Friday, November 10, 2017

The Passage of Time

In His Hand

Time is in Jesus' hand

And upon that premise

I will continue to stand.

Though the river of life moves steadily on, it's about how we spend our time that we will be judged. I like to think that my living has brightened some folks days and helped others in a myriad of ways. You know that old spiritual song that goes:
If I can help somebody as I pass along

If I can cheer somevody with a word or song

If I can show somebody that he is traveling wrong

Then my living shall not be in vain."

Additionally, I want to live my life so that this world will know that I am proud to be the Lord's child and as such, He is my friend.

In Conclusion

A river is much like life, ever moving on.  Sometimes it is turbulent, at other times it is tranquil, but even when it looks like it is still, it is steadily moving toward its end. And you know, it still provides water for those along its route.

River of Life


The river of life keeps

 Flowing along,

Through good times, bad times,

 Through right and wrong;

I don’t understand all of

 Life’s ups and downs,

I just keep plodding on,

 In hopes of a crown.

I’ve shed some tears,

 Endured some pain,

Had time in the sunshine

 And time in the rain;

I smile when I can and

 Cry when I must,

But in the GOD of Heaven,

 I put all of my trust.

So when my earthly sojourn

 Comes to an end,

And the river of life flows

 Around that final bend;

I pray sweet guidance to

 My eternal home above,

Where I can rest from my labor

Of building an influence that becomes a legacy

That makes others want to follow me

To the land past time of peace, joy, and love.

(excerpt from "DEI Sub Numine Viget" with italics representing additions)

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

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