Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Way We Behave

I read something in the Bible this morning that seared my soul and brought to mind something that I had seen written on a particular person’s T-shirt.
Y'all know that I take a morning stroll through a Bible passage each day. But I would not call my reading this morning a stroll, because a stroll depicts peaceful joy. In the book of Ezekiel, chapter 7, verse 24, my attention was arrested by these words:
Therefore, I shall bring the worst of the nations, and they will possess their houses. I shall also make the pride of the strong ones cease...” (NASB)

The verse above made me think about what happened to the Jews during the days before WWII became hot.


We are in the midst of a pandemic but you can’t tell it by the way we are behaving.
Hatred was running hot before the pandemic and now it seems to be escalating. There is much turmoil, chaos, and wrongdoing… That is what is being played out in our world right now.
It was even reported on the television that someone said that they would be so glad when the race war starts, so glad!

Hurtful things are being said and done, and then other things are done in retaliation, neither of which is the proper thing to do. And then about the T-shirt that I saw, this is what was written on the T-shirt:
I would rather be ____________ than live in this country in the way I am disrespected. (I am not going to mention the nationality that was on the T-shirt, as this would be counterproductive, but you get my point. But, America, answer me this. If the wearer of the T-shirt was brave enough to wear it, what else was/is he brave enough to do? Just saying')

Now the country mentioned was a powerful foreign country, and that gave me chills because it seems to me that the T-shirt wearer was almost expressing treasonous thoughts; well, it certainly wasn’t patriotic; I can tell you that!

Praying Time

And GOD wasn’t mentioned at all on the T-shirt, and that brings me to my point. I wonder how much we think about HIM as a nation. With things going as they are, we need to be more prayerful than ever!

So, those of you that have been hating, stop it; those of you that have been burning, stop it; those of you that have been looting, stop it; and those of you that have been shooting, stop it, whether you are a protester or somebody riding in a truck, stop it!

And all of you remember these words from Ezekiel
...thus they will know that I am the lord."

You find that same sentiment expressed in:

  • Chapter 6, verse 13

  • Chapter 6, verse 14

  • Chapter 7, verse 4

  • Chapter 7, verse 9, "...then you will know that I, the Lord, do the smiting."

So whether planning to either provoke or retaliate, it doesn’t matter; none of it is the right thing to do because none of those things, "...follow after things that make for peace." And remember this verse as you go about your deliberations:
They have blown the trumpet and made everything ready, But no one is going to the battle; for MY wrath is against all their multitude.”


I've been quiet about this situation in our country

For quite a while, but I felt the need this morning

To blow the trumpet for all of us to hear

And to say to you, "Hold on to GOD,

Fellowman, and never fear

Because if we trust HIM, HE is always near.©


~A house divided against itself will not stand.~


Be prayerful and safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


We live in the United States of America, not the divided states of America... GOD bless America as we remember HIM! One more time, folks say, "Praying Time!"

It's time to remember that we are a prayerful nation with, "In GOD We Trust," written on our money and in our souls!


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