You didn't like it when you received a spanking as a child did you? And you don't like it when you have to punish your child, do you? No, you don't and neither does GOD. I was dumbfounded as I walked through Judges when I got to verse 16 of Chapter 10. Take a look at how this verse reads below and tell me if you are not dumbfounded, too.
New American Standard Bible - Judges 10:16
When I finished reading this verse, my soul rejoiced because I felt as if I had gotten to drink the juice from the fruit of GOD's lovingkindness one more time. You see, I remember when my Momma would have to spank me and she said that spanking me was going to hurt her as much as it was me. I remember thinking, "Yeah, right!" Of course, I did not dare verbalize what I thought or I would have gotten a much worse spanking.
So, when I read the part of the verse above that is in green, my mouth fell open and I immediately read it again. And then I looked at another translation to see if there were a misprint. And nope, the meaning was still the same. Then I said aloud to myself, "HE doesn't like it when HE has to punish us! It bothers HIM!..."
It took that verse for me to understand what my Momma meant all those years ago. And then, Y'all I remember that Bible verse that says:
2 Chronicles 7:14 - New American Standard Bible14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
(And yep, you are correct if you thought that I immediately thought about Covid-19. And then I thought about lessons that we needed to learn because lessons usually accompany occurrences like Covid-19. (just my opinion) But I remember that my Momma always told me that when the bottom fell out of my life to do like Job and pray and seek HIS face more than ever. That means to get closer to HIM than you have previously been and pray and wait and learn and pray and wait and learn and...
So, America, let's do just that. What I am saying is that if you did something wrong, thought something wrong, said something wrong, etc, and who hasn't; ask our FATHER for forgiveness right now. And then ask for deliverance from Covid-19 and the hatred. Did I just go there? I did indeed.
Hatred is wrong and it needs to be eradicated. That means all kinds of hatred. Hatred of:
- Police toward people of color
- Blacks toward Blacks
- Whites toward Whites
- Whites toward Blacks
- Blacks toward Whites
- All hatred must stop!
Tell our FATHER that you are sorry for all wrongs, ask for forgiveness, and then ask for deliverance from Covid-19. HE has said that if we do that, HE will heal our land(s). GOD wants us to come to HIM so that HE can wrap us in HIS love that is everpresent for us. AMERICA, DO IT TODAY! Numbers are going up again and that means that prayers need to skyrocket! You do not have to wait for a national day of repentance and prayer. It can begin with us. I did mine today, now dear friend, how about you? Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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