I took a quick thought from 2 Kings 3:17 and 18, and I'll read that verse to you.
17For thus says the LORD, 'You shall not see wind nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you shall drink, both you and your cattle and your beasts.
18'And this is but a slight thing in the sight of the Lord; He shall also give the Moabites into your hand.
In this text, you find that God's people and their animals are about to perish for lack of water, but after their prayer via Elisha, our GOD took care of the situation for them. And they were so amazed at the way HE did it. HE had them to dig trenches in the valley. And human nature being what it is, I'm pretty sure that there may have been someone there thinking that they did not see the need for digging trenches, that what they needed was water! Though there was no wind nor rain seen, GOD filled the trenches up with water. And they were so amazed by what God did that HE had Elisha to address that very fact by saying in so many words, "Oh, so you are amazed by the provision of the water? Why this is nothing but a little thing in the sight of GOD!" And then you can see that further down in the verse Elisha let it be known that there was an even greater thing that GOD was going to do for them.
And GOD, being ever-mindful of us, even back then, had the incident recorded for future believers (you and me) to get encouragement from. In other words, we don't have to worry about anything that's going wrong in the valleys that we may be traipsing through in our lives if we have given our all to HIM. HE knows everything that goes on in the lives of HIS children and especially those that are very faithful to HIM. So when you're having trouble like we are in this pandemic right now, just keep the faith because the GOD that you serve is legendary in that HE is known for coming to the aid of HIS people. It's like HE says, "No big deal, just a GOD thing."
But then HE does GOD stuff, and that's one of the numerous things that make me love HIM so much.
So, we need to not worry so much about things that may be going on in our lives, and to never forget that HE loves us with the greatest love of all. Remember this, Y'all. Our GOD's doing kind, loving, and compassionate things for us is just as natural as you doing something to take care of your babies and your children. That's the kind of God we serve!
Go ahead and read the last two verses in chapter 4 of 2 Kings; you will see that God always supplies more than enough for us just as you do for your children. Be safe.
One Last Thing
For the used-to-be-skeptics about the benefit of prayer, have you now found yourself just itching to get to a quiet place by yourself so that you could talk to the LORD, your FATHER? Uhm hmm, I told you! You are going to want to pray more because you are on your way to loving to pray. And yes, you will be watching and thinking and figuring about just how HE is going to solve the particular problem that you have presented to HIM. Don't forget to shout, "Hallelujah!" when HE comes through for you! That means brag on HIM; HE likes that, you know...
No matter what you are going through
Take it to your FATHER and HE will
Open doors and in general take care of you!©
Be safe.
Note: I have put the link to a video that I found inspiring this morning on my Twitter page. Go there and enjoy it.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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