It's Been a While
Sorry about posting so late tonight, but I am posting from sheer determination. Today I felt like I had a two-year-old in the house again. Let me tell you why. I went to the group home to pick up my special daughter on last night, and today she literally dogged my footsteps. It reminded me of when my children were little and it was nothing to have them dog my footsteps. But, my daughter had not done so in many a year. Never-the-less, I took the time and painstakingly answered her every query and just had general conversation with her. Bless her little heart, when her head was nodding in an attempt to go to sleep, she was still doggedly trying to stay awake and talk to me. She has just had her bath and taken her night meds and I, at last, have time to do my blog.
Sewing Machine
As most of you know, I am always doing something, whether writing, crocheting, etc. You also might remember that a few blogs back I decided to make some curtains for my bedroom. They turned out well. Well, I guess I got the stitch itch because one day I was sitting in my kitchen and decided that I would make some curtains for the kitchen. Let me tell you what I discovered. I discovered that I had not had to change the bobbin in my machine in so long that I had forgotten how to thread the machine for doing so. This was something so rudimentary to sewing that I thought I would never forget how to do it. Well, I did. I have had two sewing machines in my adult life, and I used my first one quite a bit. But, as you may or may not know, it burned up back in 1987 in my house fire.
Okay, so no problem. I will just get my instruction book out for this machine and see what it says about threading the machine for winding the bobbin. Ha, ha, ha! It should prove so easy to do! Could not find the instruction book so I was trying to do it from memory. I mean, how hard can it be, right? But, no, what did my brain try to do. It tried to remember the way to thread and wind the bobbin from the old machine. Well, it would not work, So, I, by trial and painstaking error, finally got it to thread and wind some but the thread kept breaking.
Y'all, what kept running through my brain was, "I don't want to have to deal with readjusting the tension." That is a mess, let me tell you. At any rate, I got it threaded. Then I had to find a piece of scrap material similar to the one that I was sewing on to see if it would sew on that. I got that machine finally to start sewing, and I was very thankful.
Now I know why I had so many bobbins filled with white thread. I had had such a hard time the last time that I wound a bobbin on this machine that I went out and bought several bobbins and filled them all with white thread.
Lesson Learned
Well, I have determined that I need to thread and wind bobbins with all of the basic colors. And I also determined within myself to go online and order a sewing machine book for my model of machine and read it again and to never let myself get rusty on something as simple as threading a bobbin. Whew!
Application to Life
Just as I said on yesterday, "If you don't use it you will lose it." Did you go back over those books of the Bible yet? Just like the general knowledge found in my sewing machine manual would have helped me, the general knowledge found in the Bible can help us. Do you read yours daily? You know, we really must take time to read the instruction manual (Bible) that has God's plan in it as our roadmap to glory. At the end of time, we will be judged by the words that are in the book. Don't you think that we ought to know for ourselves what it says? Just saying. Y'all be blessed.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Grateful Carr-Jones
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