined. I thought to myself, "I cannot be trying to drink anything right now. I am so nervous that I would probably drop the bottle or cup."

Sandra said, "What do you have for me to read, Alma. I pulled out my precious little paper and, before I gave it to her, explained, "Now Sandra, I may not be any good at this at all. But I have this burning itch to do more than write poetry so I thought I would let a true writer read something of mine and see what they thought about it."

Sandra said, "Yes, Alma, now give me the paper."

Baited Breath

I slid the paper to her and waited with baited breath, all the while thinking to myself, "Stupid! That's what you are, Alma, just plain stupid. Now this woman is going to know just how stupid you are!" Y'all, I had prepared myself for the worst so that I would not be too hurt by what she said.

When she finished reading, Sandra exclaimed, "Why, Alma this is good!" My mouth fell open and then she went on to tell me what it was about the prose piece that I had written that she really liked. I thanked her profusely and was trying to get out of that house as fast as I could so that I could go someplace and yell really loudly! She did mention something about a writer's group that met in Mayfield on the third Saturday, but I thought to myself, "Uh, uh, I got away with this fluke of a piece, but I am not going to a group where there will be a lot of writers there. And they will get to see that I, not only am not a real writer but that I don't know much either! Uh, uh...

Well Done

I read some of the accolades that some other writers have written about Sandra and her willingness to help anyone that needed it in the writing field. I just wanted to say that she helped everyone she met if they needed it. She even reached out to help this clay vessel. We all got to enjoy her for a little while.

Her vapour has vanished but what an effect she left behind. R.I.P. Sandra Robbins, a life well lived!

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

The writing group that she was instrumental in starting? Yes, they are called the Ken-Ten Writers, and yes, I am a part of it! She was right, once again.

To her family, you had a treasure with you for many years. Let her legacy live on through you. Bless you, in this time of sorrow.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Harvest Time

[caption id="attachment_1092" align="alignnone" width="147"] Be Cautious in Your Choice of Seed[/caption]

All of us are familiar with harvest time and a time of scarcity. We know the time when peaches and tomatoes will be abundant and fresh. Just as well, we know that there will be a time when fresh peaches will not be available. That is a given.

If you plant a seed, water it, and nourish it, you will have a crop. Plant one seed but you will receive back so many more. Have you ever really thought about it? You plant one seed and get a bush that has many seed pods that produce over and over until it is the growing season is over. Think about it. Take a pea pod, for example. That one pod has about seven or eight peas in it. Now think of how many pods are on a plant at one time. And think again, on the fact that when you pick them, they produce more and more pods. All from one seed!

Now step with me into the spiritual realm. Imagine that one seed you planted and the resulting bush.That bush will be productive and give you pod after pod. Let's make sure that when our harvest time comes, it is the good seed that we have planted.

Harvest time, a time of plenty, but plenty of what? That is the question, sorrow or joy. Let's live our lives so that our harvest is one of joy. Oh, imagine the lusciousness of joy that we will have. As enjoyable as peaches are, our spiritual harvest will be much more enjoyable than that. My, my, my!

Doing What I Can, While I CAn Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Experience Determines Outlook

I can sing that old song, "By the Grace of the Lord, I've Come a Long, Long Way," and I get tears in my eyes. The song goes on to say, "When the storms of life are raging, uhmm-m-m, stand by me." And then there is another song that I sing sometimes that goes like this, "I Know the Lord Will Make a Way." After I belt out the title of the song in tune, then I follow up with these words, "Ye-es, HE wil-l-l!

You see, there are some times in life that your soul has had enough of being weary, and it reaches way back and gets some of those old songs that your Momma used to sing, and it tells everything else in your body, 'Move over now; it's our time.'" And that is when these words leap off of your tongue, "I have a Savior, Whom I can tell all my troubles to. When I am burdened, and I don't know what to do-o-o. I go to Him in secret prayer, and I can leave my burdens right there. Oh-h-h! I know the Lord will make a way, ye-e-s-s, He wil-l-l-l-l!"


