Friday, December 22, 2017

A Gift that Never Gets Broken or Wears Out

Here at the Christmas season, people are busy doing last minute shopping trying to make sure that they have a gift for everyone on their list. Because some people are hard to buy for, and due to the aforementioned waiting until the last minute to shop, plenty of gifts fall into the category of useless/broken/worn out/not my style, etc. Over the years, I'm sure that we have all received gifts that fell into the category mentioned above.


Some of the gifts that we receive are just the ticket, in that they are just what we had hoped for. Usually, we left the person who gave us the gift in numerous ways. We say, "Thank you," profusely, and we keep them and use until they are used up, worn out or broken. Some of the less desirable gifts, we may eventually put in a quiet yard sale or take to the second-hand store. Such is life.

In this season of such giving, wouldn't it be nice to receive gifts that never wore out or tore up or went out of style? That would be great, wouldn't it? Uhm hmm. But you know, we have received one such gift. What is that Gift? Jesus. GOD gave us the Gift that keeps on giving, never goes out of style and never gets used all up. That gift is the gift that reconciles us to GOD. The gift that I am speaking of that Jesus brought to us is forgiveness.

What Does It All Mean?

It means that there is nothing that is not covered by the blood of Jesus as far as our sins go. Forgiveness was here before we were born and will be here after we are gone. It is a gift that is ever-present for us while we yet live. All we have to do is avail ourselves of it.

The blood of Jesus will always be there cleansing us of our sins as long as we live if we remain faithful. That blood will never lose its power. It is the right size for you as well as for me. One size fits all. It covers the sins of the woman mentioned in the book of Hosea, the sin of lying, the sin of stealing, the sin of gossiping, etc. Ever sin is covered. And as long as the world stands that blood will continue to clean us. After death, we will be presented to our God by Jesus as a glorious church without spot or wrinkle.

What A Gift!

Mary's Firstborn! The only begotten Son of God! My, my my! During this season that the world had designated the time to acknowledge and pay tribute to Him, let us be thankful and praise GOD to the highest because of HIS love for us. We are blessed, y'all.

Me, I am going to continue to keep Christmas each day of the year.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

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