Thursday, November 9, 2017

One Year

Prognosis Given

A lot can happen in a year and yet we don't often think about it until life forces us to. Yesterday, I went to the doctor with a family member.  And the prognosis was about one year with scans every three months. I determined within myself to make life as comfortable as I could for the family member. I am thankful that though the quality of life has suffered from other ailments, this latest diagnosis did not come as a total shock for anyone. There had been the earlier diagnosis, the cough that never quite went away, etc.

When the prognosis was given, the family member began to softly sing an old spiritual song that we heard when we were children. There was a bit of startled silence in the room and I, for one, had to focus so that I could continue to listen to the doctor. The singing of the spiritual song surprised me because there had been another family member to react in the same way years earlier...

And Now...

Since it was determined that there was nothing to be gained by further treatment and quite a bit of quality of life to be lost by it, the determination was made to opt for quality of life.

No one knows when the final call will be made. So, I will be, as I  always tell you, "Doing What I Can While I Can."

All that You Can Do

Make sure that you love your family and do all that you can do to help them and to show your love to them. Then in the event that you are called in to receive unwelcome news, you can rest upon your faith in the Lord and "step on" as you remember that all things are in His hands.

When you have done all that you could do, there is nothing else but to remember the words from Ecclesiastes that read,
1 There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven -  2 A time to give birth and a time..." (NASV)


All that You Can Do

When you do that fellowman

You will have done your best

And then you leave it to God

For He has already made

Plans to do the rest.


Another Day

Another day, another hour, another year or ten

Alma Jones is going to  continue to do what she can

While she can to help herself and her fellowman.

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