The Next Time

The next time that you see someone belting out a song on the job, walking down the street, in the grocery store, etc., just nod your head with a smile and understand. Understand what? Well, understand that this might be a weary warrior, a victorious warrior, or a messenger carrying the message, "To hold on,"  to you. But, I will say this, since he/she has gotten your attention listen to the words of the song and see if perhaps there is a message for you. As I have told you before, there is some reason that the words of a song, headline, etc, grabbed your attention and held you immobile, if just for a few seconds,


I can sing certain songs and feel joy down to my toes! If you have never been between a rock and a hard place, not knowing where and how to place your next footstep because you didn't know where traps lay that were set for you, you can not judge my reason for optimism and/or joy.

But I have done a little bit of living and experience has taught me several lessons, among them, optimism and joy because I know Who my Redeemer is and I know that He cares for me!


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones










Can't You Smell the Fumes?

[caption id="attachment_844" align="alignnone" width="106"] Don't Forget to Refuel![/caption]

Example 1 - One thing that I found out when I first learned to drive was that when a car was getting ready to stop for lack of fuel, you could smell the gas fumes. I don't know about these newer cars because I never let my tank get lower than one-fourth of a tank. Before it gets that low, I head to the filling station. Running out of gas one time was a lesson that I learned well enough never to repeat. The smell of the gas was a warning, so-to-speak. I should have paid attention.

Example 2 - If you heat your home with gas, you know not to ignite anything if you smell gas. The smell of that gas is a warning to get things checked out. You won't run out of that type of gas, but you run the risk of losing your life and all that you hold dear if you don't rectify the situation. The smell of the gas is a warning. You should pay attention.


We have been talking about becoming a better person in 2018 than we have been, or doing more for the Lord, or being a more positive person, etc. By now, some of you have probably determined that it is easy to say we are going to do such a thing, but then life happens. It may be little nagging things at first, but then it may escalate. And sometimes by the time that life gets finished with you, you are thankful just to be left alone. You might feel like, "I am never going to try that again. Whew! I was hit from all sides!" Anybody out there ever felt like that? Uhm, hmm-m. I may have exaggerated a bit, but you get my point.

Well, try this on for size. Don't you know that if you have been living your life in a foot-loose and care-free manner and you decide to change it for the better, that decision upsets something? Your decision upsets the adversary, and he gets busy. Busy how? On you and your life, that is how.


All is not lost. The little nagging things that bothered you was the fumes from your tank letting you know that you are getting low, in fact, dangerousky low. It is time to make a refueling stop, now!

Get This

The Bible says, "Desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby." (1 Peter 2:2, KJV) Have found that when I read my Bible daily, as was taught to me by my Momma and recommended to me by my Gran Gran, the happenings of life, though they may stagger me, do not take all of the wind out of my sails, so-to-speak. Find that I have enough fuel to keep me going until I can get to the meetinghouse and worship with saints in praise to my Father.

  • When I read my Bible something that I have read in my daily Bible reading will come to mind, and I will be able to step on a little while longer.

  • Then, too, I have found that associating and communicating with godly people helps me quite a bit. "Prayers of the righteous availeth much." (James 5:16, KJV)

  • Prayer keeps me grounded and holds me fast so that the cares of life do not make me go all to pieces.

  • Worship tops off my tank of gas.

The bullets mentioned above are my fuel that I run on. If I do these things as I ought, then I won't have to worry about smelling the gas fumes. I will always know that I have enough gas to get me to the filling station. So, in conclusion, don't despair. Put your time in at the filling station. You will be okay in this new year of blessings.

Tomorrow, I will walk you through a couple of my valleys and tell you a bit about how I learned to lean on HIM and to realize that GOD will make a way.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Passing Forward/Forgiving

Love is the key to relationships in the world. If folk just remember what the Lord has said about love. That means that folk are to treat others like they want to be treated. It is as simple as that.

A better life in 2018 begins with the simple acts of apologizing and forgiving. If you practice apologizing and forgiving you will be starting to use better building blocks in your relationships with your fellowman (sowing seeds.) When you act with love toward your fellowman, more likely than not, he will pass a similar act on to someone that he meets, and it then becomes a chain of positive events. That is called sharing or spreading the love.

If You Are Wronged

Forgive and keep going on when you are wronged. (See poem below.)

If You Do a Wrong

Ask for forgiveness when you do wrong to someone. (See poem below.)

