Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Layers of an Onion

 As I live and breathe

I know

That GOD will provide

And I know that “all things

Work together for good

Because I love the LORD.”(Romans 8:28)

 I have talked to you about something similar to this before and but I felt the need to reiterate this morning. There is so much negativity everywhere we turn today, what with the cyber criminal activity with reference to gas shortage, food shortage, hate mongers, or what-have-you. So, I just wanted to remind us all that we walk by faith and not by sight. That means that even when your world stops making sense and most every story on the news seems to be a doom and gloom type, don’t despair. I want to remind you that we have the Most Powerful GOD there is as Our FATHER. 

So, don’t you give up

Don’t you dare

Because GOD has shown us through

The gift of JESUS that about you and me

HE does care.


America, trouble can be likened to an onion. It seems sometimes to peel off layer after layer, doesn’t it? Making you cry all the while, right? But, when heat is applied to it, the tears go away and we gobble it up stronger for having stood the stench and the tears. 

I like to think that GOD supplies the heat to the onion of trouble and makes it work out for our good! Does it get tough sometimes? Yes, America, it does. But, if we keep our hearts and minds stayed on JESUS, HE will handle all. And make no mistake about it; when the layers of a particular onion of trouble are peeled back, the knowledge within will be astounding! (You will be able to throw out the rotten parts found within and reap sweet rewards for withstanding the tears!)

Look at Pharaoh, Hitler, or any number of would-be-dictators that have come through time and what do you see? You see men who have paid the ultimate price because they would not recognize the Sovereignty of GOD and HIS Supreme Power! 

America, as long as we remain a Christian nation and be filled with love, not hate, we will, I say, “We will be okay.” And that’s all I have to say about this particular onion of trouble.

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