Tuesday, December 7, 2021

9 Books and Counting

 I posted this several years ago and thought it was prudent to repost today. 

12/5/15, 4:21 AM

She was told that a goal was set for her

And she came to believe it

Then with determination

And bulldog tenacity

She labored to achieve it.

It has been said, "Children learn what they live." That is a true statement for I am an example of it.

Folks, I will not pester you with my blog posts, unnecessarily. It just so happens that I have been inspired tremendously two days in a row, so I took the liberty of reposting my blog from today.

As a child, it was drilled into me to be kind to others. I was told that Jesus liked and expected it. Okay, so I practiced being kind and as a result, I am a kind adult. 

Another case in point, I had a geometry teacher who was very strict. I don't know who she thought I was, but she saw something in me that I did not fully know was there. She told me repeatedly and told the class too, that I was very smart, but that I was lazy. Folks, this was a unified geometry class! I resented her making that statement and calling me lazy. I resented her thinking I was not doing all that I could in my work in her class. I remember thinking, "I don't know who she thinks I am, but I am giving this class all that I have." Well wouldn't you know it, as a result of her statement, some of my classmates started to ask me questions about some of the theorems, postulates, etc. and I endeavored to answer. It came to be that whenever the "smartest" people in the class were trying to come up with an answer to something and couldn't agree, they always, somehow included me. I remember one time specifically that we were having a similar discussion and I was asked for my input, which I gave. I was ridiculed and laughed to scorn about my answer. When our teacher came into the room, I was in tears saying how I never said I was smart and saying that they asked me what I thought and I told them. We had all gotten quiet when the teacher entered. She asked what all of the arguing was about and the "smartest" girl said that we were having a discussion about a correct way to apply, whatever. (Have to forgive me here because I do not even remember what point was being argued.) Anyway, you know it, it turned out that I was right. The "smartest" girl argued with the teacher about how "she" (meaning me) could be right. Yeah, folks she was looking at my outside trappings and not listening to what I was saying because she thought nothing good could come out of me, surely. I still laugh about that sometimes today, but I took a big lesson with me from that point on in my life. I realized that while I might not be the "sharpest crayon in the box", I could hold my own. I took on a new respect for that geometry teacher and for myself. Of course, I realize now, that the Lord had a hand in the whole proceedings.

So, what did I do with the lesson that I learned? I kept it in my heart and used it to nurture my spirit when I finally made it to college and was thrown in with, what to my mind, were "great brains." I held my own in most college classes and sometimes led the discussion. And that is not all that I did with the lesson that I learned, I used that same tactic with my kids in my classes when I became a teacher. And you know what, it worked! I had my children bemoaning the fact that they had me for a teacher at the beginning of the year, only to thank me profusely at the end of the year for a challenging class and for teaching them to think. I set high expectations for them, told them they could do it repeatedly and they did! And get this, by the end of the year, they were challenging me! They would beg me for something challenging, projects, etc. That's a laugh! 

I recall reading somewhere of a Carpenter who was not deemed "good enough" to be listened to. And where is He today? Sitting on the right hand of His FATHER, in preparation of returning to get His church.

If you have a persistent dream to do something and it will not go away, put the Lord in front of you, lean on Him and reach for your dream. Who knows, may be meant to be.

About children, they can and will learn whatever we teach them and push them toward, be it academic excellence, love or hate.

Lastly, you "Can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens you." Do it and do it to His glory! 

I did

I do

And will continue.

Doing What I Can, While I Can

Alma Jones

What else did I do with the lesson that I learned that day, why I'm sharing it with you. (Smile)

Posted by Alma Jones at 4:43 AM   Links to this post  

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