Yesterday was Mother’s Day and it was bittersweet because, though I received calls, texts, and gifts a plenty from my husband and my children, I missed my Momma, so I did a tribute poem in her memory which I have included below. And while my missing her is ever with me, I talk (in the poem) about how she equipped me to stay in the vineyard and keep working for the LORD come what may. (cont. tomorrow)
She taught me to read my Bible and pray
And I used that teaching on yesterday
To get me through the pain of missing her
And did a bit of teaching as I reminded
Everyone that life, death, life is the way
That Our lives have been set up by GOD
Thus saying that losing mothers and other loved ones
Is just our life’s process
And if we maintain our trust in Him
At the end of life, we will be blessed.
Here is the poem from yesterday:
GOD’s Way
Another Mother’s Day with my Momma gone
But that has to be okay
Though that is a hard thing for me to say
Yet, she prepared me as best as she could
For her departing day
So that I could be reunited with her
When I reached the end of my life’s way.
She planted the seeds of faith in me
About her loving GOD’s way
When I was just a child
And she nurtured and watered the seeds
And watched me grow in them while
I fed from the plants as I had need.
My Momma, with her infinite love
Prepared me for my lonely walk
A walk that I would embark upon
When she, alas, was gone
And I, her baby, would be forced to walk alone.
I no longer cavort with a child’s carefree glide
But now walk with a wounded, battle-hardened soldiers stride
Determined to see my Momma again
When I am called to my eternal home
(Based on Psalm 78:6-7.)
Saying Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and offering this poem as a tribute to my Momma (R.I.P.)
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