Friday, December 18, 2020

Be Kind

Ephesians 4:32
And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as GOD in CHRIST also has forgiven you. (NASB)


Yes, it is the Christmas season

A time of unparalleled cheer

But kindness is to be extended

Throughout the year.©



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Thursday, December 17, 2020

When All Is Said

When you turn on the television

You hear tell of this

And you hear tell of that

But when all has been said

And all has been done

I am still saved by the blood

Of GOD’s only begotten SON

And that knowledge gives me

 “...peace from GOD, our FATHER


(Based on Ephesians 1:2.)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Legacy of Bible Reading and Prayer

I want to say good morning to everyone. I have a couple of things that I want to pass along to you.

A Time of Cheer

This time of the year is supposed to be a time of cheer

But that cheer is hard for some people to find

Because  COVID-19 and fighting lingers near

So I have written this poem for you, to say

Find the joy in the season, come what may

And never forget that GOD is GOD

At the end of the day.©


A Legacy of Bible Reading and Prayer

My Momma built me a legacy

In that, she taught me to read my Bible and pray

Because she knew that JESUS would

Take care of me when she

Had to go away.

Armed with that legacy I continue

To travel on from day by day

Pulling on GOD via the power of prayer

To walk me through whatever might be there

Or whatever might come my way.

When COVID-19 came on the scene

I talked to GOD about it

And went on to do HIS work and

At night to sleep the sleep of peace

Because I knew that whatever

The night might bring

GOD  had(s) HIS angels walking the land

And that come what may,

My FATHER is in charge of everything.

So, even if some unprecedented evil

Where to be unleashed upon the land

I won’t worry overmuch,

I’ll just turn to GOD in prayer

Because I know that HE, the CREATOR,

Has the upper hand.

Yep, my Momma left me a legacy

That stands me in good stead

She left me Bible reading and prayer

Through which my soul,

By day and by night, is fed.©️


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

The Miracle BIRTH

There was a miracle BIRTH

Orchestrated by GOD

To bless this earth

And now, as HIS child

I work as I live and breathe

Because to my God

I will always cleave.

So, I walk the flatlands of Tennessee

Utilizing the SPIRIT that

GOD has placed in me

Telling all who will listen

About the home that’s going

To be their's and mine

When GOD calls us  to meet HIM

On the other side of time.©

(Based on Galatians 3:7-8, 14.)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

How Have I Been Able to Walk

How have I been able to walk,

Though weary, mile after mile

Easy, I’ve been able to do it

Because I am GOD‘s child

And just as HE has walked and

Continues to walk with me,

HE will walk with you, too.

I've traveled over roads that folks

Could not see how I made it, but now

I can tell the world that I trusted

In GOD and stepped on anyhow.

Even now, sometimes HE does things

That take my breath away

But that’s only because I tend to forget

That I serve the almighty and powerful YAHWEH

And that HE can do things to

Show me and everybody else

That HE is GOD and that HE is


You see, HE has a way of drying my tears

And eradicating my fears...

Yes, HE’s been my WAY-MAKER

Down through the years

And so, I have learned not to fret

But to turn concerns over to HIM

And HE has never failed me yet!©



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Monday, December 14, 2020

Without Ceasing

Before the advent of the Covid-19, I marked the year by the yearly or seasonal events that occurred within it. But the year 2020 will be marked by the epidemic, and so too will 2021. "How," you ask. Well, we have been told that the vaccination process will be in full swing by then and that the fears of Covid-19 will be a thing of the past. I look forward to that time, don't you?

The poem below is how I looked at a year according to seasonal happenings in a normal year. And below it, in green type, is a poem about the way I look at the advent of Spring in 2021.

Voracious Appetite

I was excited this year when Spring first arrived

Along with the usual signs of Spring

The songbirds, the robins and baby birds

With tiny voices filling the air with

Their wee-throated chirping

Oh, and lest I forget, there is that

Dreaded annual termite swarming.

That swarm is not something that

Any homeowner wants to ever see

Well, guess what folks, the homeowner

Who saw them this time happened to be me.

Was I happy to see the winged insects whose voracious

Appetite could damage or bring my home down around me

My answer to that needless query is a resounding, “No siree!”

Had to find capital for the depleted till

So that I could pay the exterminator’s bill!

