Friday, September 14, 2018

The First Time

You are usually filled with zeal the first time that you attempt to do something new though you know it may be a challenge. The reason that it is a challenge is the fact that there are so many variables that you have not dealt with before. You take the first time that you try out a new recipe or the first time that you try to learn a new skill such as Tunisian crochet. You rarely get it right the first time. With the recipe you have to do trial and error several times, each time tweaking a certain ingredient. Often it is adding a little extra this, cutting back on a little of that, omitting a certain ingredient or substituting another ingredient. Yet because you want to master the recipe you keep at it until you get it to your satisfaction.

I mentioned Tunisian crochet in the paragraph above. That is one of the easiest pretty forms of crochet, I think. Oh, but let me tell you. It was not as simple for me at first. What with being sure that I was picking up the correct thread on the end, remembering to skip the first bar, etc. I did more pulling out than I wanted to. Yet, I persevered and am having a blast with it right now. Of course, I have to deal with the yarn wanting to curl, tsk, tsk. But, I like it enough to keep at it. That is the way it is with something that you really want to do.


Remember the things that I talked about being good at so that the Lord can get the glory? Well, just like you have to practice to become good at doing secular things, you have to practice in order to become proficient at the things that you do for the Lord.
My point is, "Do the best that you can for Him because the rewards will be worth it, you know?"


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Jones

Christian Poet & Author

A thought to ponder: Tunisian crochet makes a really warm blanket to snuggle under during the cold season. Have you ever thought about giving some to residents in the nursing homes that have no family to visit them?

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