Saturday, July 21, 2018

Behind the Scenes (cont.)


Working Behind the Scenes

I inserted the graphic again because it may have needed a bit of explaining to you. I hope that you were able to ascertain from it that the two circles are intersecting and are spinning at right angles to each other. I hope that you can see the arrows that indicate the directional flow of their spin.

Beauty of the Design

This graphic is ingenious in its message and theme. Okay, this is the way that I mean for you to interpret it. The pink colored circle and the message it carries is a way of looking at life (for me, anyway) in general – ever keeping the rose-tinted glasses on. I like to call them glasses of faith. The green colored circle is a way of reminding one’s self of the fact that the Lord is ever mindful of His children and is always behind the scenes working things out because He is in control and because He cares for them. So, the message that the green circle is meant to convey is that no matter what kind of adverse situation you might be in, never lose your faith and never give up on God. Sometimes, it might take years for it to work out, but when it does…oh, the beauty of discovering His longsuffering love for you. Umph, umph, umph, even when you were complaining or whining, He was working things out for you anyway, all because you are His and He loves you. Have you ever had a time like that in your life? I have had many, but I will only share two of them with you today. (Hmm-m, I try to stop writing at 500 words in a post. I have already used 295. Wordage really flies when you are having fun.)

1st Account (cont.)

Yesterday, I stopped my narrative at the point where I was in the midst of an almost cynical pity party. I just didn’t understand why this book was not being snatched up by the publishers. I just didn’t get it. But, after talking to several authors and learning that poetry was a hard sell and learning that people did not want to read inspirational poetry and further learning that new authors are looked at as having to prove themselves, especially poets because the world is saturated with poets. I found out that it takes quite a bit of marketing, too which was another huge expense.

It has been six long years since I began my author/poet journey. I have learned that writing is a continuous learning venture and have been fortunate enough to be asked to join a local writer’s group. I have since published five books, one of which, has been dubbed “one to watch,” (Chopping My Row [inspirational prose]) and will be featured in a nationally known publication. I can see the hand of God in all of my working as an author. But I can tell you this, I have learned that if I write a book that blesses one person, that is a job well done.

There is something big pending and I am not at liberty to say any more about it. It will be the biggest thing that has ever happened in my life as an author, I can tell you that. And while in the beginning, I was wondering where God was, He has allowed me to learn that He was working behind the scenes all of the time! Who do you think gave me the graphic for this series of lessons on faith? Umph, umph, umph, all of the time!

Well, I have reached 639 words so I will give my other account to you tomorrow if it is the Lord’s will.


All the Time

Be blessed

And don’t stress

Paint it green

For God ever worketh

Behind the scenes.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Jones

Christian Author/Poetess

"Chopping My Row," is a spiritual guidebook meant to help Christian women bear their enormous responsibilities. Christian mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts are charged with raising the next generation of believers, and women must work hard to ensure that the new crop carries the same steadfast belief in God.

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