Sunday, January 14, 2018

Experience Determines Outlook

I can sing that old song, "By the Grace of the Lord, I've Come a Long, Long Way," and I get tears in my eyes. The song goes on to say, "When the storms of life are raging, uhmm-m-m, stand by me." And then there is another song that I sing sometimes that goes like this, "I Know the Lord Will Make a Way." After I belt out the title of the song in tune, then I follow up with these words, "Ye-es, HE wil-l-l!

You see, there are some times in life that your soul has had enough of being weary, and it reaches way back and gets some of those old songs that your Momma used to sing, and it tells everything else in your body, 'Move over now; it's our time.'" And that is when these words leap off of your tongue, "I have a Savior, Whom I can tell all my troubles to. When I am burdened, and I don't know what to do-o-o. I go to Him in secret prayer, and I can leave my burdens right there. Oh-h-h! I know the Lord will make a way, ye-e-s-s, He wil-l-l-l-l!"


The Next Time

The next time that you see someone belting out a song on the job, walking down the street, in the grocery store, etc., just nod your head with a smile and understand. Understand what? Well, understand that this might be a weary warrior, a victorious warrior, or a messenger carrying the message, "To hold on,"  to you. But, I will say this, since he/she has gotten your attention listen to the words of the song and see if perhaps there is a message for you. As I have told you before, there is some reason that the words of a song, headline, etc, grabbed your attention and held you immobile, if just for a few seconds,


I can sing certain songs and feel joy down to my toes! If you have never been between a rock and a hard place, not knowing where and how to place your next footstep because you didn't know where traps lay that were set for you, you can not judge my reason for optimism and/or joy.

But I have done a little bit of living and experience has taught me several lessons, among them, optimism and joy because I know Who my Redeemer is and I know that He cares for me!


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones










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