Apologizing and Forgiveness

Whether you were done wrong

Or you did wrong to another, remember, fellowman,

Since the beginning of time

Seeds have been sown and grown

And the reaper always collects the harvest

When He sweeps the land.

Whatever you practice day in and day out

Will be what you do best and will

End up being what your life is about

For you are planting seeds on a row

What type of garden will you grow?

Plant plenty seeds of passing-good-deeds-forward

And plant lots of forgiveness, too

For one day the reaper will present

The crop that you have sown, to you.


Y'all, it is as simple as this; love. Why, because it covers a multitude of sins." (Two previous sentences paraphrased from 1 Peter 4:8 KJV.)

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones





Friday, January 12, 2018

A Care Package, Indeed!

You know from reading this writer's blog through the years or her last two books that a care package means the receipt of a gift from the LORD. You receive HIS gifts daily as you are given life and salvation through HIS Son, Jesus. But, reference is being made today to that special little or big blessing that you receive just out of the blue! Well, Alma is over the moon because she feels that she realized just such a blessing yesterday. That blessing that threatens to shake you out of your shoes or to knock your socks off with its magnitude is the kind that she thinks she received.

Now you may not perceive it as such, but since it was Alma's blessing, she can perceive it in any way that she wants to. Right?  Uhm, hmm-m.

Four incidents will be presented to you. You decide if you think these four occurrences were or were not special care packages. Okay?

  • Case in Point #1 - These words were said to Alma three weeks ago, "Alma! Girl, this book is great! I take it with me to the doctor's office, and anyplace else I go. You know that I take different ones around and as I am waiting for them I take out my book, and I read it. I have my little pad and my pen and my highlighter, and I am reading, taking notes, and highlighting. I tell you, Alma, I was working so hard and so engrossed in the book that I did not see my rider come up to the car. She had to tap on the window to get my attention. When she got into the car, she said, 'What book is that that you are reading that had you so engrossed that you did not even see me coming?' Alma. I told her the name of the book, and she replied, 'Oh, you read her books? Is it that good?' And Alma, I told her what the book had done and is doing for me. I told her that it was just a really good read and she would just have to read it to find out for herself. Alma, I must have done a good job of explaining it because when I finished she wanted to know where she could get her one. I told her to just go to Amazon, and she said she was. But I didn't call to tell you all of that; I just called to let you know, girl, that you have done yourself proud with this one. And I am proud to say that you are my friend!"

That was case in point number one. Now, if it had happened just by itself, you might say that Alma was being a bit fanciful in thinking that this one episode meant very much in and of itself. But, read on to case in point number two and see what you think.

  • Case in Point #2 - Here is what Alma was told on another occasion about one week after case in point number one, "Alma, thank you very much for your book. I am enjoying it very much. It is my night reading every night before I go to sleep. I keep it by my bedside. It is a great book, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to it. It is that good."

You would think that maybe Alma would start to wonder or at least begin to connect the dots since these two cases in point refer to the same book.

  • Case in Point #3 - The next incident with the book happened three days later. Alma was in conversation with a friend when a lady walked up and said, "Excuse me, Alma, I don't mean no harm, but you are going to have to hurry up and write the next book to Chopping to Chopping My Row. I am almost finished with it, and I  will be ready for the next one!" The lady who said this did so without first even making any kind of greeting. After Alma looked at her so shocked, she sheepishly said, "I'm sorry, I did not even say hello. How are you doing Alma? But, we really do need that book, okay?"

By this time Alma had begun to wonder what was wrong with people. She thought that some people surely could be rude. But, it was what she wanted, to have people read her books and enjoy the way she tried to portray her love for the LORD and mostly HIS love for mankind.

  • Case in Point #4 - On this occasion, which occurred yesterday, Alma was having a conversation with a friend on the telephone. Here is what the friend said, "Hey girl, look I don't have much time, but I wanted to tell you a couple of things about your book. First of all, I do not read inspirational type books. I just don't. They are usually too hard to understand or are too boring, etc. It is just not my thing. But, this book, I take with me everywhere. When I am riding in the car, I have the book. I am always reading waiting for what is going to happen next. I went to a ballgame the other night, and I had the book. And I have had several discussions with people about this book, my husband included. Well, gotta go, my friend. Just wanted you to know! Bye."

