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As you can see from the markings and highlighting around the passages of scripture above, these passages cemented themselves within my soul for future reference and use. They made enough of an impact upon me that I thought to share them with you for your pandemic struggles.
Momma Said
I was taught by my Momma to pray hard to GOD and then to get up from the prayer and work as if everything depended on me. So, I developed the attitude that, though I had asked GOD for a given thing or for a given situation to work out, I had to work hard at solving the situation to show the LORD that I was not just waiting and not working. I always wanted to show HIM that I was trying.
And there are probably some of you out there that labored under the same or a similar self-spun rule. If you are out there and I know that you are, then this pandemic has driven you to the point where you felt that there are times when you cannot even begin to work a situation out! I have been there and done that before, but to a limit never before, during this pandemic.
Here was my dilemma. How can I show the LORD that I am not just whining and waiting on HIM, but that I am willing to work on this thing? In other words, "I am not lazy about it, LORD," is what I felt that I needed to say to HIM in a dire way. I mean, this problem is bad, and HE needs to know right now that I am willing to work on this thing, but there is nothing that I can do. It is impossible.
Oh, dear!
Oh, my!
I have to let HIM know
That I am willing to try.
Oh, dear!
Oh, My!
Hold on; wait a minute! If you have prayed about a given problem or situation, then you have already begun the process of working it out. "Say what?!", somebody just thought. Yes, you heard me correctly. You see, there will be times in our lives that we will feel totally helpless, but as Christians, that is just not so. As a Christian, you are GOD's child and as such, under HIS protection and tutelage. (training) That means that this pandemic, as horrid as it is, has a lesson(s) for us.
I already told you how the pandemic speaks to us, so-to-speak. Today its message is, "You cannot do anything about this, so give up." But GOD's message is, "You are MINE, and I'll take care of you for I know the good quality of work that you are doing for me." Those are not HIS actual words, but here is how the Bible phrases it:
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In other words, what we have to do is keep GOD first, and everything else will fall into place, and I do mean everything else. HE often does things with such a flair that HE takes care of little details that we scarce even dare to think about. (Actually, I don't know why that should surprise us; HE is after all, a detail-oriented GOD. And we know this by now!)
On my Tweet today I put these words:
Only God can turn a
Mess into a message
A test into a testimony
A trial into a triumph
A victim into a victory
Jesus is the answer!!!
This pandemic has put us through all of the paces mentioned above.
This pandemic, umph! I am so ready for it to be over with (big sigh) but not as I will, but GOD’s will be done. Besides, I am in HIS hands, and there are no better ones to be in!
I left you with the task of looking up Romans 8:18. It will be sweet nectar to your soul. Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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