Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Just as the Children Knew

Just as the Children Knew

Just as the children knew

You do, too...

They knew that I loved them

And that I cared

Because in taking care of them

Nothing at my disposal was spared.

I went beyond the limits

That a teacher normally has

To touch their souls and teach

Their hearts that they could reach

Goals that seemed too high

For, I taught them to reach past the limits

That they thought life had set for them

And told them, instead, to

Develop new goals and

Give them a try...

I still remember the glow of accomplishment

That sparkled from their eye

When they succeeded at what they

Thought were lofty, impossible goals...

I remember that we started small

With something they had never done and just knew

That they could not do

I remember that sometimes the tears

Of frustration would arise

In their little eyes

But I kept telling them

"You can do it because I believe in you."

I learned that if you show a child love and care

And tell him/her that they can do something

That he just knows that he cannot

He will give it all he’s got

Because you said, "I believe in you,"

And with your prodding and smiling

That child will surprise others and himself, too

By doing the very thing that

He thought he could not do!

That principle works not only with children

But with adults as well

For as a preacher’s wife, when

It came to church work, ladies

Learned that putting the Lord first and

With gentle prodding behind

They could do things that they never had

And get enjoyment out of it, too!

And now, reader, my teaching task involves you

I am a Christian and you are as well

And by GOD’s grace, we can do anything

That we have to do.

So, dealing with this pandemic is tough, for sure,

But by each of us throwing whatever

Skills we have into the mix,

We can hang together

Until the scientists find a fix

On the road to a permanent cure.

My job right now is to keep

Your spirits up by using persuasion, hilarity,

And whatever I can, to remind you

That the Lord God will always see us through.

Bottom line, just as my children and

Some ladies knew that I cared,

My loving thoughts with you I have also shared

So that you too will know

And remember that this is a woman who cares

And I want you to pass the blessing forward

In whatever format you have

So that many others can be

Encouraged to continue onward

In faith, as we wait on our LORD.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


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