Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Uh, Hello?!

When you receive a phone call at 3:28 in the morning, you expect the worst kind of news, don't you? You automatically think, uh-oh, that's not good. Then you pick up the phone and answer with a tentative, "Hello?" As a writer, the last thing that you would expect to hear is someone with a very pronounced accent asking you if you are the writer of a certain book.

That happened to me this morning with regard to my 4th published book, W.O.W. created w.o.w. It seemed that the woman wanted to ascertain that I was the author of the book. When she had ascertained that information, she stuttered some and said that she would call back. She then promptly hung up. I was left with a puzzled frown that quickly erased what was left of my morning stupor. The thought that was uppermost in my mind was, "This book of mine is being sold the world over, but I have yet to receive the royalties, and I get a phone about this book at this hour of the morning!".

One thing about it, the book contains my heart and soul's stirring in relationship to the God I serve. He gave me the wisdom that I prayed for every day as a child to use in the writing and cover designing of this book, W.O.W. created w.o.w. (The very name of the book gives Him glory and thanks Him for allowing a vessel like me to house it and to be the conduit through which the world is encouraged, inspired and reintroduced to poetry again.


What the telephone call was about this morning at 3:28 a.m., I have no idea, but God does. He sees the work that I am doing for Him. He sees the way I poured my heart out to Him and on behalf of Him to my fellowman, and further, He knows the intent of the 3:28 a.m. caller. And I know that He will do whatever He has determined in His mighty will to do in said situation. In the meantime, I will continue to tell my story of His lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness as I go on toward the top of the mountain that He is allowing me to climb. For make no mistake about it; I will be at the top of the mountain one day, and when I do, I will share the joyful news with you, my faithful blog readers.


Just know that it has been and is my pleasure to sing the praises of the mighty God that we serve through verse, prose and actual song. My momma told me all of my life to reach for the stars and that I was bound to land among the treetops. But get this, she told me about three weeks before she died that I would be a very successful writer one day and that she was proud of me. When she told me that I was astounded a bit because, besides the writing I did as a child that had my fourth class in jerks wanting to know the outcome of some of my stories, I had only written three poems my entire life. Yet, once again, she is proven right, even from the other side...

To Do

I am going to keep writing to keep blessing my fellowman because I never will forget the day that a former student of mine, who was having a difficult time at work, said to me.

She said, "Mrs. Alma! We were just talking about you the other day! It is so good to see you, and it is so funny that I would see you today of all days!" To which I replied, "It is good to see you, too. But tell me, what is so special about today?" She said, "Aw, having a few issues in getting some things resolved in my life and was feeling a bit downhearted this morning. I was trying to shake myself out of defeatist mode and said to myself, 'I know what I need; I need an Alma quote. You know those quotes that you used to put on the board each morning to jumpstart our thinking and our motivation?" I said that I did remember. We laughed a bit, and I said something about the poem, "Don't Quit."  I said my goodbye to her and went on my way with my shopping, but she left me thinking hard.

Out of the Mouths of Babes

What she said stayed with me. I kept thinking that there were no coincidences in life (trite, but true) and the fact that I showed up in the store just when she needed me, that went a long way along the corridors of my mind. I could not shake off what she had said. It was like one of my babies (as I called my students) was in trouble and needed to hear from me. Then I pondered how I could get a message to her and any of the other babies of this world who might need to hear a word of encouragement without making it socially embarrassing or inconvenient for them. That is when I started my blog. I only blogged every few months at first, but now I do a posting most every day. And I know that somebody somewhere needs to hear the words that I pen. How do I know? I know by your response to my blog and my Twitter postings.

Said All of That

Penned so much this morning, but the

Gist of my message is this: I will be writing,

Blogging and speaking until the Lord says

"Enough, My child, your race has been won

Your writing, blogging and speaking days are done.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Show My Gratitude by Caring,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

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