Monday, June 28, 2021

Maintaining Hope

 Never forget that Matthew 19:26 says that “All things are possible with GOD.”

Hold on to that thought as you look toward the future with...

GOD has carried us far; let’s remain one nation under HIM as we (people of all colors) pray for the situation in Florida. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

I’m Struggling

 This is a conversation that I had with a friend of mine recently.

“OK you go weekly. Stop that... I know that sounds harsh, but when I lost my Momma, I went to her grave every day that GOD sent. And I was just as torn up everyday. THEN, I had a friend who told me words to the effect of what I just said to you. She was a Christian woman and she told me that my Momma was not in that grave anyway. She told me that only her body was there, anyway. Then I started crying and said to her, but that's my Momma! And yes I was crying loudly when I said that. She told me that my Momma would not want me making myself sick with stress by visiting her gravesite every day.

Sweetie, then she said something that shocked me down to my toes! And you know what it was? She told me that she was a grief counselor and that in her training class, they were taught to teach the grieving not to visit the gravesite but once a year, maybe twice! I was shocked and angry because she didn't understand because we were talking about my Momma!

She hung right with me and never missed a beat and said, ‘Yes, I know that was your Momma, but if you don't stop going to that grave every day, you will NEVER get better.’ I was shocked and mad at her; then she softened her tone and quietly told me that each time I went to her gravesite, I was rubbing salt in an open wound. She told me that each time I went, I was waking the pain back up, thereby never giving it time to heal. I didn't believe her and was mad at her, but her next words stopped me. 

She told me that in a year when I went back to the gravesite, the pain would come back for a little while but not nearly as bad as it had been and would last only a few days. And she told me not to feel bad or ashamed when in a few days, I actually laughed out loud with joy about something. 

I was still mad at her, but she said, stay away for a week and see if you don't start to feel better? 

Yes, my child, she was right. At the end of that week I told her that she was right. She said, “I don't know why it works that way, but it does and that is the way that grief counselors tell us in class.”

 She never said another word to me about that, but I saw the care of GOD in giving me a friend who later became a grief counselor. No, I never went to a grief counselor because GOD sent one to me in the person of one of my best friends. And I know HE knew how much my Momma meant to me because we did everything together and discussed everything and I do mean everything! And that's why I think HE had a good friend of mine to become a grief counselor years before I lost my Momma and I didn't even know this friend of mine was one, but GOD did. You see, HE knew that one day on down through the years that Alma, HIS little child, was going to need a strong but friendly grief counselor. And I saw GOD's love wrapping HIS arms around me through that best friend of mine that HE had prepared years earlier. I saw this as a way HE was letting me know, ‘I've got you; I see your pain and I'm helping you.’ And every since then, I've continued to walk with HIM; I've continued to trust HIM. 

I thought at the time then nothing else in this world could hurt me worse, but you, my darling, have had the worst thing to happen to you because you have lost a child. 

I want you to remember something that you taught your baby when she was little. Remember when she would get a sore that scabbed over and you had to tell her that her sore would never heal if she did not stop picking the scab off. Well, baby, you cannot keep ripping the scab from your grief wound.  You gotta let it go. You gave her the best years that you could, so much so that you did everything that you could together. But you've got to let go because if you don't, you're going to destroy yourself. 

Every time you go back to the grave you are ripping that scab off that sore again. I know this sounds tough and hard but it's not honey, it's just necessary and you have to let go baby you have to let go because you have to heal and that is what your daughter would want for you. 

If you have to scream in your house then scream, but  don't go back to the gravesite. Just like a sore time will heal it if you stop picking the scab from it. 

And yes, I know you know that you might be going along in your kitchen doing your chores, and get hit with this wave of grief so large that you ball up and just cry, but when the crying spell is over, you will go on until you get the next crying spell. You'll find that your crying spells will happen less and less and of shorter duration. One day you'll go maybe a whole day without crying and then one day you might find yourself belly-laughing about something only to feel guilty about laughing.  But the grief counselor had already told me that I might do that, so I started reading up on grief and found as I read up on it, that it is a part of the grief process to feel guilty for laughing because it's like their life is ended and you don't have a right to laugh anymore. But, yes you do, because your soul is healing and your daughter would want you to heal, just like I want you to heal and you know she would. 

 And don't get mad at me because I told you not to go to the gravesite. I'm just telling you what my grief counselor told me and it helped me with my grief.

GOD bless you and I'll see you this week to wrap you in my arms.”

That is a part of the conversation that I had this week with a grieving mother who is dear to me. If there are those among my readers who are in similar straits, it is my wish that you be comforted with these words as time works it’s healing magic through the providence of GOD.

