Thursday, October 12, 2017

Just a Nobody

It's Not About Me

I don't have fortune nor do I have fame

In fact, most people in the world

Do not know my name

But I learned a long time ago that

This life of mine is not all about me

It's about following the Savior as

By example, I say, "Follow me."


Hello, precious one.  I wanted to tell you that, because I love the Lord, I care for you, as His child. The Lord told us to love our fellowmen as ourselves, and I do love myself, consequently, I must love you, too.

Is it always easy to love everyone? No, it is not, but that does not mean that I am free to stop trying. Sometimes people do some things that are harsh, cruel, thoughtless and downright mean, but I have to love them anyway… Though I might not like what they do, I have to look upon them as a soul for the Lord and I have to press on through prayer. Told myself that I must always remember that this life, as stated in the poem above, is not all about me. What good would I be to my fellowman if I acted in kind just the way that the world reacts to affronts, slights, injustice, disrespect, etc.? I would be of no effect, that's what good I would be.

Loving Myself

There are times that I disappoint myself, but I don't stop loving myself. Well, by the same token, I have to extend that same love to you, my fellowman. You know, I am a pretty good student of human nature owing to the fields I have worked in. "What field is that?" you ask. I'm glad that you asked that question. Am a retired educator of 30 years (middle schoolers and special education) and minister's wife of 40 years. That gives me quite a bit of experience in dealing with my fellowmen.

When I first became a preacher's wife, I had to forgive myself for speaking sharply to a person when they crushed someone or bothered my children.  I felt that if they had a problem with my husband or with me, then they needed to come to us. But they needed to leave my poor little innocent children alone!

Nobody's Doormat

Wanted folk to know that I was nobody's doormat and had to work on myself to overcome the tendency to overreact when it came to my husband or my children. Had to overlook the tendency of people to become jealous if I got a new pair of shoes or a new car. Reminded myself that this life of mine was not all about me. I had to say to myself, as I said in my YouTube Video,  Grammy Alma in Young and in Charge in 2017, Part 3" "Alma Jones, turn around and go on back in the corner somewhere and sit down!"

I had to remind myself that since I loved the Lord, His work came first. It helped me in my struggle to put Him first to remember that though sometimes people might view me as a doormat,  God knew the truth.  By reminding myself to pray about all things and especially about slights handed out to my family helped me to grow as His servant. Learned to keep stepping for the Lord, no matter what happened in my life.

God's Child

We must remember that the Lord watches the righteous and that, as His children, we have value in His sight. Yes, that includes you, too and that is why I called you precious at the beginning of this blog. This is just a word for the day.

Be blessed,

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care

Alma L. Stepping On Jones


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