This is the case in point that got Alma's attention. This phone call had come from a woman that Alma had long held in high esteem. Alma was wowed! She thought to herself, "Oo-we-e, look at what GOD has done!" Then she uttered this prayer:
Lord,  YOU sent me a huge care package. You have sent me several with regards to my writing and I thank YOU. This one has grabbed my attention because of the avenue that you sent it through. You had several people to compliment me on the book,  "Chopping My Row", and I, or course, told them that the glory belongs to YOU, as it does. But when this lady, along with the others that had gone on and on about the book, added her sincere compliments, It got my attention. And I want to say, Thank YOU, LORD. To YOU be the glory forever and ever and I will shout my message loud and long from whichever mountain you place me upon! In Jesus' name.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Thursday, January 11, 2018

Such As Is

[caption id="attachment_1071" align="alignnone" width="161"] Just as sure as the sun shines and the mountains rise up from the sea Judgment Day is coming for you and for me.[/caption]

You have heard the old saying, "What you see is what you get," right? That seems to connotate the meaning of a person being, "for real." Sometimes you might see people with a license plate that says the same thing, "For Real."

While all of that sounds good, you know what this writer has found? Found that the world, for the most part, does not like people who show who they really are. When a person allows his true colors to show, you will hear comments such as:

  • "Well, she/he did not have to say it like that. Yeah, I know that it is the truth but it did not have to be said in such a hateful manner is all I am saying."

  • "Here he/she comes again, y'all, Little Mr./Miss Smiley Face. Ain't nobody ever that happy! Give me a break! Talking all of that Bible stuff! Child, please!"

  • "He/she goes through life expecting nothing but the good and always expecting the positive and looking for positive in negative situations. Even when there are no positives! Need to get real and face life like it is; life is a witch."

Yes, you have heard conversations such as the ones mentioned in the bullets above. And from such conversations, you realized what you had known most of your life, that not all people are nice and kind.


If you have determined within yourself to be all that you can be for the Lord, then that is just what you should do. Here's the thing. As mentioned in yesterday's blog, there is a mission that you are on, and you have determined to make it to the judgment with your faith intact and your Christians values uncompromised. To do so, you might as well realize, that you will have to take on the world if you have not realized that already.

The paragraph above is pretty daunting, isn't it? Yes, this writer realizes that, but better than that, Jesus realizes it. And it is He Who had the keys to hell. He will be in charge that day (day of judgment of the world) and all of the world, naysayers included, will acknowledge it.


On that fateful day, all of the folks that have remained true to the Lord, in spite of how they were treated, will be joyous that their life's commitment was to the GOD of All Creation. Their joy will reign supreme!

Such As Is

 So, you show yourself such

As you are, GOD's child

HE owns you and loves you very much

And one day will acknowledge you as such

And will replace all of your tears with a smile.


So when somebody says, "That's just the way he/she is

Uhn, hmm-m, just let them talk, and you step on

For you already know

The place to which you are destined to go.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


[caption id="attachment_655" align="alignnone" width="188"] From the Tallest Mountain in My World, Telling My Story for Your Glory.[/caption]

People use words in many different ways

To convey all sorts of thoughts and ideas

But there have never been words that were adequate

That flow from the mouth of man

To express the heartfelt joy and thankfulness

To the CREATOR for HIS tender love and care...


No, been looking a lifetime and do not find

In the vernacular, adequate words there though

Mankind often spends much time trying in prayer.


Some days,  like some of you, just have to try to tell HIM

What HIS love and ownership mean to me, especially

When I have had several moments of epiphany.

So, I tell HIM from the tallest mountain in my world

As I shout to the world about the pleasure

That I have in my soul in boundless measure

To be considered HIS child and HIS treasure.


I tried, y'all, but I just don't have enough words... To do so is a task that is beyond the limits of this and any other clay vessel.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

But I have a FATHER WHO understands...




Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Don't Like to Wait

When something is looked forward to, it is hard to wait for it to come to fruition, right? Sure, it is. But, you know what? I have discovered that most things that are looked forward to with zeal or relish, seldom disappoint. Remember the joy you experienced on Christmas Day as a child! It was usually worth every minute of the wait, wasn't it? Uhm, hmm-mm.