Did I allow this latest sign of Spring

To take my Spring found joy away from me

No, not me, no, siree

Because when I looked out of my window

I found, with joy,  that the hummingbird family

Having made another pilgrimage back to me

Was flying around for all to see.

Now, you know I would not be me if I

Did not make an application to the Lord by

Using this poem that I just wrote to prod

Us onward in our quest to please our God

Would that we be like the termite and the hummingbird

And feed with relentlessness upon the Written Word

And share the news with our fellowman because it

Would be the best sharing that they had heard

Yes, siree!© (Chopping My Row)


Look at the last verse of this poem. You can see that the writer likens our sharing the goodness of God to, being prepared by being Bible well-read. This preparation allows us to be the vessel by which our acquaintances can be fed.


The Advent of Spring 2021

I am looking forward to 2021 and the advent of spring

And along with it, the eradication of COVID-19

For due to the vaccines, that virus will

No longer be around to be alarming

Though there will still be the annual termite swarming

And other signs of spring mentioned in the poem above

But there won’t be any COVID-19

Because GOD will have saved us because of HIS love.

Yes, the sweet little hummingbirds

Will be welcomed, as before

But there will be no COVID-19

To keep me inside of my home's door.

And just as the termites and hummingbirds

Seem to feed without ceasing

I, as a COVID-19 survivor, will

Offer prayers of thanksgiving

To GOD without ceasing!©



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Sunday, December 13, 2020

By the Power of The LORD

All of the things that I might

Have accomplished in this life

I did not accomplish it of my own accord

But by the power and might of the LORD.

As I have told you before

I am but a vessel put into use

In the service of the LORD

And I am working just as you are

Down here on the ground

For a home in glory and my crown

Which the LORD, the righteous JUDGE

Shall to me, award.©

(Based on 2 Corinthians 10:17-18 & 2 Timothy 4:8)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Saturday, December 12, 2020

No Matter


No matter how life might beat you down
Always let the love of God in you abound
As you strive to reach higher ground.©

(Based on 2 Corinthians 8:7)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Friday, December 11, 2020

The CREATOR of the Mountains



The CREATOR of the mountains,

The grass, the birds, and the bees

Is GOD Almighty and HE

Calls me daughter and

Cares about me.

HE didn’t say that I would

Have sunshine all the way

But what HE did say

Was that HE would be with me

In and out of my battle fray

So, I don’t fret long

When things go wrong

I just pray to GOD in my heart

And on my lips, I place a song

Because one thing I do know

HIS SPIRIT is with me

Everywhere I go.

And HIS poetry runs within my soul

To keep me mindful of my eternal goal

Of living with HIM way up there

Where every day will be bright and fair.©

(Based on 2 Corinthians 6:18.)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Take Heart

Good morning. I hope you’re having the beginning of a nice morning. And I hope you are managing to thrive in the general requisites of life despite the pandemic and it cares.

I took a refreshing walk through chapters 4 & 5 of 2 Corinthians this morning, and let me tell Y’all, I needed it! Boy, did I ever! Whew!
If you have a few minutes, I will share what happened that made me need that refreshing walk through Corinthians.

Let me pose a question to you. What good thing does being special and COVID-19 have in common? Absolutely nothing, I can tell you that! Yet, I found myself in a quandary because of the above-stated circumstance.
You see, COVID-19 has orchestrated our lives so that my daughter's (who is special) day program be suspended. Her counseling sessions have been suspended as well. Wait a minute; let me amend that. She does have counseling sessions by phone once a month. At any rate, we have been basically in the house since March.

Well, yesterday, Mount Vesuvius erupted in our home! Folks, she got upset over an issue with my husband, and neither he nor I realized it. Now, mind you, we have been walking on eggs around her for months. (You know that I have told you before about how certain words are triggers for her behavior episodes.) Well, she got turned sideways within herself about a comment my husband had made, and oh, LORD, have mercy! When that man went to work, I caught it!

This was one of her rarer tantrums, and it was all I could do to stop it! Whew! She was in rare form. I tried everything I knew to stop that tantrum, but it seemed the more I tried, the more it escalated. I tell you, folks, I was in for it!

I won’t tell you all I had to go through to try to calm things down, but by the time it was over, I was the one in a jerk.
Now y’all know that I am a praying person, well, let me tell you, I did some praying yesterday! I mean more than normal. Mercy me!

