Monday, October 19, 2020

Mountain in My Path

On my way home, a mountain grew up in my path,

And it was too long to go around

So I said, "Mountain, move outta my way,"

But the mountain stayed where it was

Because my faith was not up to the task

But ever mindful of my FATHER

I turned to HIM and asked,

“Make my feet like hinds feet

And this mountain, for YOU, I will climb

And shout your deliverance for the world to hear

As I scale this mountain with resolve

Knowing that any potholes or valleys thereon

Or any other problems I encounter, YOU will solve.”

So, I have two songs for singing,

As this unexpected mountain, I climb

'Climbing Higher Mountains on My Way Home,'

For going up and for going down

My victor's song's words are, 'GOD Gave Me A Mountain'

And the mountain is mine and I’m

Making my way down the other side

With a GOD blessed, nimble-footed hind’s stride;

Because I know what YOU have done,

I know what YOU can do

So, I’m counting on YOU, FATHER to

Lead me safely through

And I am stepping, on my way

To that appointed time and place

That will see me ferried home to Heaven

Where I can live in bliss with YOU.'

But in the meantime, when I get to

The bottom of this ole mountain

I'm gonna look back at it, wag my head

Put my hands on my hips and say

'You ole mountain, you weren't so tough

Because my FATHER made me strong enough

To skip down your side, despite the skinned knees

And teary eyes that I got from climbing

Up your other side!'"

And then with a victorious smile, I'll step on

Thinking that I have the last laugh because

I get to sing, "The Victor's Song!"©

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