Even now, when we are waiting for something that is supposed to happen we get very anxious, don't we?
You know, when there is supposed to be a surprise birthday party for you and somebody, "oops" lets it slip. Yep, you get gleeful in the moment when you are told even though you are sworn to secrecy. How many times have you had merriment dancing in your eye and wanted to yell out, "I know about the party, ha, ha!" Countless, in all probability. Then the day of the party finally dawns and you have the hardest time pretending to know nothing and act normal.

When you open your gifts at the party and everyone is sitting around reminiscing amid much laughter, enthusiasm, and joy, you finally get much-needed relief and spill the beans that you knew about the party all of the time because "blank" had told you and had sworn you to secrecy.

From time to time over the course of the next year, you relive the memories of the excitement generated by your being able to look forward to that great day.

A Lifetime

Been looking a lifetime for that day when you get to see Jesus? One songwriter has said, "We will have a big celebration."  There will be joy that is unspeakable on that day for everyone who is in the right relationship with Jesus.


As you continue to look forward to the great day of celebration with the Lord, allow the anticipated joy of that meeting to carry you forward in time as you walk through this year day by day preparing your way by fulfilling Jesus' request for you to love your fellowman. This anticipation will help you to leap over some of the hurdles, step around traps, etc. that have been set. You will be able to march undeterred on your journey toward heaven and home. Hallelujah, what a time!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Somewhere Out There (Cont.)

[caption id="attachment_1063" align="alignnone" width="156"] He Proved His Love.[/caption]

This is the conclusion of the post from yesterday that dealt with, "Broke, Busted and Disgusted!" The last line from yesterday was, "Somewhere out there, there might be somebody who has been helped by this post." "If I Can Help Somebody as I Pass Along..."

Why Love Stuff?

You have in the paragraph above, the reason that I do what I do. I told you that my intent for this 2018 is to show more love to my fellowman. Why? This is my soul mission as I follow the Lord's commands and "love my neighbor as myself." Make no mistake about it, I do love me, so in doing so, I have to love you, too. It is as simple as that.

Formats of My Love

Been working on loving you for a good long while, in fact, most of my life. But that loving has taken different formats over the years. When I was a child, I tried to divide everything I had in half with whichever cousin or friend I happened to be with if I found a nickel. The above is an example of the kind of thing that I would typically do as a child.

In college, I helped by writing some papers and themes for some of my classmates according to the outlines that their instructors would give them. Again, typical type of thing that I did.

After I began teaching, I utilized my caring and nurturing skills to get my students to learn to love learning whether it was in a book or involved learning to "love self." (Again, typical.)

While working as a helpmeet in the ministerial field, I worked on getting the flock to love Jesus and one another more, while my husband carried on the work required of a minister.

After I retired from teaching and my husband retired from full-time ministering, I poured my love for my fellowman into my writing. I adopted as a motto something that I often said to myself, but had never voiced or written, "Doing What I Can, While I Can." Later on, I added the phrase, "Because I Care" to my motto of life.


And that is how I became known as Grammy Alma from Grammyalma' I have my little space on the web, and I write and write and write on. And that is why you have three books of poetry and one general life lesson book that is suitable for all but catered to ladies:

  1. Chopping My Row - Ladies lesson book

  2. W.O.W. created w.o.w. - Poetry book built on the principle of the love of GOD

  3. AVIA - Poetry book that understands

  4. DEI Sub Numine Viget (Under GOD's SPIRIT, She Flourishes) - Poetry book a little more detailed in the difficulties of life.


All of the books written above were to say to you, that:

Jesus loves you and showed it, too

For a Someone Who gave His life for you

What are you, fellowman, willing to do?


Me? Now you know why I do what I do.

For 2018, in this first month, we are working on love

Love of self and love of our fellowman

Just loving mankind, the best way that we can.

If I have helped just one somebody today, my day has not been in vain...

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Somewhere Out There

"Broke, busted and disgusted!" One or all of the words from the previous phrase describe somebody's summation of their life at this point or some point in the past.

