She was telling me that since God wanted me blessed, then blessed I would be. She told me to keep praying, hoping, believing, and trusting in Jesus and everything would be alright. Then she explained to me about how a butter churn worked. She said all of that hard work paid off in cream, the best of the best!
What makes the cream rise to the top, the churning. This can be likened to events in life. Let me explain. Those situations in life that turn your world upside down and turn you all about, may be your ticket to the top. Think about it. Here's an example, and I go to that good old history book, the Bible. Don't you know that when Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers because of pure jealousy, that it didn't feel good down in that pit? His world had been turned upside down and never would be the same again. I tell you one thing, if his brothers had known that their very actions were going to help to bring more of what they were jealous of Joseph about in the first place to come to pass, they would never have laid a hand on him. They would have put up with their petty jealousies and been glad to do so. Just think about it, their jealousy helped to make him second to the king of Egypt! How sweet! (Jealousy, by the way, will make folk want to kill you, even today, but that is a topic for, perhaps, another day.)
Did Joseph go through any churning? And how! Don't you know that when he was snatched from the bosom of his daddy to be sold down in Egypt, that it didn't feel good? He landed in a noble's house down there, but trouble was not finished with him yet. He was sent to prison because of an untruth because he would not "play ball" with his master's wife. Here again, this did not make Joseph feel good. But even in prison, Joseph still had that cream quality. He rose to the top. You know the rest of the story so I will not trouble you with the details. The point that I am trying to make is, "Be thankful for your enemies for they bring you more blessings than they know."
"Keep your chin up for it all comes out in the wash." To use my Momma's words, "If the LORD is for you, no matter what adverse situation you may find yourself in, you will always do like cream and rise to the top."
Now you know one of the reasons that Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite scriptures.
Be blessed and keep the faith.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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