Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Change Is Definite

On Sunday, I gave you two sentences to look at. I asked you to decide which of the two was written in a softer tone and I asked you to tell me why you thought so. So, let's take a look at the two sentences that I gave you, but bear in mind that, as the title states, change is a natural part of life. By the mere laws of nature, we know that change is inevitable. We know this because we are born as babies, we grow up to grow old, and then we die. That is change.

  • Sentence One - Change, though sometimes jarring, is necessary. This sentence could be the more stern of the two. It could be saying,  "Change is a deadpan fact of life; deal with it." It could be saying, "So, you got rattled by the change; get a tougher skin. Get over it already. Go with the flow and live to see another day. Contrary to what you might think, life is not all about you and does not revolve around what you wish or want."

  • Sentence Two - Change, though necessary, can sometimes be jarring. This sentence could be saying, in a softer tone, "Yeah, I know you got jarred, but remember that all change is not jarring. It will get better."

Sentence One

Joseph, Job and the apostle Paul all went through jarring changes that the Lord had orchestrated. Joseph had a good relationship with the Lord and maintained it.

Apostle Paul did not have a good relationship with the Lord, in fact, just the opposite. But when he was struck blind on the Damascus Road, he developed a strong, faithful relationship with the Lord. (to be continued...)



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