After it was over, I managed to keep it together after calling my husband and texting my son, not so they could help me, but just because I needed an outlet. Well, when my husband came home from work, and after everybody was fed, I took myself to my bed, covered my head, and slept the sleep of the exhausted! Folks, I was worn out.

So, those of you that are trapped in the house with your children who are just run-of-the-mill children, be thankful! Or as I always say, if you think you have problems, just take a look down the road. And on that note, I'm pretty sure that there are people who are dealing with worse situations than I am, and I just want to pause here and say, "You are in my prayers for whatever situation that you are in that makes you think that your life's walk is  just too hard."


Now that I told you a little bit about my day yesterday, you know how I felt this morning when I read 2 Corinthians, because I was still in a work and a jerk. You know, still just not happy about the entire situation yesterday. I was feeling a little like, "Why me?" Y'all know how we play that pity game sometimes, "Why me; I’ve been handling this for so long; oh woe is me, etc."

Help Was on the Way

Uhm, hmm, so when I read that scripture that said, "To not lose heart...," (2 Corinthians 4:1 & 16) it was like that scripture was talking directly to me. And then when I read verses 8, 9, and 17 of that same chapter, I was ready to carry on with the task that I thought was too hard for me, the task that I thought I had been doing too long, etc. But now, I know that GOD, in HIS infinite wisdom, had looked down through the annals of time and seen my dilemma before I was even born because HE had the scriptures recorded way back in Biblical times to soothe my weary soul today.

You see, I realize that the message of GOD's love for us is bigger than any problem that I might have. I realize that it is my task to do, and I am going to get it done. That's not to say that I won't get weary from time to time, but it is to say that I won't stay weary because my FATHER has built nourishment in for me when I get tired. And I know that I am working for a crown incorruptible.


I step on for GOD with my

Special daughter in tow

Because I realize that

Whatever help I need

On this journey below

Has already been provided-

In fact, a long time ago!


So, I won't lose heart

After all I am a soldier,

Don't you know?


Scriptures Used Are Listed Below:

Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart,

But we have this treasure in earthen containers, so that the extraordinary greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;

we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;

persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed;

16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer person is decaying, yet our inner person is being renewed day by day.

17 For our momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,


Walking by Faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

My Heart

revealing yourselves, that you are a letter of Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts


Oh, I wonder why

A blinking Christmas light

Fills us with such delight

Could it be that a CHILD’s

Birth is remembered more

Often than not, on a

Certain designated night?

No, we do not know the

Exact day of HIS birth

But that matters not for,

The fact of the matter is

That the remembrance

Fills our hearts with mirth

Because it reminds us all of

The time that HEAVEN

Came down to earth.

So it is with joy, of the utmost

That I say to all of you

GOD’s blessings upon you and yours

As peace and goodwill abound

And healing is delivered to our shores.©


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Monday, December 7, 2020

Whatever You Do

1 Corinthians 16:14 

14 All that you do must be done in love.


2 Corinthians 1:4 (NASB)

who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.


I am just a mere woman

As I walk this world below

But I am shepherded by JESUS

Every place I go.

I am comforted when I need comforting

So that I might comfort you

If ever you need me to

By showing empathy and compassion

After a Godly fashion,

For HE shows compassion to me

And I, in turn, show forth

That love for all humanity.©



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

I Just Want to Ask You Something

Y’all know that I do a blog for your

Edification, exhortation, and consolation

And I choose subjects about situations

That are of concern to single individuals,

Or at times, to the world's nations.

Right now, though we are in the

Midst of a searing pandemic,

We take solace from the fact that

We received the answer to many prayers

About COVID-19 that asked for a vaccine in hand

That would stop the carnage

That is wreaking havoc across our lands.

Now, we are in holding mode

Awaiting our turn for our vaccination

While giving thanks to GOD

For our deliverance from this blight;

But, I just wanted to ask you

A question or two, if I might

Do you give thanks for the vaccine

Each day or each night

Do you pray for healthcare workers

Who are dealing daily with this virus situation

Do you pray for folks that

Have lost their wages

Do you pray for families that

Had loved ones that lost their Coronavirus fight

Do you pray for ample supplies

Necessary for the people’s vaccinations?

