Monday, December 14, 2020

Without Ceasing

Before the advent of the Covid-19, I marked the year by the yearly or seasonal events that occurred within it. But the year 2020 will be marked by the epidemic, and so too will 2021. "How," you ask. Well, we have been told that the vaccination process will be in full swing by then and that the fears of Covid-19 will be a thing of the past. I look forward to that time, don't you?

The poem below is how I looked at a year according to seasonal happenings in a normal year. And below it, in green type, is a poem about the way I look at the advent of Spring in 2021.

Voracious Appetite

I was excited this year when Spring first arrived

Along with the usual signs of Spring

The songbirds, the robins and baby birds

With tiny voices filling the air with

Their wee-throated chirping

Oh, and lest I forget, there is that

Dreaded annual termite swarming.

That swarm is not something that

Any homeowner wants to ever see

Well, guess what folks, the homeowner

Who saw them this time happened to be me.

Was I happy to see the winged insects whose voracious

Appetite could damage or bring my home down around me

My answer to that needless query is a resounding, “No siree!”

Had to find capital for the depleted till

So that I could pay the exterminator’s bill!

Did I allow this latest sign of Spring

To take my Spring found joy away from me

No, not me, no, siree

Because when I looked out of my window

I found, with joy,  that the hummingbird family

Having made another pilgrimage back to me

Was flying around for all to see.

Now, you know I would not be me if I

Did not make an application to the Lord by

Using this poem that I just wrote to prod

Us onward in our quest to please our God

Would that we be like the termite and the hummingbird

And feed with relentlessness upon the Written Word

And share the news with our fellowman because it

Would be the best sharing that they had heard

Yes, siree!© (Chopping My Row)


Look at the last verse of this poem. You can see that the writer likens our sharing the goodness of God to, being prepared by being Bible well-read. This preparation allows us to be the vessel by which our acquaintances can be fed.


The Advent of Spring 2021

I am looking forward to 2021 and the advent of spring

And along with it, the eradication of COVID-19

For due to the vaccines, that virus will

No longer be around to be alarming

Though there will still be the annual termite swarming

And other signs of spring mentioned in the poem above

But there won’t be any COVID-19

Because GOD will have saved us because of HIS love.

Yes, the sweet little hummingbirds

Will be welcomed, as before

But there will be no COVID-19

To keep me inside of my home's door.

And just as the termites and hummingbirds

Seem to feed without ceasing

I, as a COVID-19 survivor, will

Offer prayers of thanksgiving

To GOD without ceasing!©



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


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