Monday, October 30, 2017

For Me?

I Can't Believe It!

Life has afforded me some great joys at times. There have been moments when I have exclaimed, "For me?" Such an exclamation usually means that the recipient of a certain action or gift cannot believe that the gift is actually theirs. A reaction such as the one mentioned above means that the recipient was not accustomed to having things of that magnitude happen to them or for them. At least, that is what it meant in my case.

If Only I Had Known

Nevertheless, I wanted to take a different slant on "For Me " this morning.  Have you ever looked back in your life and thought, "If only..."? I'm am sure that most of us have, but, I finally came to the realization that if it were meant to be, it would be. When you come to that realization, you don't have to go through life kicking yourself by saying, "If only I had just done this or if only I had not done that."

Easy Enough

Most games are easy to play if you know the rules of the game.  If you have watched children play at any time, you probably have heard them say things like, "No fair. you didn't say that when you told us the rules." And you might have heard another one exclaim, "It's my ball and I can make any rule I want to." Such is the life of children.

But what about when you take a scenario out of adult life. Let's say that there are several people vying to get a certain job and the competition is fierce. They are all lined up for the final, determining interview and all are nervous. All of them are dressed in their best clothes except one (the one with the loud green hat or baseball cap). Each one has a new haircut or a new hairdo, except that same one from the sentence above.

Now you know how people will tend to do when they are vying for a certain position. I imagine the people in the interview process would all be doing pretty much the same thing. They would be looking the competition over in their minds and doing a mental elimination of the ones that they thought they could beat. And, nine times out of ten, most of them would have counted out the one with the loud green hat or baseball cap who looked a bit too casual and unkempt.

Wasn't Meant to Be

There is nothing that you can do to your life that can thwart the plans that God has for you. I said this about a year ago in a previous blog and felt the need to say it again. You have to learn what I had to learn in life, "To make the most out of your situation" and to keep stepping. Sometimes it might seem that you are stepping to no avail, but you keep stepping anyway.

Whatever, and I do mean whatever, happens in your life, it cannot supersede the plans of Jesus. When you walk in that kind of faith you will be saying, "What Jesus has decreed for me is for me and no amount of machinations can make it be any other way."

Joseph's brothers thought that they could cut him out of something that was meant for him. Didn't happen. Herod sought to kill Jesus, didn't happen. What am I saying? Just this, stop worrying about what you might have missed because of this situation or that situation and keep walking by faith. When and if it is your time, it will happen for you.

In Conclusion

One thing about it, as surely as we live and breathe, if we remain faithful we will hear these words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord." Then, friend, you can say, "Aah-h-h, for me...for me."

Note: The one in the green hat from the interview process above? Oh, it was already fixed. All He had to do was show up.

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