Thursday, September 17, 2020


[caption id="attachment_3445" align="alignleft" width="300"] Only GOD![/caption]

Good Thursday Morning.
What are the chances or the coincidence that the very thing that I talked with an acquaintance of mine about, who lives in Florida that I had not spoken with in several years, would be the main focus of my blog this morning? You might think that that is a plausible thing to happen, and you would be right. But what about the fact that we talked about the pandemic and the strange times in which we live? Talked about the fact that never in our lifetime had something like this happened, and we talked about the need to be ever ready in times such as these and the need to explain the significance of these times to our children. Okay, nothing really significant in that, but to get up this morning to read my Bible as is my custom, and to begin reading at Joel chapter 1 and the first three verses say exactly what my friend and I had talked about yesterday! My mouth fell open, and I thought, "What are the chances of that?!" And then I said to myself, "Only GOD can command our attention in such a way." Here is the passage of scripture:
Joel Chapter 1, Verses 1-3

The word of the Lord that came to Joel, the son of Pethuel:

Hear this, O elders,
And listen, all inhabitants of the land.
Has anything like this happened in your days
Or in your fathers’ days?
Tell your sons about it,
And let your sons tell their sons,
And their sons the next generation.

Only God can command conversational words and thoughts between two long lost friends to fall right in line with Biblical passages that are hundreds of years old, with that passage being my next reading choice (since I had already read Hosea) only God!

Now, if that doesn’t give you pause for thought and grab your attention, then I don’t know what will, my friends.


Another Attention Getter

HE has my stand-and salute-attention now

And my desire and my aim

Is to be even more steadfast as I move

Toward the conclusion of this life-game.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones





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