Monday, May 31, 2021

The Fallen


For us, their lives they did give - 
Let’s keep honoring their memories 
By the lives that we choose to live.©️

Monday, May 24, 2021

I Kept Right on Praying


I kept right on praying

When my enemies surrounded me

I kept right on praying 

When chaos wouldn’t let me be

I kept right on praying

To the GOD of eternity!©️

“The effectual fervent Prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16)


Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Sweetest Words

 Never say never

About what you will or won’t do

Never say never about what

Will or will not happen to you

Instead, as you travel along life’s road

Keep your bag packed with love

Joy, peace, patience, kindness

Goodness, faithfulness, gentleness

And self-control, which are the

Fruits of the Spirit by which we walk

As we with prayer carry our given load

And  “He intercedes for us with 

Groanings too deep for words”

Now His interceding for us are 

Mentioned in the Bible, which

Is chock full of the sweetest words that

A mortal has ever heard.©️

(Romans 8:26 NASV)

Thursday, May 20, 2021

I Heard a Man Say

 I heard a man say

“If I don’t care about myself

What makes you think that

I care about you?”

I sat down on the stool of thought

And thought for a while

Then I turned to the man

And with a great big smile

Said, “I guess I thought you did

Because, just like me

You are GOD’s child.

And, too, never forget that

There’s coming a judgment day

Where you will have to give 

Account of everything you do

And everything you say.”

I love me, so I must love you.