Saturday, July 28, 2018

To God Be the Glory

I remember when I was just on the precipice of life. I was equipped with the eternal optimism of youth and faith in God. I remember sitting in the Guidance Office of Manassas High School reading my scholarship letter for the umpteenth time. I remember that I couldn't help but pick up my Memory Book and read some of the autographs that had been written by some of my classmates. One autograph stood out to me then and still does, at times, now. It read:
May your joys be as deep as the ocean

And your sorrows as light as its foam

Any may you always have the wind at your back.

I have not always had joys nor have I always had the wind at my back but by the grace of God, I have come a long way from that little teenager who sat so full of excitement in that guidance office so long ago. I remember being looked at with a bit of disdain by some of the other college freshman. But, not for long because they discovered that I could write a pretty good essay. (smile) Yes, the Lord allowed me to find a niche group. Some of us finished together and are friends to this day.

As I think back over my life, I realize that the Lord has shown me favor in that He has allowed me to become a successful teacher, a minister's wife and an author/poet. People tell me that I did well as a teacher and do very well as a preacher's wife and as an author/poet. When people brag on me, I am quick to give God the glory. I tell them that anything that they see me do well, is not by me, but it is the glory of God shining  through me. God is the only reason that I have been able to accomplish the things that I have.

As we are reminded about in Psalm 49:18 and  Jeremiah 9:24, I brag on God for His goodness. But, you know, because of His goodness, I strive to give back to Him in whatever my hands find to do. (Cont. tomorrow)



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