Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Oxford A Vaccine

Yesterday, at the doctor's office, I was talking to a young lady and, of course, Covid-19 came up in the conversation. I told her that, as GOD's child, I put my trust in HIM and know in my heart that HE is mindful of me. I told her that all of this stuff with the virus will be handled by HIM in HIS good time and that I am not unduly bothered because HE knows that my heart belongs to HIM and that I depend on HIM. I told her that I have been walking with HIM long enough to know that HE will take care of me, come what may. She agreed wholeheartedly.

I told her that there is a lesson in the virus for all of us. You see, GOD can send one condition and have it teach each of us what we need to learn. Some of us need to learn to trust HIM, no matter what comes up; others may need not to lean on self so much and recognize that HE is GOD. Still, others may need to learn that above HIM, there is no other and that the world does not turn if HE should tell it not to! Now and then, man is made to recognize that no matter how powerful, how much money, how self-made you think you are, etc., it all hinges upon the will of GOD.

I gave her a good pep talk and she seemed very appreciative of it. She noticed the sign on my car when my husband arrived to pick me up and said that she would get one of my books because she loves Christian authors. I thanked her and went on my merry way. I mulled over in my mind a bit that you never know when you will get an opportunity to say a word of praise about GOD. I was glad that I did it and it was not planned either. It just came up and out.

I awoke this morning to the newscaster saying that Oxford is very close to a vaccine for Covid-19! There is a possibility that the vaccine may be ready as early as September! Now, now, now, don't get all excited, just watch the news and see if any mention is made of it. When that part of the newscast was over, I thought to myself, "Only GOD!" And I gave HIM thanks and I thought about the conversation that I had had with the young lady at the doctor's office earlier when I bragged on GOD.


In HIS Own Time 

GOD does things when

And how HE wants them done

No matter what say men

And I have learned to trust and

Wait on HIM because HE has shown

Me time and time that HE can.


And if Oxford does indeed turn up a vaccine

The whole world will rejoice

And will thank GOD with a united voice!©

(Based on Isaiah 14:7)


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