From the Tallest Mountain in My World
Now you understand why the title of my upcoming book is, "From the Tallest Mountain In My World." In this book, I am telling all who will listen that GOD is love. In fact, HE is so much love that HE sent HIS only begotten Son to die for us. That is the kind of and the amount of love that HE has for mankind. The Bible says in John 15:13, "Greater love has no man, but that He should lay down His life for a friend."
Just got the news that my son was jolted awake during a 4.5 magnitude earthquake. GOD be thanked that he is okay. You know what, folks? I know the GOD, WHO holds the foundations of the world and the deep in HIS hands! My child is in good hands, as we all are.
And that is why I tell you that I will shout HIS goodness from the tallest mountain in my world. Right now, that is this blog and my pencil and paper to write books. And I am shouting it loud and long, y'all!
GOD Will Take Care of You
If I wrote a thousand books I
Still could not tell all about HIS goodness
But you know what, I am going to try.
My children can travel this world around
But I trust in GOD to keep them safe and sound
When my baby (my grown son) sent me a Tweet
That said, "Earthquake!", I reached down into
My mother's prayer closet and I prayed
Like any Godly mother would do.
"Thank YOU, LORD, for taking care of my baby
And keeping him wrapped in YOUR arms of safety."
Thanking GOD, as always and Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Praying Carr-Jones
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