The Past

Remember how hopeless you felt? You felt like everything that you tried to do just did not work out. You may have felt so singled out for trouble that you despaired of even trying anymore. Do you remember how bereft you felt? Uhm, hmm-m, it was not a good feeling, was it? I know, sweetie. I have been there and done that.

When you went through that time, it may have been a pivotal point in your life. What is meant is that this may have been a molding moment for you. (trial by fire, a "When HE gets through with me time," ) You went through that process of being downhearted for a reason. It may or may not have had anything to do with what you had done. This may have been a molding moment for you. Say what? The tough moments that you went through may have been meant to teach you something. Whatever the reason was for them, if you went through such a phase of life as the one mentioned in the opening line of this blog, then you should remember what you did to get out of it.

The Present

Anybody out there feeling this way now or know someone who does? Two things:

  1. List the steps that you went through to get out of that particular situation or make a list of what you think you can do to extract yourself from it.

  2. Can and will you use those steps to help someone else turn their life around who is going through the same thing?

Today is Sunday and as such, is a day of worship for most people. Go to worship today, give thanks for the things in your life that are going well, and pray for all people who are going through the broke, busted and disgusted stage. I must say, that is a common way to feel right after the holidays.

  • Yep, the excitement of getting a gift for someone has worn off, but the extravagance of the gift will keep your pockets picked for almost a year.

  • Being cooped up in the house with little or no fresh air plays a part in having feelings of disgruntlement, too. Looking out on a street whose trees have been long cleared of the eye-pleasing canopy of green leaves can be a downer for sure.

Hold Up!

Wait a minute! Let's put some positive in it.

  1. Do you have food? It matters not the kind, as long as it fills your stomach and nourishes your body.

  2. Is there a roof over your head? Oh, some leaks in the house? Put a bucket in the places where it leaks and sit in a spot where it doesn't leak. Some unfortunate souls do not have a roof and walls; in fact, a pasteboard box looks good to them.

  3. If it is cold where you live, do you have heat? Uhm, hmm-m, some folk don't have heat. Oh yes, that can be a real issue because this writer when she was a child experienced times just such as the ones mentioned in the first sentence of this bullet.

This is turning into a lengthy post, and most of you do not have the time and/or "want-to" to sit through much more of this. So, this article will be paused here and taken up on tomorrow, if it is the LORD's will. Until then, don't forget to go to worship today.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Somewhere out there, there might be somebody who has been helped by this post. "If I Can Help Somebody as I Pass Along..."


Know What It Is Like

Learned a lesson that the world tried to teach me a long time ago

But I internalized the learning and never let the world know

That it had scored a big hit with a wound that ran deep, in fact so deep

That even after the wound healed, the scar was mine to keep.

That wound from long ago taught me that only on Jesus I could depend

To have my welfare uppermost in His mind and to keep me safe

Until I reached my earthly journey's end.

But because I internalized the lesson that I learned so well

Different faces over the years have tried to teach me until they could tell

That I had learned what they felt like I needed to know

Tsk, tsk, they just did not perceive that I already learned

That lesson a long time ago.

The lesson that they were trying to teach me is one

That I learned pretty much from the start

But the lasting application that I took from the lesson

Was that Jesus knew me better than any woman or man

And that He judged me from what He found in my heart.


What is being said to you? Though you know what it is like to be picked apart by the world, you don't allow that picking to determine who you ultimately become. Now that you have determined to better yourself as far as your actions and reactions to your fellowman, rest assured that you will be bothered with a new wave of lessons. But don't let that deter you from your goal of moving toward positivity and the human good.

Here's the Thing

Whether those lessons are motivated by jealousy, envy, hatred, or misplaced concern, they all still tend to keep you where the proverbial "they"think you belong. Excuse, please! Only the GOD of ALL CREATION determines where you belong. And furthermore, in your new quest of self-betterment for the benefit of your fellowman, you have the Lord's approval and attention. So whatever you do, as you continue your journey into the year, keep moving forward. GOD sees, knows and He cares. And never forget to BYDWP (Begin your day with prayer.)

Note: You know, it could be that the things in you that the world seeks to eradicate are the very things that the Lord uses to move you to here-to-fore unknown heights.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Who Says?

