Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Holding on to My Joy


I am able to hold on to my joy

When I read scriptures like

Romans chapter 6 verse 23

That tell me that JESUS is coming back for me.

"For the wages of sin is death but the

Free gift of God is eternal life

in Christ Jesus, our Lord."

Scriptures like the one above

Tell me to keep working

In joy and love

Because JESUS is coming back for me.

Yes, payday is coming after a while

So it behooves each of us to behave ourselves

As if we are GOD’s child.

Yes, I get joy down in my soul

When I read of HIS coming back

Like the Bible has foretold

And I keep stepping with joy

Because Heaven is my goal.

So, fellowman, if you get

Discouraged from time to time

Just read the manual that GOD

Provided when HE chose us to employ

And hold on to that (Manual) Bible

Where we can hear JESUS say

"I will be coming back for you one day."

Y'all, that means that I will

Be lighter than air

And that I will ride the fluffy cloud

That grabbed my attention

As a child, by being so high up in the sky

It means that I will ride past all of the clouds

On my way to glory

Where I can rejoice and tell

All who will listen about how

Jesus wrote the end of all my heartache and pain

In short, I will get to skip

Around and tell my story

While shouting with glee,

"I made it in, Y'all; I made it

And that is payment enough

Because JESUS came back for me!©


Y'all, I took a bit of fanciful license with my poem, but the joy in it is sincere. We all know how jubilant we will be when we get home to Glory to GOD's Land and it finally hits us that this is as good as it gets! This is the be all end all and we don't have to worry about

  • shedding any more tears

  • something or somebody taking our joy because they are jealous because we are so happy

  • pain invading our body

  • the bills being due (light bill, heating bill, mortgage, rent, food bill, etc.)

  • disease attacking us (cancer, Covid-19, etc.)

  • leaving our youth behind

  • or any other worldly cares because we will be at home with JESUS in HIS Land!

In short, let me make a final bold point. Getting to go home with JESUS will be like every payday that you have ever had in your earthly life, every moment of joy, every smile...all wrapped in one, but even that does not compare! The LORD has said that it has not entered into the hearts of man the joys that the LORD has for those that love HIM! Now that, Y'all, says it all! Does it not? Don't you want to go? And that is one line I won't mind standing in, waiting for my name to be called.

Oh, and by the way, if you see something flit by you like a kangaroo, rabbit, joyful child, etc., that will be me...spreading my joyous smile while skipping for all of Heaven to see!


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones



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