Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Day Makes the Difference

Remember the Sparrow

This too shall pass has been quoted often as a consolation in times of adversity. The common way to say it is, "Troubles don't last always." How true that is. Yet, we so soon forget those very words. What I like to remember is that times, good and bad will not always last but faith in God will hold me fast. That means that if we hold on to our faith in all kinds of weather, we will be blessed with less stress.

Practice Makes Perfect

If we remember the care that the Lord has for the sparrow, then we should take consolation in the fact that He will provide for us, as well. If we practice reading the Bible and having faith in God daily, then by sheer repetition, our faith will grow. That will make our faith a habit, which in turn will make it stronger.

When you condition your physical muscles, over time they get to be stronger, don't they? Well, the same thing goes for "muscles of faith". First, you believe one day, and the next day makes two and then three, while all the time continuing to read and study your Bible. Each day makes a difference.

In the Morning

Each day that you arise to see another morning might be the day that will bring changes to your circumstances.


Heading for there

Just left there.

The three phrases mentioned in the poem above could have reference to adverse times (trouble) or good times (joy). Either way, nothing lasts forever, except the love of God, that is.

Learn to Wait

If you are in adverse times, always think to yourself that today may be the day that the change comes for you that Isaiah and David talked about. (Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, KJV)

If You Are in Good Times

Learn to savor the good times while you can because, as sure as you are breathing, adverse times will come.  In conclusion, remember today may be the day that a difference in your life is made.  And be mindful of the fact that the displaying of your faith today might make the difference in someone else's today or tomorrow. "Chopping My Row," p. 24.)

And always walk assuredly in His love.


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