[caption id="attachment_901" align="alignnone" width="140"] "It All Comes Out in the Wash."[/caption]

You started the year off being grateful that you were allowed to see a new year. I know you did, and so did I. Most of us, at least in our minds resolved to be a better or more positive person in the coming year. Let's continue that thought or intention by putting an active foot forward toward being positive. It costs you nothing that you need, anyway, and will gain you a lot.

What Is Your Life?

I told you yesterday, and I will say it again

Whatever you practice day in and day out

Will be what you do best and will

End up being what your life is about!

So, do you want to be known as a Negative Nellie

Or a Positive Polly for the choice is up to you

But remember that the books are open

And a record is being kept of everything you do.

Thus in 2018, if you really mean to change

Start by silencing the naysayer that might lurk within

By causing positive things to be recorded in the

In the Book of the Life of you, fellowman.


Who Said It Could Not Be Done

To Those Trying: When somebody says it can't be done

The thing to do is to do it

Because if you are driven from within to do a thing

Then the Driving Force within you will see you thru it.

When Nehemiah was to build the wall

There were naysayers aplenty

Nehemiah didn't listen to the voice of the enemy

And neither did Moses when confronted with the Red Sea

And both of those stories are a part of Biblical history.

Why do naysayers say "nay" so much is what I wonder

Why be bothered with someone else's attempts at all

Either a thing will succeed, or it will fall

Why not wait and see before uttering a failure's call?

Could it be that they see in those who are trying a

Spark of something that they wish they had

Could it be that they think that a person just might succeed

And by doing so, make them look bad?


To Naysayers: Well, take a word of advice from a well-meaning soul

Stop naysaying that person who is trying to orchestrate

A meaningful accomplishment for the betterment of man

Instead, what if you were to find yourself a worthwhile goal

To do something to make a difference

And you find that you, with certainty, can.

Remember that Moses nor Nehemiah heeded the naysayers

But, instead counted on GOD to deliver victory when due

For they knew that they had a powerful GOD

WHO always came through.


What Is Being Said to You Today?

  • Don't impede progress, make some.

  • Be all and do all for the good that you can for the sake of your fellowman.

  • When you do positive things for your fellowman, it comes back to you in much larger amounts than you put out. Remember, we reap what we sow. Imagine having a harvest of a plentiful crop of good deeds. How great would that be? Hmm-m... I know, you would be like, "I'll take it!," and so would I.

Be blessed.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


I Am Not Ashamed

There is something on the inside that makes me say, "I am not ashamed to own my LORD!" I understand Jeremiah when he said,  that it was like a fire shut up in his bones. Understand now, why my mother kept saying that to serve the LORD was written in her heart. Too, I get why the Canton Spirituals were driven to sing the song, "It's In My Heart to Serve the LORD."

From the Tallest Mountain in My World

Now you understand why the title of my upcoming book is, "From the Tallest Mountain In My World." In this book, I am telling all who will listen that GOD is love. In fact, HE is so much love that HE sent HIS only begotten Son to die for us. That is the kind of and the amount of love that HE has for mankind. The Bible says in John 15:13, "Greater love has no man, but that He should lay down His life for a friend."


Just got the news that my son was jolted awake during a 4.5 magnitude earthquake. GOD be thanked that he is okay. You know what, folks? I know the GOD, WHO holds the foundations of the world and the deep in HIS hands! My child is in good hands, as we all are.

And that is why I tell you that I will shout HIS goodness from the tallest mountain in my world. Right now, that is this blog and my pencil and paper to write books. And I am shouting it loud and long, y'all!

GOD Will Take Care of You

If I wrote a thousand books I

Still could not tell all about HIS goodness

But you know what, I am going to try.

My children can travel this world around

But I trust in GOD to keep them safe and sound

When my baby (my grown son) sent me a Tweet

That said, "Earthquake!", I reached down into

My mother's prayer closet and I prayed

Like any Godly mother would do.

"Thank YOU, LORD, for taking care of my baby

And keeping him wrapped in YOUR arms of safety."

