Monday, November 20, 2017

I Don't Get It

People often say, "I don't understand," when situations don't turn out the way they thought they would or when people don't react the way they thought they should. There are times that I say to myself and to certain others, "That does not compute." That is my way of saying, "But that does not make sense." What I really mean is that a given reaction is beyond my comprehension.  And it is certainly not something that I would entertain doing. But, you know, there are things in everyone's life that, at some point, fall into a similar light.

Think about It

I had a friend who used to use the phrase, "I don't get it," anytime somebody did something without thinking it through (or even thought about doing it).  She considered all such thoughts and actions as foolhardy. This was her way of saying that every negative thing done has a negative reaction. She was a big proponent of think before you act.

Serving the Lord might fall into that light, according to some people's thinking. You don't think so? Well, we all know the story of Abraham. He was told to take His son to a place of sacrifice and offer him to the Lord. Abraham had to act on faith without doubting. Most of us would have been thinking "I don't understand or that does not compute." But Abraham did what he was bid and made a place for himself in biblical history. He is known as the father of the faithful to this day.

So, Too

So, too, must we in this Christian walk of faith. We must remember that the Lord says in Isaiah 55:8, "My thoughts are not your thoughts. neither are your ways my ways." We just have to walk by faith in the paths that the Lord leads us to and secure our blessings. So, the next time that you get ready to say, "But, I don't understand or it doesn't make sense, remember that by man's way of thinking:

  • It didn't make sense to take an already outnumbered army (Israel's enemies 135,000 to 32,000 Gideon's men) and whittle them down to three hundred men

  • It didn't make sense for a little boy to think that he was going to take down a well-trained, battle-hardened soldier of over 6.6 to 9 feet tall (I used that measurement because scholars can not agree as to what his actual height was.)

God Does

There are accounts too numerous to name of such instances in the Bible. So let us all just remember that we don't have to get it, God does.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Jones

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