Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot

Have you ever thought about how it’s going to be when

Trials are over and you have pleased the LORD

And HE orchestrates manifold blessings

That makes you smile and grin

Thought about how sweet it will be to be

Blessed with blessings galore at trials end

When GOD turns your captivity?

When HE turns things around and

Blesses you right in front of men

Have you ever wondered how

It will feel when you’ve gone through monumental tests

That lasted several years of your life

When GOD says, "That’s enough," and HE

Gathers you in the sheepfold blessed

Along that river that is talked about in Psalm 23

Ever wondered how you will feel

When the LORD GOD looks at you with

Benevolent eyes and sits you down to a table

That HE, HIMSELF has spread

And your enemies watch as you are sumptuously fed?

I started this train of thought

On the blog from yesterday

And decided to finish it up with

A few more things that I had to say

I guess this is my way

Of saying to you, "Hold your head up, fellowman

For GOD, Almighty will see you through!

And when HE does it will be better than

Anything you have ever experienced before

As it will be nonending

Because GOD will have decreed that

You have been a faithful soldier indeed

And that, in you, HE is well-pleased!"

So, whatever type of trouble

You might find yourself in

Just remember the sweet spot

That will be yours the moment that

ALMIGHTY GOD, says when!

Why did I revisit the thought

Of a sweet spot on my blog here today

I did it so that you, fellow man,

Can be further encouraged, though you travel

Up “Trials Way."©



The sweet spot that I have referred to is of a similar caliber to the one that graced Job after GOD turned his captivity. How sweet it was for Job and how sweet the turning of your captivity will be, too.

Just another spill from my pen to help you weather your storms by building endorphins when you dwell a bit upon...

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


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