We are mortal beings, so fear is a natural part of our recognizing that we are not invincible. And this is a fact that GOD knows because HE made us, and is acquainted with every facet of our being. But, the hard part is to keep that strong trust that we have in GOD, but that is such a necessary part. We have seen through previous teachings that GOD loves for us to have faith in HIM and to express that faith to our fellowman. (For a quick reference, read Hebrews, Chapter 11.)
In my reading in Joshua today, I see the LORD GOD showing us that HE notices all details and uses them for our good. In our narrative from Chapter 2, we find that the LORD used a harlot as a place of safety for HIS men who had been sent to spy out the land. You see where she hid the spies, and the reason she did so was of the fact that GOD had caused the events that HE had done for Israel against powerful kings and, of course, the event with Pharoah and the ancient Egyptians to come to her ears and it instilled fear for her life.
So, what Rahab did, was to tell the men that she had heard about all that GOD had done for Israel and knew that the land had been given into their hands. She asked in return for her hiding them and giving them a safe way out of the town of Jericho that when they came back to take the land, they save her, her brothers, sisters, etc. It makes for interesting reading; I can tell you because I only intended to read two chapters and had read three before I realized it.
Now, I want to make a quick point about something. You know, you can always count on people to go "Run and tell that," don't you? Uhm, hmm, but this time it worked right into GOD's plan. "How," you ask. Well, the one that ran and told the city's king about the spies, thought they were doing something against the spies, didn't they? Sure they did. But, what they didn't realize (just as Joseph's brothers didn't) was that GOD was already aware of what they were going to do before they did it. It's like this; GOD had already set HIS plan into motion, and nothing and nobody was going to be allowed to thwart it.
So, long story short, Rahab saved the spies and saved and blessed herself in the process, both long and short-term. How, by aligning herself with the people of GOD. That is why you will often see Christians, me included, staying in the battle and continuing the fight for the LORD. We know that if the LORD is on our side, everything is going to be all right. That is why I tell you to, "Put your mask on for practicality's sake and keep praying because everything is gonna be all right!"
Never, ever forget that where HIS children are concerned, GOD always has a plan, always. And what a WARRIOR and MIGHTY GOD HE is!!
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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