Friday, August 10, 2018

He’s Sweet I Know

Learn not to fret. Instead turn to God and talk briefly with Him, and you will see that He will work things out for you. He will make everything right with your world, from the greatest thing to the smallest thing. How can I say that? Easily, He carries me still.

I was reading my  Bible a couple of days ago and a few verses seemed to take root in my mind. I was working on another lesson, but these verses seemed to stick. As I went about my chores these verses were there. In fact these verses turned up in my thoughts so much that I decided to do a lesson on them.

It won’t be a long lesson, but some lessons can be done with a few words. This is the passage of scripture that rested so strongly on my mind:


Psalm 94:7-9  (NAS)

They have said, “[a]The Lord does not see,
Nor does the God of Jacob pay heed.”

Pay heed, you senseless among the people;
And when will you understand, stupid ones?
He who planted the ear, [b]does He not hear?
He who formed the eye, [c]does He not see?

That scripture says to me that there is something that people often forget. They forget that our Father made the ear so He can hear anything that is said and He made the eye so He can see anything that takes place. And then it gets sweeter to me because it goes on to give me further assurance in verses 17-19. This is what it says:

17 If the Lord had not been my help,
My soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence.

This may have been how my enemies wanted me to feel.

18 If I should say, “My foot has slipped,”
Your lovingkindness, O Lord, will hold me up.
19 When my anxious thoughts multiply within me,
Your consolations delight my soul.

But my soul remembered Whose child I was and sought solace from God, my Fatheer and my Maker.

22 But the Lord has been my stronghold,
And my God the rock of my refuge.

And now I sing the song, "He’s Sweet I Know". It just doesn’t get any better than that, y’all.

Take a look at this poem from W.O.W. created w.o.w., 2016 and feel goosebumps.

Ever Stop to Think?

Do you know or ever stop to think about

Why the words of a song

Seem to play across your emotions

And stroke you from within and without?

Do you know or ever stop to think about

Why a verse from (the Bible), a poem or a famous

Quotation you have heard

Replays itself within your brain

Until you have memorized every word?

Do you know or ever stop to think about

The glory of the CREATOR

Spreading HIS love to you so that

You won’t be undone by the potholes

And stormy trials that you are forced to go through

That these are just sweet reminders

That HE cares much for you?

1 John 3:1-3

  1. Define potholes both literally and figuratively.

  2. Compose a poem that goes along with the given scripture. Use at least two words of, at least, ten letters. (W.O.W. created w.o.w. p. 104)

My God how great Your love is for me! And I thank You.


Now you know why I display such alacrity in my service to Him. As I said yesterday, this is the manner of service we ought to give and the type of people we ought to be. And yes, you are correct if you surmised that my Father has managed to make me feel precious, even me.

One More Thing

The passage of scripture that I used is marked "Paint It Green"© in my Bible. We may talk a bit more about, "Paint It Green"© tomorrow. Be blessed.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Christian Poet & Author

Oops! Said it would be a brief lesson. Guess I had more to say about this topic than I thought. Word count reached over 714. I am working on trying to keep it around 500.

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