Monday, December 4, 2017

Blown Away

[caption id="attachment_929" align="alignnone" width="185"] Did I just read what I thought I did about my book? Huh?[/caption]

"I was blown away by that..." We have heard that phrase used with regards to several things in life. And we know that the use of that phrase means that someone was really touched and impressed by whatever they are speaking of. Right?

Uhm hmm-m, well I had that phrase used about something that God had allowed me to do. That something was writing and publishing my book, Chopping My Row. I must say that using the gifts that God has given me, I have managed to make people's mouths gape open a time or two in my life. But, it was usually in reference to an oration that I was doing. If you cannot tell, I am starting to be wowed, now.

See What God Has Done

He has taken me up on my word and has allowed me to rise to a higher mountain. What do I mean by that? Well, read on, and I will tell you. Back in 2011, I told the Lord that I loved Him so much that I would stand on top of the tallest mountain in the world and tell of His love for mankind and my love for Him. Then, I told Him that since I could not get to K2, Mount Everest, or one of the other disputed tallest mountains, I would shout my love from the tallest mountain in my world, instead. So, I started writing my blog, hmm, about two to three times a month. It soon escalated to two times a week to finally culminate in my blogging daily.

But He Didn't Stop There

He allowed me to author five books, of which Chopping My Row, is the most recent. Yesterday, a lady asked me what the name of my next book was going to be. Yes, I was shocked, but over the years I have learned not to show that I have been shocked. I told her the name of the book. Then she asked me how I came to choose that particular title for my next book. I explained my choice of title just as I am doing for you. (Later that night and today it hit me that this lady had been thinking about my book that she had just finished. That was why she asked me the questions that she did. Wow, y'all!)

The title, by the way, will be "The Tallest Mountain in My World." Yes, you can surmise how I came up with that title if you look back at paragraph three. I see the hand of God all over this new book as I do in my life. And you can tell that I acknowledge Him by the title that I gave my second book of inspirational verse, "DEI sub Numine Viget," which is Latin for "Under God's Spirit She Flourishes." That is another way of saying I do what I do, not by my power, but by the power of God.

I Remember

Being questioned about my next book made me remember back when I was a little girl, and some of my friends would ask me when I was going to finish a certain story or write another one.  I did not know then, that the hand of God was upon me and that He was preparing me for what I would do much later in my life. Yes, preparing me to write inspirational books for Him! Now, I, am blown away! Told you back in the second paragraph that I was beginning to be wowed, well, it is now full-blown!

So, I Invite You

You, dear friend, are invited to go along with me for the inspirational journey that God has planned for me. In conclusion, it promises to be exciting and fulfilling, I think. Wow!

To GOD be the glory

Forever, as I write my books

And tell my story.

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