Tuesday, April 28, 2020

By Way of Galilee of the Gentiles

As a spiritual Jew, no man and no woman can make me believe that I am not worthy of the salvation of GOD, for "All have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD." That goes for you, too. If you have done or even thought some things that you ought not to have, ask forgiveness, and keep stepping for GOD or start stepping if you have not already done so.
I was reading in Isaiah this morning, and I had to read seven chapters before I could come up with what I thought it was saying and could grasp it well enough to try to present it to you. Four verses grabbed my attention after I had pondered over and tried to find a sub-point to pull out to stand with the main point that jumped out at me, which was the fact that Christ was coming to save GOD's people from their sins.

This morning, I read in Isaiah where

The coming of Christ was foretold

Because GOD's people needed to be

Saved from their sins

And I am so glad that the lovingkindness

Of GOD allowed me to be grafted in.

I, who was not a recipient of the glory

Of GOD, was allowed to become a partaker

Of the glory and salvation of my MAKER

And I, even I, get to tell my part of the story

Of how HE died on the cross

To save me and all others from being lost.©


Now, We Know

As surely as we try to do the right thing, something or someone will always come along and try to deter us from the job that we are intended to do. It might come in the form of discouragement, heartache, heartbreak, loss of job, etc. It might even be called Covid-19.

But when I read Isaiah 8:10, my hope grew

And my trust sprouted anew

Because disappointing the GOD, WHO, said

That HE would wipe every tear

Should be what I dread and fear

And not some virus from some laboratory

Of some man

Because verse 10 of Isaiah 8 tells me

"That no matter the plan

It will not be allowed to stand

Because I have given my allegiance to GOD

And, HE will be my sanctuary."©


So, though I do not know what tomorrow will bring, I do know WHO called me via the Gospel and has carried me through all of my yesterdays to such a degree that I know that HE cares for me and will carry me forth through "tomorrow." Be blessed.


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