It’s a Wrap…
A tiny pebble was tossed into a dry season riverbed
As it lay there unmoving day by day
The rainy season returned with its plenteous deluge
And the headwaters of the river grew as with raindrops
Aplenty it was fed.
The headwaters became a mighty rushing torrent
And swept all on its path toward the river’s mouth
To meet the ocean’s mighty current.
The pebble had been worn smooth
By the mighty headwater’s toss
And came forth a polished stone with a gloss
To travel with the ocean, the whole world around
Until such time as it was deposited upon a distant shore
And by a collector, at last, was found.
It was taken home and put among the finder’s rare baubles
That had been discovered of old
Well, wouldn’t you know it, that shiny pebble
Turned out to be genuine gold.
So let’s remember to keep our heads up, no matter what comes up in our lives. He sees, and He knows…remember. “All things work together for good, for those that love the Lord.” Rom. 8:28
Questions for Pondering for Those of You Who like to Think a Bit Deeper:
- What is the pebble symbolic of? The rainy season? The headwaters? Mighty Torrent? Worn smooth? The collector? Rare baubles?
- What does deposited upon some distant shore mean?
- Is there a ram in the bush in this poem? Why or why not?
- How could the phrase from a popular gospel song be utilized in the gist of this poem? "Listen, let me tell you about the God I serve, how He keeps on blessing me?"
- How does the title of the poem apply to the poem or does it?
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