There will be happiness and joy galore
When the skipper lands on the other shore©
Y'all know by now that I liken my Bible reading to strolling along a garden path. Well, this morning, as I strolled through the garden of Romans, (one of my favorite books) the second chapter caused the skipping joy of GOD's payday to envelop my heart, yet again. Here are the verses that grabbed my attention today:
Romans 2 NASB
6 WHO will repay each person according to his deeds:
7 to those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life;
10 but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who does what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of mankind through Christ Jesus.
After reading the scriptures, I started thinking about writing a poem about those verses that had spoken to my heart so strongly this morning. But then, after I wrote the first two lines, an inkling of something that I had written before came to my mind.
So, I looked back through my work, and what do you know
Up popped material from Chopping My Row!©
Excerpt from Chopping My Row
In essence, let us wrap our little selves in His love and make plans to meet Him in glory for a blessed reunion at the judgment, hm-m-m?
You see; one day the work of peacemakers and "troublemakers" will cease and somebody will relate the news that we have from this earthly plane found release. There will be no need for peacemakers because we will be residing with Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Troublemakers will be allowed to wreak havoc no more and as I have said before, they and all their "kin" will not be allowed inside heaven's door!
It will be grand! - Got up before the chickens to get my Sunday dinner done. After worship, all that I need to do is cook cornbread. A job satisfactorily done. That is what I want to hear at the end of my time here on earth when I stand before the Lord in the judgement, "Well done, Alma. Enter into the joys of the Lord." Won't that be a grand day, folks? But, until then, we will keep pressing forward as we work our way down the row that we have been assigned to cultivate in the vineyard. And we will do it with joy, hm-m?
Case in Point 2 - Can't you just imagine when you have been hard ridden all the way to the other side and those old denizens think that they can sail right through the city gates with you. Ha ha ha, I have told you before that I am a skipper and that is true. What I am going to do is fall out laughing when trouble, heartache, disappointment, and all of the rest of that crowd are stopped cold at the gate. They cannot say, we are with her. Ha ha ha ha! That won't wash and I will lie down and howl with laughter, then I will hop up and do what I have told you that I would do, start my skipping. I'm gonna skip high and skip long, if they let me. But I know I won't be the first one to go berserk with happiness, so they will all probably say something like, "It's okay; she just arrived from below." Tee hee
Actually, I don't know how it will go, but I tell you this, whenever He wipes my final tears and turns me loose in the streets of glory, I will skip! It's as simple as that. And I just might howl with glee, too. One thing for sure, no matter what form it takes, I will rejoice! You too?
We are moving toward an ultimate destination. We have a date that has been set on the other side of time. The title for this lesson is a fitting title because it implies that nothing is over. It won't be over until the end of time. It reminds us that we must keep going, no matter the stormy sessions we have, and no matter the pain.Dried Her Tears
That will be a great day
For us Christians, one and all
For if, we have remained faithful
We will eagerly await the roll call.
Yes, the best is yet to come
Just you wait and see
There will be untold joy
If we stay faithful 'til eternity.
As I have told you before
I am going to be beside myself
When I get through heaven's door.
I had a lady in the hospital
Giggling quite a bit
When I stood around her bedside
And told her what I would do
Once I got inside.
Y'all know that I have told you
That I have always been a skipper
And when I described my joy to her
I told her I would be quite the quipper.
I told her that in my mind's eye
I could see old trouble and old pain
Peeping through the gates of heaven
Itching to, but not able to get at me.
I told her that if I had arms, hands
Legs and feet, in a body of some kind
That I would lie down on the ground
And with glee, my fists I would pound
The turf while pointing and laughing with glee
At old trouble and old pain saying
"I'm rid of Y'all for eternity."
She snickered in earnest then and gone
We're the tears that she had had in her
Eyes when first she called me near
And asked me if for her I would pray
I'm glad she beckoned to me from her bed
I'm glad that she felt better for something I said
But how could I not try to lighten her load
When she, bless her heart, was such a dear?
No, I am not a comedian, just a child
Who is willing to do all that I can to
Help fellow travelers as we make
Our way back to our homeland.
For one day, He will make the final choice
And we, dear friends, will get the chance
To shout in jubilant voice
Along with the angels as we all rejoice.
I am thankful to be given one more day for building for Him as HE prepares a home for me. When I get there, I can enjoy the things that HE has prepared for me that cannot enter into my mind and my heart because it surpasses my understanding. Don’t you know that nothing that this life has thrown at us will matter then? Ah, in the hands of my JESUS, that will be enough for me. Ah-h-h, how sweet it is and how sweet it will be!
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Carr-Jones
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