Thanking GOD, as always and Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Praying Carr-Jones

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Working on Building

[caption id="attachment_1045" align="alignnone" width="142"] Building to Best My Best to Receive the Best[/caption]

In the Construction Business

Just a couple things to grab your attention concerning building. Webster defines building as an edifice (noun) or the act of constructing something (verb). Each day that we live, we are working on the building of something.

  1. We are supplying, by our deeds and words, building material for our home after this time side of life. Yes, we are in the construction business, indeed. (John 14:3, Hebrew 11:6, Matthew 25:41, KJV)  The way we live here determines the type of dwelling place that we will have on the eternal side of life.

  2. We are also constructing something that will be here long after we are gone. Yes, we are building a legacy one act at a time. It can impact our families, our communities, and our world positively or negatively. We can be like Lois and Eunice or like Jezebel. The choice is ours. Just remember what I told you on yesterday, "Whatever you practice that is what you will become best at."

Since we know that we are building day by day, what manner of builders ought we to be? Yep, we are building:

  • for the here-and-now and

  • for a-while-later here on earth and

  • for all of eternity.

Working on Becoming a Master Builder

When you think about how the here and now

Impacts all of life, for times unseen

It makes you think what life really means

And about the decisions that you have made

Or will have to make and you take on

A heavier load than you here-to-fore had to bear

And you watch what you do and have a care

Because building is going on now, in the timed future

And in the city that is being built up there.


What manner of builders ought we to be?


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Doing My Best

[caption id="attachment_1040" align="alignnone" width="143"] My Best Is Always Under Construction[/caption]

Just what does that title mean? Does it imply that a person is giving all they have to give to a particular task or job? Well, if you keep giving all you have to a particular task, then by virtue of the law of practice, you become better at that particular task, don't you?

Think About It

  • Walking - walking was not always easy for you was it? No, it was not and most if not all of us can summon up some of those toddler days memories of when we were first trying to learn to walk ourselves or when our children started to take their first toddling steps. But, with practice and the passage of time, all of us have become proficient walkers able to hop skip and hump.

    • "A piece of cake" Why did we become so proficient at walking? We gave it all we had, our best. And just like in the law of practice, each day's effort grew upon the efforts of the previous day. Before long, what had been so hard for us, had become our norm. That is such a simple thought to process, isn't it? Uhm, hmm-m.

  •  Living the Christian Life -  Now let's apply that same law of practice to our life as a child of GOD. Uhm, hmm-m. You begin to see a different picture of the possibilities in your life as a Christian now don't you? Sure you do. If you practice being kind, it will become easier and easier for you until you can do it effortlessly making it easier for you to please the MASTER.

    • Now, look at the flip side of that coin. If you practice being mean on a daily basis, guess what you will become skilled at doing? Exactly, being mean. Whatever you practice on a daily basis, that is what you will become skilled at doing. That is what you will become best at. You will be doing your best for jealousy, envy, being mean, etc., or you can be working daily on doing your best for the LORD. Which things will afford you peace in eternity?


In 2018, which set of things ought we to try to do our best on? Yes, the set of things that will benefit us with the LORD in the judgment. I think that I will give you a poem on this subject today. Hope you benefit from it and enjoy.


If you keep trying to

Do the best that you can do

You will find that  the best of the best

Will spring forth from you.


Building upon the best that

Is today yours to give

Will manifest itself in greater ways

Than you ever thought could live

Inside of the body that you know as yours

For you will become a master of  the best

Who each day raises the personal bar of best-manifest.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Monday, January 1, 2018


Yea! We made it! Let's give thanks for our family, friends and all other blessings that the LORD has so richly blessed us with. I took my blessing jar out and looked back over some of the things that I was blessed with in 2017. Included in the jar were great blessings and small blessings. Each one made me smile and one or two of them made a tear come to my eye, so sweet was the memory that it invoked.

Starting a blessing jar for 2018 and am going to try to jot the things down as they happen. I find that if I jot things down at the moment they happen, I am less likely to forget the impact of the initial sweetness of the blessing and none of it is lost in the passage of time. Yes, even the passage of a few minutes affects the depth of feeling that you place on a note for blessing jar. (Just a thought.)

New Year

New Year

Clean slate

Just can't wait

To see what's

Coming next.


What Will You Do?

It remains to be seen

What you will do with 2018.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones