Sunday, September 20, 2020



Yesterday, I was in the doctor's office for a routine visit when a lady that I did not know decided to strike up a conversation out of the blue. Of course, you know that these days the thing that complete strangers want to talk about if they are of a mind to talk is this pandemic thing. And true to form, that was what her opening remark was about. She mentioned the mask-wearing and wondered if we would ever get back to "normal" again.

Now while she addressed comments to the room in general, her eyes lit on and stayed on me. And ever cognizant of not leaving someone in a conversational lurch, I stepped in and commented when it began to be painfully obvious that nobody else was going to answer.

But, before I answered her, I noticed people shanking their heads and/or dropping their heads and drooping their shoulders with seeming weariness and discouragement. Well, being the teacher and soul-nurturer that I am, I smoothly stepped into the conversational void with comforting, soothing words.

Now, I had not planned to have a conversation much with anybody about this, so I do not recall my exact words, but the words that I addressed to the room-at-large went something like this:

"Yes, most places that you go, you will see people wearing masks because that is an easy enough thing that we can do to protect yourself and your fellowman." To that remark, someone sighed with seeming weariness, and I, with ever vigilence when it comes to tring to eradicate hopelessness and discouragement, said, "As far as normal, this is our normal that we live with right now. But I am not worried overmuch because I know WHO holds my hand and walks with me day by day, and I know that HE did not bring me thins far to leave me now. So, I put my little mask on when I have to go someplace and step on with GOD beside me."

And then I said, "You know, as Americans, GOD would not have allowed this country to become the great country that HE has, if HE were going to leave us now. We are a GOD fearing country with our belief in HIM written on our currency! So, I know that all we have to do is maintain our faith in HIM and continue to live for HIM, and HE will make everything all right.

By then, I had some murmurs of assent and I could see people hanging on to my every word with hungry ears. So, I mentioned the pandemic of 1918 and how HE tamed that disease that was walking this world just like this current pandemic is doing. I told her that I believed that HE wanted everybody to remember that we are all on this planet together and as such, hatred needs to be wiped out and brotherhood embraced.

I told them, you remember that there seemed to be words that could have possibly led to a nuclear war, but now we have all heas of countries with their sharpest minds working together to get a vaccine for this virus. You don't hear as much about how much better one place is over another. Everybody on this planet is working for and/or praying for a cure, and we all are turning to GOD more often during the day than was our usual tendency.

Folk, there was a general nodding of heads and a murring or assent. I ended my little impromptu speech with, "I know that I am my FATHER's child, so I leave it all in HIS hands because I know that HE cares for me. And I step on."

Y'all, there was a collective peace in that waiting room that you could almost cut with a knife. I dropped my head back to my IPad to finish playing my game, though I could feel eyes on me. But, before I could get back into my game, the nurse called my name to go in and see the doctor. I could feel every eyeball on me as I walked through the room and out of the door.

I wondered for a few seconds and forgot about it as I went on back to see the doctor. It only came back to me this morning as I read from Amos and composed a poem from my reading.   I hope that this blog has blessed you this Sunday morning; it has me by my remembering the impromptu conversation from yesterday.

In this pandemic time, if the LORD has ever brought you through, this is the time for you to tell sosmebody. There are people out there who may not have a story to tell about the GOD that we serve because they do not know HIM. This is the time for you to tell the world about your HELP!


It is not by the stamina of my little hand

That you see me continue to take my stand

But by the grace of God that I continue to make my trek

Though weary, across this land.

And you, just like me, have found

That people come and people go

As the faces change of the ones that

Get in line to take us down

Or keep us from reaching our goal

But we must ever look to the hills

The source of our help and

And keep on stepping down

The road of life, though sometimes

We may be forced to frown,

But not for long because we remember

Verses like Amos, Chapter 5, Verse eight

That call to mind that there is no need to

Worry about the whims of disease nor man,

But to remember that it is by


That we continue to stand

For HE holds light, healing, peace, you, and me,

In fact, this whole world in HIS hand.©



We must always remember to hold on to the source of our help, GOD. We have to keep our faith and continue to broadcast to all who will listen that GOD is able, and willing to take care of us because HE knows that we live and breathe by HIS good pleasure. Once again, I'm humbled and reminded that all of my hope comes from my HELP, GOD Almighty.

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


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