Saturday, April 4, 2020

I Can’t Even Walk without HIM Holding My Hand

 Sometimes like Jonah, we are so low that we have to learn that there is no level or place that we can be that HE cannot hear and heal us.


To My America and All

Psalm 109:22

22For I am afflicted and needy,
And my heart is wounded within me.

A great many parts of our world are hurting at this time... My prayers and condolences go out to all who have lost loves ones or have sick ones at this time.

Due to the coronavirus, most of our hearts are filled with concern. This time is like no other that I have experienced in its wide-spread scope. But, there have been times that have affected me just as badly, and from those times I learned, like the words of the song verse below, that:

"I can't even walk without YOU holding my hand

For it was down on my knees

That I learned to stand."


When I'm down in the trenches on my knees

I've learned that it is there that

YOU mold me and reshape me as YOU please

And bring me forth, a soldier strengthened

With a resolve brand new

To always remember that though I am a man

Of clay, I can do all things as long

As YOU hold my hand

And to always, always be mindful of the fact

That it was down on my knees

Where YOU taught me to stand.

And to the world, I can present a soldier bold

Who has known THY lovingkindness of old

And WHO remembers that it is on my knees

That I get renewed strength to stand,

So, praise to YOU, LORD, GOD of man

For remembering us with mercy and loving us, too

And teaching us that we can depend on YOU.©


I heard some good news today on CNN about the coronavirus. A 90-year-old woman survived Covid-19! And a person who had diabetes survived it, as well. Only when it is time... but it is praying time in the meantime. Put some time in! Be blessed.


A Prayer-baby walking by a faith that was built up by the process of being knocked to my knees,

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