I remember when I was a little girl, every time I got into a car, I always asked the LORD to allow me to make it safely to the destination. Yes, I prayed every time I got into a car, but then not only that, I prayed a prayer for help every time I took a test in school. Anything that I had to do, I always prayed that the LORD would help me through it, and make me do well.
Let me say that not only was I a praying child then, but as I look back over my life and take inventory of where I've come from, and where I am now, I realize that I’m still a praying child. I’m just not as young as I used to be, but I’m still GOD’s child and I’m still praying. Prayer was with me at the beginning of my life, and my prayer is with me at this juncture. And yes, my prayer is still is for safe passage. I've just taken an eternal view of my destination.
I request the Lord to guide me on the rest of my journey so that I can make it safely Home (Heaven), and you know that kind of makes my life almost full circle. When I was a child and got in a car, I prayed for safe passage to where we were going, and now here I am in the twilight years of life still praying the same prayer but with a different destination in mind. That’s something to think about, isn’t it?
I got this thought from my morning Bible reading, as is my habit. You know it’s just mesmerizing the way you can pick up the Bible and have a certain verse just jump out at you. Of course, that happens to me often enough that I should not be surprised when it happens, yet I still am, at times.
I just thought I would give you something else to think about as we make our way to our journey's end as we pass through this pandemic valley.
"FATHER, I started this journey in YOUR name
Requesting safe passage for my journey
And I’m ending my journey much the same
Requesting YOUR presence as I
Make my way toward eternity."
When I started out in life I didn’t know
What I was going to be confronted with
But I put the LORD in the forefront of my life
And I got to see HIM step into the battle fray
And for this little child, make a way
So I can tell you from experience
That there is no better WARRIOR
Nor PROVIDER for you
So, take HIM with you wherever you go
And invite HIM into everything you do
For HE will defeat your adversaries in battle
And HE will open doors and
Bring you safely through.©
See you at the finish line. Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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