Thursday, March 8, 2018

Morning, Noon and Evening

Morning, noon and evening are three time periods of the day. We arise to greet a new day in the morning, stop to eat lunch at noon and go home to rest in the evening and to make preparations for the next day. That pretty much is an average person's day. It is pretty much the same day in and day out.

The Bigger Picture

Those mornings, noons and nights make up days and days make years and years add up to life. Think about it. When you are young, you could be said to be in the morning of your life. The middle-aged years could be said to be the noontime of life. And lastly, the years of old age can be looked upon as the evening of life. The body has gotten weary and the signs of the evening are approaching.

A Day, A Life

Made it through the morning

Of life

To make it through the noontime

Of life

And now we are moving over into the evening

Of  life

Time is winding up and rest awaits

Come on young folk; pick up the torch now

It is soon to be your time on the stage of life

So, step forward and take a bow

And begin to understudy your mentors

So that when you have to fill said shoes

You can walk with confidence though

Saddened by the news that another from the evening

Of Life

Has ceased struggling with toils and with strife

And can say

"I made it through the days and through life."

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

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