Alma L. Carr-Jones Author of Get Yourself Up and Chopping My Row 

Friday, June 18, 2021

As Best I Can

 I’m living my life as best I can

As I day by day write and speak

Encouragement to my fellowman

Trusting in YOU, FATHER for the 

Carrying forth of YOUR plan 

As my faith is built into a

Mustard tree that sits atop a mountain 

For all who will to shelter and rest

Under its span.©️

Jesus said, “How shall we picture the kingdom of God, or by what parable shall we present it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the soil, though it is smaller than all the seeds that are upon the soil, yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and forms large branches; so that the birds of the air can come and nest under its shade.” (Mark 4:30-32) (

Be blessed as you digest this blog today.

In HIS service,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Friday, June 11, 2021

Shifting Gears

 Been traveling this road for many years

Gauging my steps and shifting my gears

Sometimes with a smile and 

At other times with tears

Yet, come what might 

I will continue my work

And persevere in my fight

Until I reach the end of my road

Where Heaven’s greeters shall lift

My last earthbound load.©


Sometimes, the simple words of a small poem capture the essence of the moment best.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Beauty from Ashes

To the “chosen vessel” Isaiah 61:3 (NASB)

“Weeping may endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

So, if you are a vessel that is being fired with finishing touch heat, hold on and know that for a special purpose, you have been crafted. Prepare to step into the slot for which you have been formed. Though you think you walk alone, not so, for YOUR MAKER holds your hand. Just know that just like the Phoenix, “beauty will rise from your ashes of grief and disillusionment” as you walk in accomplishment and peace. Why? Maybe, just maybe you are deemed “ready for The MASTER’s use.” Peace be with you as you realize your true purpose and worth.

To the opposing camp of “a chosen vessel”

You have to be cognizant of WHO crafted the vessel in the first place, now don’t you? 

You have to remember that if GOD crafted a vessel just so, with the fires of life at given temperatures, HE has an ultimate purpose in mind and no purpose of GOD ALMIGHTY can be thwarted. If you are of the opposing camp (whether you know it or not) understand that “a chosen vessel" comes forth as pure gold to “rise to the occasion,” and woe to the man who obstructs his work or his path. 

A Word to the Wise - Don’t be so stuck on a vessel that you miss the message therein.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Saved More Than Once

 They did this

But GOD said...

And they did that

But GOD said...

And we, the people, did what?

We kept right on praying!

Bottom line is Romans 8:31 (KJV)

“If GOD is for us, then who can be against us?”

Recent studies have shown that 55% of Americans engage in daily prayer; we have been saved by prayer more than once, so let’s get the numbers up, people! 

Have you said your prayer today

Did your children see you bow

Your knees today

For you will be teaching them a helping skill that

Lasts life long, when you teach them to bow and  pray.©

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Layers of an Onion

 As I live and breathe

I know

That GOD will provide

And I know that “all things

Work together for good

Because I love the LORD.”(Romans 8:28)

 I have talked to you about something similar to this before and but I felt the need to reiterate this morning. There is so much negativity everywhere we turn today, what with the cyber criminal activity with reference to gas shortage, food shortage, hate mongers, or what-have-you. So, I just wanted to remind us all that we walk by faith and not by sight. That means that even when your world stops making sense and most every story on the news seems to be a doom and gloom type, don’t despair. I want to remind you that we have the Most Powerful GOD there is as Our FATHER. 

So, don’t you give up

Don’t you dare

Because GOD has shown us through

The gift of JESUS that about you and me

HE does care.


America, trouble can be likened to an onion. It seems sometimes to peel off layer after layer, doesn’t it? Making you cry all the while, right? But, when heat is applied to it, the tears go away and we gobble it up stronger for having stood the stench and the tears. 

I like to think that GOD supplies the heat to the onion of trouble and makes it work out for our good! Does it get tough sometimes? Yes, America, it does. But, if we keep our hearts and minds stayed on JESUS, HE will handle all. And make no mistake about it; when the layers of a particular onion of trouble are peeled back, the knowledge within will be astounding! (You will be able to throw out the rotten parts found within and reap sweet rewards for withstanding the tears!)

Look at Pharaoh, Hitler, or any number of would-be-dictators that have come through time and what do you see? You see men who have paid the ultimate price because they would not recognize the Sovereignty of GOD and HIS Supreme Power! 

America, as long as we remain a Christian nation and be filled with love, not hate, we will, I say, “We will be okay.” And that’s all I have to say about this particular onion of trouble.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Know Who You Are

 Know who you are, friend

Know who you are

And don’t let the clamoring 

Of the masses cause you to sin.

Know who you are, friend

Know who you are

For the time will come when

The days of living in this world

Will end and the books 

Will be opened 

And you will be glad that you chose 


So, when the clamor of the crowds

Beats like an incessant drum

And you can scarce hear because 

Of the crowd’s discordant tone

Just remember who you are

And let the crowd hear your hum.©️