Tuesday, September 29, 2020

And I Asked My FATHER

[caption id="attachment_2721" align="alignleft" width="300"] Words like showers, fall into my heart to be shared with you...[/caption]


You know, I was blown away, yet again this morning by the way that the LORD allowed my thoughts to flow as I walked along the well-worn path of the garden of HIS word. I am humbled and awed by the sweet aroma that wafts from the trees that I pass under as I walk through the leaves of the pages in GOD's book, the Bible. Only The MASTERMIND of all creation can create a vessel (me) and continue to finetune it over years of use. Only GOD, and as I have told you before, if I  live a hundred lifetimes, I could not tell all there is to tell about our amazing FATHER!

How Do You Know

Do you think that I love the LORD? If you said, "Yes," and why wouldn't you, then I have another question for you. What makes you think that I love the LORD? Your answer to the question just asked could be in the order of your saying that GOD is WHO I mostly talk and write about. And you would be correct. In other words, I showed you by my walk and by my talk how much I love the LORD GOD.

And I asked my FATHER to bless

Me in my endeavors so that

When I leave here to walk

These rocky shores no more

I will have left a little essence of myself

To help you, fellowman, make it o’er.©

(Thought taken metaphorically from Zechariah 10:1)


10 Ask rain from the Lord at the time of the spring rain—

The Lord who makes the storm clouds;
And He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field to each man.

A Question for You

Here is a question for you? What do you do to show and tell the world what GOD means to you? Nope, don't go there. You do not have to be a writer to showcase your love for GOD. You can do it by a myriad of other things. Think about what you love to do and think about how you can use that talent or hobby to let the world know about the greatest ASSET as a Christian that you have, the LORD GOD. Put your brain on it, okay?

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


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