And one last question I would like to pose to you

How has the virus affected

The things that you do;

Do you pray a lot more

Than you used to

Do you attend worship more often

Do you talk about, with thanksgiving,

The goodness of GOD

To any man who will listen

As you go on, with heightened awareness,

About this business of living?

Just a couple of questions that I had

And I wanted to pose them to you

About how this virus has affected

The things that you do.©


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Saturday, December 5, 2020

What Are Your Numbers

How old are you?

No, I don’t mean to pry

But I wanted you to think

About the number of years

That has gone by.

Whatever the number of years is

That you have lived

That is the number of times

That some people have celebrated

The birth of GOD’s SON

But there are some that have celebrated

HIS birth every first day of the week

And better yet, there are those

Who celebrate HIS birth with

Every breath they take

Every act of kindness they do

Every word that they write

Every word that they say

Every song that they sing

In short, they try to remember the

Greatest GIFT of God‘s love, above all things

Because HE is, through


For through HIM, salvation

Has been brought to every

Man in GOD's creation.

Think about it; what are the numbers

Of remembrance according to you

My friend, as you enjoy this gift from my heart

Via GOD’s SPIRIT, to you?

As I rejoice at the sweetness

Of HIS SPIRIT that pours through

As I walk the pathways of the Bible

This morning under 1 Corinthians' morning dew.©️

(Based on 1 Corinthians 12:8.)



Living and Learning

When I read 1 Corinthians 10:1, I feel good. I feel the same way when I read Romans 15:4. Do you know why? To me, it is like a Momma that keeps telling her baby that the stove is hot until he learns that it will hurt him. That is Momma's love. And both of the verses mentioned above reassure me of GOD's love in a similar manner. How? Well, HE reassures me that HE loves me by letting me know that there are consequences for actions taken.  HE tells me about some people who did not obey HIM back in Biblical days and HE tells me the consequences they suffered because of their disobedience. HE tells me about the consequences because HE loves me, and wants to warn me. HE wants to protect me just like a Momma does her child that’s growing up in the world and doesn’t know very much about it.

Yep, it's like a family thing. You know how your Momma or your daddy would always use circumstances or close calls that cropped up in other folk's lives to sit you down and explain what happened and why, all the time telling you not to make a mistake like that? Well, that is what GOD is doing. HE is telling us how to walk as Christians by reminding us.

And scriptures such as 1 John 5:13 serve to keep hope within us concerning the eternal blessing that our loving FATHER has waiting for us.

Be blessed and remember that we have a reward if we faint not.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Friday, December 4, 2020

Blinking Reminders

Oh, what love GOD has for us

Just look at the timing of the COVID-19 vaccine

It is happening at a glorious time of year...

The world’s people receiving the vaccination

Has given us all cause for added celebration

And for additional expressions of gratitude!

While the pandemic reminded us all

Of the fragility of our existence

It also reminded us of the

Rewards of persistence

In prayer to God

Yes, most of all

It has served to make us recall

Whose children we are

And now every time

I look upon a blinking star

In the crystal nighttime sky

I have thankful thoughts of our FATHER

Our GOD, WHO is always standing by!©️

(Based on Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 148:3, Psalm 8:3)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

With Love

You know, as I live this life
From day to day
I never know what task the Lord
Is going to allow to come my way
I mean, I never know what problems
I may have to help others solve
I never know what quandary
In which I, myself, might be involved
But one thing I do know
As I work here below
A record of all I do is being kept above
So I know that in all of my doing
To comport myself with love.©️

(Based on1 Corinthians 4.)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Not Quiet Anymore

As a child, she was quiet and

Didn’t have much to say

But look at her now, why

She is a preacher’s wife today.

Who knew that she would morph

Into a speaker extraordinaire

God did; that’s who

For HE placed the makings there.

Now she is a writer whose

Books have gone over the world

Yes, that spirit-filled lady

Who used to be such a shy little girl

Talks to audiences great and small

About the love of God

Who cares for all.

And when given praise about

The work that she does today

You will hear her readily say

“Don’t get it twisted; it is not me

But it is the glory of GOD

Shining through

As I do all that I can to

Bring renewed knowledge of

GOD’s grace to you.”
(Based on 1 Corinthians 1:31, 2:13, Isaiah 50:4, Ecclesiastes 12:11)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones