Saturday, June 16, 2018

Never Forget

Never forget that He is in control. Sometimes we tend to forget that we are not in control of our own lives. We have to be reminded that we live, we move, and we have our being, by the grace of God. You know, there are some people that we meet who are destined to do great things for the Lord. Sometimes, these people who are destined to do great things for the Lord do not even know it themselves. Think about all of the great inventors, and statesmen in history; think about Moses, Joseph, David, Abraham, Noah, David, etc. in Biblical history.

I wonder if they felt different from other children when they were young. And I wonder if they were often ostracized because of being different. We know that Joseph was.

You might be thinking, "What is your point?" My point is that when you see someone who is different, be careful how you deal with them. They may have been hand-picked for whatever by the Lord.

On the Other Hand, If You

If you are one of those people who does things a bit differently from others, don't sweat it. Don't put yourself down or hold yourself back for others to like you. If you have been picked to do a job, then go about doing it gladly. Others will come around or they won't, but you, my friend, will know that you have fulfilled the dream that was driving you - that dream that just would not go away no matter how hard you tried to ignore it. There is a reason for the persistence of your dream. Think about it!

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

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